Stress Relief (silent)
Jenny Ngo
Release stress and overwhelm with Quantum Healing energies ($18 value!)
Quantum D
Dorota Rozmus
Music and voice toning for deep relaxation & healing
I AM a Magnet to Money Attunement
Eva Marquez
Connect to the abundant Universe and attract what you want into your life!
Cerato Flower - Builds Trust
Jill Mattson
Cerato frequency gets rid of feelings of self-doubt and creates self-trust
Removing of Negative Energies-silen
Jenny Ngo
Be free from negative forces interfering with you, your loved ones & your home!
Holiday Spirit Jingle
Jenny Ngo
Frequencies to ease holiday stress and rock the holiday spirit!
DNA Reprogramming
Kana Koinuma
Clear subconscious programs that no longer serve you
1-Energize your Telomeres
The Stargate Experience
Frequencies to strengthen & lengthen your telomeres!
Divine Timing
Rob Duvall
Align and transform the Now moment to a higher Divine plan
Forgiveness, Love & Happiness-music
Jenny Ngo
Embody unconditional love, forgiveness and happiness of your True Essence
Thoughts Meditation
Steven North
Clear your energetic systems with AA Metatron & crystalline frequencies
Pure Mind
Dorota Rozmus
Calm & purify your mind & body with Light and sound language
Calling in your Soulmate
Kimberly McGeorge
Resonate with the right frequencies to attract who & what you desire
I Am Good Enough
Matt Andrews
A group call with meditative Light Language to overcome not feeling good enough
The Infinite Possibilities of Wealth
Macaya Miracle
A 10th Dimensional Wealth Attunement to clear resistance to abundance
Clear & Reset Personal Energy
Rob Duvall
Recall the parts of your energy that have become entangled with others
Harmony, Peace and Love
Jenny Ngo
Helps release negative energies for more peace and harmony ($33 value!)
Clear Guilt & Shame
Rife Miracle
Healing frequencies to clear the burden of guilt & shame
Youthful Body & Vitality
Rob Duvall
Light language to restore vitality and manifest a more youthful body
432 Hz - Love & Harmony
Rife Miracle
Enjoy calmness, increased perception & mental clarity
Regeneration & Rejuvenation
Karen Kan
Regenerate and rejuvenate all your organs, glands, cells & systems ($75 value!)
Chronic Fatigue
Rife Miracle
Enjoy more energy & ease chronic fatigue with Rife frequencies
Experience a Dimensional Portal!
The Stargate Experience
Connect with angels, ascended masters and beings from other star systems
Divine Balance
Kimberly McGeorge
Balance and bring in the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energy
STOIM Meditation
Karen Kan
Learn STOIM - for instantaneous calm, peace, and stillness
Frankincense & Violet Light
Rob Duvall
Enjoy the frequencies of frankincense to connect with higher spiritual realms
Clarity LL
Matt Andrews
Light language to gain mental clarity, peace and intuitive knowing ($27 value)
Gentian - Builds Trust
Jill Mattson
Frequencies to loosen & clear doubt and to build trust
The Gall Bladder
Jill Mattson
Tune your gall bladder with vibrational frequencies & healing subtle energies!
Cutting Cords & Clearing Entities
Shelley Esler
Cut and clear everything that's not in your life for your highest good!
A Forgiveness Prayer With Kuan Yin
Laura Hosford
Liberate yourself of judgement and receive the light of compassion!
3-Energize your Stem Cells
The Stargate Experience
Frequencies to revitalize your stem cells!
DNA Healing
Rife Miracle
Heal DNA damage & distortions with Rife frequencies
Your Love & Money Advisors
Jenny Ngo
Ushers in the highest possible Love and Money advisors for you! ($33 value!)
The Physical Creation of Wealth
Macaya Miracle
A 3rd Dimensional Wealth Attunement to increase your wealth vibration
Firm Eyelids
Rife Miracle
Lift & firm droopy eyelids with Rife frequencies
Matt Andrews
Light language to manifest outcomes that align with your happiness ($27 value!)
Purpose - Light Language Group Call
Matt Andrews
Light Language to help you express yourself with authentic confidence & purpose
Tune Out Interference
Rob Duvall
Release energetic hooks and repeating thoughts and behaviors
Removing of Negative Energies-music
Jenny Ngo
Be free from negative forces interfering with you, your loved ones & your home!
Sandy Feet ~DNA Dreams
Jill Mattson
Revitalize your body with cell-nourishing frequencies!
Light Worker
Dorota Rozmus
Receive healing & light-sound language from your Galactic Light Family
Ascension Activation - Shift from 3d to 5d
Vandana Atara Aura
Unplug from the 3D matrix of fear & separation and ascend to peace & 5d healing
Being Light Hearted
Matt Andrews
Relax into the expansive experience of an authentic loving heart connection
Letting Go
Christine Day
Pleiadian energies to release guilt, shame, anger, fear, pain & more
Discover Sound Healing
Dawn Crystal
Experience the soothing Angelic sounds channeled through Dawn Crystal's voice...
Appreciating Money
Matt Andrews
Release limiting beliefs & energetic resistance to manifesting money!
Filling With Pure Peace & Stillness
Michelle Carter
High-frequency Pure energies to calm & still your mind ($22 value!)
Vibration of Your Smile
Dorota Rozmus
Learn to create your vibration, your sound of peacefulness within ($15 value!)
Heart of the Magdalene
Kana Koinuma
Tune into the Heart of Mary Magdalene for love, strength & wisdom
The Spleen
Jill Mattson
Tune your spleen with healing frequencies & vibrational tones!
New Moon Healing Activation
Jennifer Escalera
Activates your root chakra for balance, safety, grounding; anchors your energy
Love Being in Your Body
Rob Duvall
Feel safe & empowered being in physical form
Love Unconditional
Kimberly McGeorge
Activate self love so you can let in the sweetness of all life has to offer
No Fear
Kimberly McGeorge
Eliminate your fears during any situation - multiple frequencies & processes!
Energy Uplift
Jenny Ngo
Uplift your spirit and enhance relaxation ($33 value!)
Peace and Harmony
David Adelson
Surround yourself with peace and harmony - Dissolve stress - anger - tension
Gem of Awakening
Debbi Adams
Light up your energy centers in these sacred gemstones of illumination
Birthing the Sacred Heart
Christine Day
Manifest your Heart's Desire for your life now!
Steven North
Soothe pain with calming water and frequencies of selenite, quartz & 2.5 hz
Endocrine System Balance
Rife Miracle
Balance your hormones & endocrine system with Rife frequencies
Fruit of Life
Tamra Oviatt
Balance and cleanse your chakras ($20 value!)
The Gratitude Prayer
Laura Hosford
Surrender into this moment with gratitude reclaiming your divine soul truth
5D Energy Boost FREE Healing
Macaya Miracle
Get a boost of energy from the 5th dimension ($49 value!)
Hayatti Rahgeni
Charge your water with frequencies of self-love, self-forgiveness & confidence!
Happy Prance - DNA Dreams
Jill Mattson
Revitalize your body with cell-nourishing frequencies!
Energetic Reset
Judy Browne
A journey of self discovery: receive a Heart Transmission on a crystal bed
Strong Bones
Rife Miracle
Strengthen your bones with Rife frequencies
Healing with Archangel Michael
Kana Koinuma
Receive extra strength and courage from AA Michael
Jill Mattson
Helps open your mind to greater possibilities
Program the Morphic Field for Work
Macaya Miracle
A 6th Dimensional Wealth Attunement to manifest your wealth intentions
Experience the Sacred Song of Wealth
Macaya Miracle
A 7th Dimensional Attunement to pattern your field for wealth
Karma Cleanse
Shelley Esler
Clear everything -- mental, emotional, or physical -- that's holding you back!
Release Post-Traumatic Stress
Rob Duvall
Light Language to release the layers of past trauma to reveal a new state of JOY
Anger and Resentment Towards God
Tamra Oviatt
Release your fears and angers, and reconnect to the Divine ($20 value)
Hayatti Rahgeni
Experience peace mentally and emotionally ($13 value!)
Removing of Negative Energies pkg
Jenny Ngo
Be free from negative forces interfering with you, your loved ones & your home!
Infinite Love Infusion for Wealth
Macaya Miracle
A 5th Dimensional Wealth Attunement to use love for receiving money
The Grounding Attraction of Wealth
Macaya Miracle
Enjoy this 1st Dimensional Wealth Attunement to activate & receive abundance
Chemtrail Detox
Rife Miracle
Clear your body of chemtrail toxins with Rife frequencies
Sleep Through the Night
Rob Duvall
Stay asleep longer and release imbalances to improve sleep quality
Kimberly McGeorge
Deprogram limiting beliefs so you can manifest ANYTHING now!
2-Energize your Mitochondria
The Stargate Experience
Frequencies to revitalize your mitochondria!
Expanding Heartspace
Lanna Spencer
A holographic energy activation for heart awakening ($50 value!)
Winners & Champions
David Adelson
Season-long losing ended playing this over the speakers in a soccer stadium
The Infinite Creation of Wealth
Macaya Miracle
A 12th Dimensional Wealth Attunement to increase creative powers for abundance
285 Hz - Tissue Regeneration
Rife Miracle
Boost your immune system & heal injuries, damaged tissue and organs
Sceranthus - Improve Decision-Making
Jill Mattson
Flower essence frequencies & healing crystals embedded in enchanting music
Yellow Ray: Wisdom & Understanding
Jill Mattson
Energies of the Yellow Ray from Archangels and Ascended Masters
Elemental Codes
Jamye Price
Enjoy this free sample of the Elemental Codes Light Language
Money Miracle Manifestor
Jenny Ngo
Energies to manifest money miracles! ($55 value!)
Forgiveness Frequency
Dorota Rozmus
Activation for teaching your mind to allow forgiveness
Rife Miracle
Rife frequencies to balance estrogen levels in women
Meditation Sound Mastery
Judy Browne
Powerful healing with harmonic crystal tones and sound bath frequencies
Ave Maria
Kana Koinuma
Experience the loving presence of Mother Mary
Moving Past Regret
Rob Duvall
Release feelings of regret and attachment to events from the past
Sacred Sound Healing
Jennifer Escalera
Crystal bowl tones clear your solar plexus to bring harmony & inner peace
Infinite Expansion
Kana Koinuma
Angelic Light Codes to open your heart & soul to unlimited potential & expansion
Releasing Influence Glimmers
Chameice Daniel
Release all contracts, vows, hooks, etc from your mind, body & spirit
The Galactic Synchronicity of Wealth
Macaya Miracle
A 9th Dimensional Wealth Attunement to create new abundance opportunities
Opening Up to Your Divine Factor
Christine Day
Expand your thyroid's crystalline energy to align with your divinity
Healing with AA Uriel
Kana Koinuma
Get financial support from AA Uriel
Feather Stream ~ DNA Dreams
Jill Mattson
Revitalize your body with cell-nourishing frequencies!
Self Devotion
Christine Day
Frequencies for self acceptance and self love
Healing the Brain
Christine Day
Powerful Pleiadian transmission to help heal brain/nervous system dysfunction
The Reinstatement of Your Wealth
Macaya Miracle
A 4th Dimensional Wealth Attunement to align your wealth timeline
Filling with Pure Love
Michelle Carter
Powerful filling with Pure Love - You need love energy to attract love!
Filling with Pure Light
Michelle Carter
Powerful Filling with Pure Source Light - A must have for everyone!
Relax within Trust
Dorota Rozmus
Go into the vibrational state of being safe & peaceful w/ Dorota's voice toning
Secure Realm
Kimberly McGeorge
Stop others' energies from affecting your emotions & energy field! ($29 value)