Regeneration & Rejuvenation

Karen Kan


Regenerate and rejuvenate all your organs, glands, cells & systems ($75 value!)

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Full Description

Dr. Karen's Regeneration and Rejuvenation audio MP3 contains voice, gentle music and TOLPAKAN(TM) Healing frequencies to activate your body, mind & soul's innate abilities to regenerate and restore itself to full and optimal balance.

Anyone listening to this MP3 who wishes to be attuned to TOLPAKAN(TM) Healing will be attuned automatically.

With practice you will be able to "command" your own regeneration and rejuvenation even without the assistance of the MP3!

How to Use

Listen to this MP3 once a day before bedtime for optimal results or any time you feel you need a boost.

Pay attention to your body while listening so that you know what it "feels" like during the regeneration process.

Eventually after about 40 hours of use, you will completely attuned to its energies and will be able to direct regeneration to yourself without even needing the MP3.

The key is to pay attention to your body and how it feels during the regeneration process.


Avoid listening while driving or operating heavy machinery. Use no more than twice a day when first beginning to avoid detoxification symptoms. Drink plenty of pure water during the daytime to facilitate the regeneration and rejuvenation process.


Dr. Karen's Regeneration and Rejuvenation.mp3


$75       FREE

"My toxic liver healed!"

"Because I'd been taking anti-anxiety medication for many years, my primary care doctor did some routine blood tests and found that my liver enzymes were through the roof. There was no way I could get off those medications quickly without a slow taper, so to say I was worried was an understatement! Dr. Karen calmly told me that we could focus healing on my liver and within a couple weeks, my repeat liver function tests were dramatically better. After three healing sessions, they were back to normal and I had a 'happy' liver. My primary care physician was baffled about the improvement because I hadn't decreased my medication yet and I just told him that Dr. Karen and I 'healed my liver' using energy healing! If he ever needed proof that this healing stuff works, this was it! I put my trust in Dr. Karen and she never fails to give me hope! I tell people all the time that they need to read her book and to work with her. She is an amazing healer!"
~ Gail

"I cancelled my surgery"

"My life had become very stressful with a new business, a toddler and an ill husband. I felt on edge all the time and feelings of anger and resentment were building to a boiling point. I had PMS and chronic pelvic pain and was ready to have surgery. While working with Dr. Karen, she discovered that I'm an Indigo adult and that I'm incredibly sensitive to energy. She discovered that much of what I was feeling wasn't even my own! They belonged to my husband. With TOLPAKAN(TM) healing, she helped me release energy cords and ancestral issues related to having flimsy emotional boundaries and helped me get grounded.

Not only am I getting along with my husband so much better, he noticed the positive changes in me so much that he was inspired to start getting help from Dr. Karen too! And guess what? My pelvic pain is practically non-existent and I canceled my surgery. If youre at all dealing with depression, anxiety or pain, don't waste your time at the doctors office. Consult Dr. Karen ASAP!"
~ D.S.

My Lyme-related brain fog is better!

This is the first time in 15+ years that I did NOT melt into a puddle of tears from reviewing the year's debts and disasters. That is a HUGE shift. The math is easy - the emotional toll was the problem. One of the symptoms I had with Lyme disease in 2014 was chronic insomnia and debilitating brain fog. And for most of my life, I had no memory of dreaming. Now I am aware that I dreamt something that was related to recent activities or thoughts. Based upon recent brain science research, Dr. Karen Kan added energy to help our lymph system clean our brain during sleep. I noticed that I process information more rapidly and easily. I have increased both my intuition and ability to manifest. I listened to the audio or silent MP3 every day for 2 weeks."
~ Susan Bayard Rifkin