Chameice Daniel

Chameice Daniel is a professional Intuitive Counselor that has helped thousands of people worldwide gain the clarity and confidence to become the sovereign souls they are meant to be so they can action their dreams.

She is a Multidimensional Quantum Alchemist that delights in transforming clients loops and programs (Lead) into passion and purpose (Gold).

Chameice has been named the "Queen of Abundance" by clients and has helped CEOs, CFOs, actors, writers, and people just beginning to create their dreams manifest larger income streams, publishing contracts, realize their purpose while accessing their souls blueprint, and how to live on purpose with passion while thriving!

She holds space for you, your feelings, and your challenges using her highly attuned intuitive abilities and her ability to visually see energy and energetic patterns. She tunes into your energy field, higher self, and her team of 13 Golden Illuminated Masters which are a combination of ArchAngels, Ascended Masters, and InterPlanetary Wisdom Keepers to access guidance that will help YOU most.

Chameice is a natural intuitive with an academic background in psychology. She holds honorary Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Metaphysics Certificates. She was trained by Jack Canfield (famed author of "Chicken Soup For The Soul") in his famous Success Principles. She is certified in Laughter Yoga, Angel Card readings, Archangel Life Coaching, Intuitive Counseling, Kinesiology, and Interfaith Ministries. She is a certified Peace Ambassador and Inner Priestess with years of shamanic training. Services Offered
- Club Thrive: Monthly Energy Management Membership
- LightWalker/LightPreneur Course
- Mentorship
- Private Sessions

Click audio title for more information


Chakras & Energy Field

741 Hz clears negativity and shields from toxicity, emf's, anger, deceit & more

$33    $11.99

Grandmother Oak

Chakras & Energy Field

Energies to ground to the 5D Living Grid of Gaia ($33 value!)

$33    $11.99

Releasing Influence Glimmers

Clearing Energies

Release all contracts, vows, hooks, etc from your mind, body & spirit

$11    FREE

Chameice Daniel's Videos

Answered Prayers on Angel Wings


Angela Raine Testimonial


New Age, New Cage mumbo jumbo


Balance during distractions


Purification & Protection


"I purchased Chameice's program and it is amazing! I loved the MP3s; I can feel the energy flowing through and into me, the meditations and clearings are really amazing (felt the effect after listening to it). After listening my day would become easier and things will flow smoother through the day especially in my work.

After the first one to one call with Chameice, I felt much lighter and happier and the surprise was on the next day :) I received an email from my work (pay role department) telling me that I am eligible for a distinction allowance and will receive it with this month salary, we are talking about what equals $7000!!!

Thank you so much Chameice! I am so grateful for your help and really appreciate you and your work. I am so excited to see more improvements in my life and to be on the next journey once you release any other program. Much love to you dear
~ Rabab Alrakaf

"Dearest Chameice,
I am so grateful for your beautiful work. Your program has changed my life on so many levels. Your meditations are very powerful. I listen to them all the time and can truly feel the vibrations of Peace, Unconditional Love and Joy marinating my energies.

Most recently, your Lions Gate meditation had a profound effect on me. I'd been feeling as though my soul and spirit were ensnared within a tangle of thorns. As you guided us through the meditation, I felt angels lovingly untangling and setting me free and all of the heaviness uncoiling and falling away. So much freedom and space was opened up, and I knew that I could move forward and create the life I truly desire.

As I do my work, I am expanding and seeing positive results which are growing exponentially. I have actualized the ideal home for me and my son and just manifested funds for the first two months rent! As I continue utilizing your material, my confidence and ease in realizing the life I have desired for so long continues to unfold in the most amazing ways.

Thank you so very much, Chameice for your gracious beauty and generosity in guiding me to an abundant and joyful life. My exuberance has returned, and Im excited to experience more expansion and the unfolding of the magnificence of the possibilities which are available in life.
I am eternally grateful.

Much Love and Many Blessings to you ~ Namaste!"
-Maureen Damery

"I had an incredible day today.
The person renting my condo asked if he could extend his lease for another year. Best news, as the renter is a responsible person who pays rent on time and is a business person who travels a lot. My response, woohoo! What relief on my part as this will be seamless without disruption of cash flow. I am so grateful. This happens a few days before I depart for NZ this coming Monday. So, I don't have to worry about new tenant moving in while am out of the country. I feel blessed. Thank you Chameice Daniel RH for the great program. This is hardly two weeks since I started with your program on June 30th."
-Thembie Gamache

I have to tell you the best thing ever! I did what you told me and today I got a cheque in the mail for over 2000!!!! I couldn't believe it. I had given up on getting this money because it was from years ago. Love you and your program Chameice!!!
-Maureen Thompson

OMG. I just manifested my dream job. I have wanted this job for years and never thought I would get it, but just decided to go for it. Now it is mine with paid travel expenses! Thank you thank you thank you.
-Amelia Somerset

"I was in a marriage I hated and didn't feel supported. I had a dead-end job with crap pay. And I felt trapped in someone else's life before this program. Once I started the program I just felt different. I didn't know how or why, but I felt better even though nothing had changed.

Then I found myself saying no to people and things that didn't make me happy. I started to speak up and tell people what I wanted instead of trying to always make them happy. Now I feel like there is hope for my marriage because my husband asks if I need things and we are going out together again. I quit my job and found one I love and that pays better.

I feel like a new and empowered woman! Watch out world, this girl speaks her mind now.
-Chris Zontagio