Rob Duvall

About Rob's Light Language

Light Language healing works through vibrational transfer at the physical and subtle energetic body levels; it bypasses the logic of the brain and speaks directly to your physical and spiritual bodies.

Light Language allows for heart-to-heart communication between you and Source/God. It brings awareness to what is blocked or needs attention based on your intention, and it provides support to you to make changes, both in the moment and afterward.

I chose to make Light Language part of my life and my energy healing modality because of its transformational nature and I was so drawn to it from the moment I first heard it spoken. I was fascinated with the sounds, and my spirit felt alive with energy in hearing it.

About Rob

I believe that our bodies have the innate ability to heal themselves. This is true of our physical as well as our spiritual bodies, which exist and operate across various interconnected levels.

My experience is that vibration is a catalyst for healing, as it forms the very core of our Being. We receive and release vibrations every day, and their effects begin taking shape immediately. The power of vibration, particularly vibrations from our vocal cords, and when aligned with intention it is a powerful instrument for healing.

I chose to make Light Language part of my life and my healing modality because of its transformational nature and because I was so drawn to it from the moment I first heard it spoken. I was fascinated with the sounds, and my spirit felt alive with energy and enthusiasm for the experience it was giving me. I quickly felt a need to know more. Soon I learned how to work with it through the assistance and support of great teachers.

My calling is to use my voice and the Language of Light to assist others in facilitating their own healing and growth. Services Offered
- Private sessions: online, face-to-face
- Personal recordings / custom audios
- Sound baths and group meditations
- Crystal bowls and channeled music

Click audio title for more information

Clear & Reset Personal Energy

Clearing Energies

Recall the parts of your energy that have become entangled with others

$12    FREE

Divine Timing

Abundance & Life Purpose

Align and transform the Now moment to a higher Divine plan


Frankincense & Violet Light


Enjoy the frequencies of frankincense to connect with higher spiritual realms


Love Being in Your Body


Feel safe & empowered being in physical form


Moving Past Regret

Emotional Issues

Release feelings of regret and attachment to events from the past


Release Post-Traumatic Stress

Emotional Issues

Light Language to release the layers of past trauma to reveal a new state of JOY


Sleep Through the Night

Sleep & Stress Release

Stay asleep longer and release imbalances to improve sleep quality


Tune Out Interference

Chakras & Energy Field

Release energetic hooks and repeating thoughts and behaviors


Youthful Body & Vitality

Beauty & Youthing

Light language to restore vitality and manifest a more youthful body


Rob Duvall's Videos

Cathedral Rock Vortex - Oak Creek Transmission - Light Language Healing


Light Language Healing - Weekly Keynote - Engaging Where Duality Meets


Connecting Through Both Sides of the Brain - Light Language Healing Keynote Transmission


Light Language Healing Weekly Keynote - Ascension and Expansion


Knowledge of the Seeds of Life - Light Language Healing Weekly Keynote


The Layers of Our Being - Light Language Healing Weekly Keynote


The Frequency of Vision - Light Language Keynote


Heart of the Lion - Weekly Light Language Keynote


Universal Vibration: Learning Sacred Harmonies and Ratios - Light Language Transmission


"Chewing" and Processing - Light Language Healing Weekly Keynote


Standing United - Weekly Light Language Keynote


Rising from Emotional Muck and Past Wounding - Light Language Healing Keynote Transmission


Guidance for the Heart's Expansion - Light Language Healing Weekly Keynote


Nurturing New Growth - Daffodil Totem - Light Language Healing Keynote Transmission


For Love Without the Candle: Guidance from the Flame - Light Language Keynote


Future Planning: New Moon Phase Encapsulated - Light Language Healing Transmission

