Matt Andrews

Matt channels angelic light beings known to him as ManTarA, using Light Language to create an energetic space in the quantum that invites people to:
- expand out of their limitations
- release their discordant energies
- raise their vibrations into Love and Joy, and
- connect with their higher aspects of Self

Matt comes from an intellectual, left brained training as a professional mechanical engineer; however he now finds himself as a conduit for the powerful transformational energies of ManTarA that flow through from spirit.

ManTarA works through Matt with the intention of facilitating Transformation in an empowered way. We encourage a focus on what you are choosing to align with & become, rather than trying to fix or overcome problems. The process of Transformation starts in the very core of your being and ripples out towards the external world, as you align more and more with your true authentic Divine essence all of the dense, dark, discordant energies creating limitation & discomfort in your life will naturally clear.

ManTarA works for your Higher Self to create the conducive conditions that best assist your Higher Self in making changes in your energetic field so that your life can improve. With Light Language and powerful Intention, we help you get out of your own way, out of your mental beliefs, so your highest good can be realized.

While Matt's amazingly powerful work with ManTarA is a relatively new phase in this life, it is not an overnight transformation. Through his dedicated and disciplined practice of traditional yoga and meditation over the last 20 years he has purified his energy system, strengthened his awareness and raised his vibrational frequency, which allowed him to reconnect to his higher Self and ManTarA. However, he is still a down to earth, well-grounded guy that enjoys a good laugh, and his progressive transformation has unfolded while living, working and raising a family in our modern society. Services Offered
-Channelled Light Language MP3s: Foundational Transformation
-Group Light Language Calls: Exploring a range of topics with both English dialogue and Light Language facilitation
-Empowerment and Transformation Support Community: Subscription service to ongoing support
-Private Sessions: Working with both intuitive coaching and powerful Light Language to facilitate your Transformation
-The Bright Light Activation Course: Inspiring and facilitating authenticity
-The Beacon of Light Mentorship

Click audio title for more information

Angel Grease V2

Abundance & Life Purpose

Energetic lubrication to help achieve any outcome with less friction($54 value!)

$54    $18.99

Appreciating Money

Abundance & Life Purpose

Release limiting beliefs & energetic resistance to manifesting money!

$27    $6.99

Being Light Hearted


Relax into the expansive experience of an authentic loving heart connection

$27    FREE

Breathing into Expansive Joy


Aligning with the power of your breath to create expansive joy in your life


Clarity LL


Light language to gain mental clarity, peace and intuitive knowing ($27 value)

$27    $6.99

Clear, Purify, & Uplift V2

Clearing Energies

Powerful Light Language to clear malevolence, purify spaces, & uplift the energy

$54    $18.99

Contracts & Promises LL Group Call


Helps release the fear of not fitting in, so you can live in authenticity


Declutter Your Energetic Fields

Clearing Energies

8 audios to clear all unwanted energies from your Energetic Fields ($216 value!)

$216    $54.99

Devotion to Self LL Group Call


Removes limitations you carry around the idea of devotion ($54 value)

$54    $16.99

Easing Ascension Symptoms V2


Empowering Light Language to help you ease the discomfort of Ascension

$54    $18.99

Financial Freedom

Abundance & Life Purpose

Light language that clears all programming blocking you from Financial Freedom


Forgiveness LL Group Call

Emotional Issues

Sends the vibration of forgiveness into your field so you can release the past

$54    $16.99

From Darkness to Light (pkg)

Clearing Energies

Light language to clear density, darkness, discordance from your space


Fun LL Group Call


Embrace the vibration of fun to create expansion & transformation! ($54 value)

$54    $16.99

Here, Now, Grounded


Enjoy the benefits of being present, grounded & focused in your body ($54 value)


I Am Good Enough


A group call with meditative Light Language to overcome not feeling good enough

$27    FREE

I Am Good Enough - Group LL Call


Bust out of low self-worth, and not-good-enough mentality so you can thrive!

$54    $18.99

I Love Money

Abundance & Life Purpose

Release limiting energies around money so that you can be free to receive it


Infinite Support Sessions


12 Loopable tracks of high-vibrational Pure Light Language support ($324 value!)

$324    $109.99

Instal Intelligent Energetic Filter

Chakras & Energy Field

Empowers empaths to feel safe and confident out in the world


Manifest a Miracle with Laughter


Embrace joy, fun and laughter to invite Magic and Miracles into your life



Abundance & Life Purpose

Light language to manifest outcomes that align with your happiness ($27 value!)

$27    $6.99

Playful Intimacy


Relax and invite authentic fun and playfulness into your intimate relationships


Purpose - Light Language Group Call


Light Language to help you express yourself with authentic confidence & purpose

$54    $2.99

Relaxing into Authentic Intimacy


Relax in intimate situations to maintain authentic expression with joy & ease


Release, Reset and Restore

Sleep & Stress Release

Release overwhelm, stress & pain and restore confidence & peace ($54 value!)

$54    $18.99

Release the Weight of the World


18 Light Language tracks to release burdens & inspire freedom ($342 value!)

$342    $109.99

Space Harmonisation LL

Clearing Energies

Light Language to clear lower vibrations from spaces you inhabit


Matt Andrews's Videos

Chat with Matt Ep:17


Stay Neutral to Fear


Chat with Matt Ep:11


Chat with Mat from Mexico Ep:10


Chat with Matt Ep:30


Chat with Matt Ep:19


Chat with Matt Ep:5


Chat with Matt Ep: 38


Chat with Matt Ep:16


What would it take for you to say Yes to YourSelf?


Empowered to Choose


Chat with Matt Ep:8


Chat with Matt Ep:13


Relationships and Expectations edit


Chat with Matt. Ep: 1


Declutter Your Life


"So much gratitude to Matt and ManTarA! My 1-1 session was so phenomenal; feel I can't do justice with my words describing it. Matt was so loving, patience, kind, and sooo supportive. ManTarA Light language speaks to my Soul so profoundly that I 'cried a river', so much releasing & clearing, so many insights, immersed in infinite Love, and support from Above.

"What I also love about Matt and ManTarA, is that they lovingly help guide us back to our True Essence, who we REALLY are, and effortlessly abiding in the Heart space of allowance, peace, unconditional love, support, and trust where the concerns from our 'list' are irrelevant. I also quickly had a lot of breakthroughs shortly after working with Matt & ManTarA that helped me become even a better healer, shining my Light even brighter, and feel empowered to make several more powerful healing MP3s for which before I was definitely not confident about since these MP3s topics were way out of my comfort zone.

"Also, before my 1-1 session, just after listening to 3 of Matts MP3's, that evening I spontaneously started to speak similar Light language. This never happened to me before and the experience was so healing, filled with overwhelming joy and gratitude."
-Jenny Ngo, RN, CNM, Dimensional Healing

"My heart is so full of love and gratitude for the magic that Matt and ManTarA created while providing a powerful group session for the retreat I was leading in March. Having had amazing clearings and openings personally with the dynamic duo Matt and ManTarA, I decided to invite the 'team' to co-create a portion of the retreat I was leadingI gave the names of each participant prior to the assigned session time and each person felt that they were addressed personally truly magical.

"At the beginning Matt intuitively spoke to the exact pieces that I had addressed in my teaching and then the hour of Light Language just opened the energy fields even more. My students are still speaking about the power and depth of healing that took place. Matt's authenticity and Joy comes through each time I have connected with him there is power, Love and Joy in this work!!!"
-Elizabeth Tuttle, Energy Alchemist

"Matt, I don't know where I'd be without you and ManTarA, or honestly if I'd still be here. After many years of suffering and working with countless teachers and healers, it was only when I found you and took a leap of faith to invest in your program of MP3's that my life began to turn around. The energy and guidance you gave me was so different -- so personal and effective -- that it provided exactly the 'leg up' I needed to pull myself out of the dark spiral that had been consuming me and my body. How can I ever thank you enough for the dramatic change that has taken place since then and for the unfailing support you've given me every step of the way? You have literally given me my life back, and my love and gratitude are beyond measure!"
-Kathryn, USA

"If you read no further, know this - I have never felt so support and cared for as I have with Matt and ManTarA. He is a gifted healer and a truly Heart centred, caring person.

"I had been dealing with pain issues on the side of my head, massive stomach digestive issues (my stomach would bloat out to make me look 7 months pregnant), 50 plus pounds gained in the last year, deep grief issues... and the list goes on and on. I have been working with healers for the last 20 plus year and doing energy work Reiki, SRT etc, I have also taken several energy healer courses from popular healers and nothing has changed for long.

"Before my first session with Matt, just listening to the MP3 I was able to release a sadness, that was sometimes bordering on suicidal that would come up when anything hurt my feelings and was actually getting more intense as time went on, its gone. Since then I have been upset, and had my feelings hurt, but now I can deal with the situation with more confidence and peace.

"With my stomach and digestive issues, let's just say I was miserable. During my first session with Matt and ManTarA I could feel, the energy moving through my stomach and it was like my first 3 chakras where coming alive again. Since then I have released weight, and my health is improving every day.

"In the short time I have been working with Matt my inner life has change dramatically from dark to light, literally. The progress I have made has been extraordinary. I have had massive clearings, my digestion issues have gone from a 10 to a 3, weight is being released, my energy issues went from needing to take a nap every day, to getting through the work day feeling energized.

"I now believe anything is possible. I feel the huge difference is that with Matt and ManTarA you are not just experiencing the energy clearings, Matt is also working with you as a life coach, and with the mental aspects, and this support in combination with the powerful energy work has brought real lasting changes. Thank You."
-Thea, California