Breathing into Expansive Joy

Matt Andrews


Aligning with the power of your breath to create expansive joy in your life


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Full Description

Contains a set of 2 mp3s:
1- English information encoded with transformational energies to prepare 6:24min
2- Light Language Process to facilitate transformation at the deepest level 22:33min

This foundational MP3 will help you to:

-Relax and Expand into the experience of Joy
-Habitually Breathe deeper to nourish your whole Being
-Release the vibrations that oppose and limit Joy from your field
-Start to attract Joyful situations into your Life
-Become Joyful with everything you do and Be

Since the beginning of my relationship with ManTarA, utilising conscious breathing to facilitate transformation has always been emphasised probably just as much as channelling Light language to create the expansive space for that transformation to occur. And, of course, there is no hierarchy, the two processes work well together in collaboration to help you through the process as quickly and as gracefully as possible.

This breathing process is very powerful and empowering because you can do it, anywhere, anytime, to any degree, to align yourself with what you are choosing to embody and experience, and in this Light Language session our intention is to invite you to use this breathing process to align with expansive Joy.

Now Joy is a powerful vibration that is quite often misunderstood, and trivialised in our modern society. To us Joy is the expression of Love, or, if you like, the manifestation of Love.

We have used the term Expansive Joy in the title of this session to really help you realise more of what Joy is. We are intending that this realisation will be far beyond just intellectual definitions, we are intending to help you have deeper energetic experiences of this vibration so that you can naturally reawaken the wisdom that you hold regarding this potent vibration that is Joy.

How to Use

This mp3 is intended to help instal a foundational practice that you can use through out your daily life.

ManTarA is not big on rules so please be willing to use the mp3 in any way you feel that it will serve you.

The powerful intentions are present even when the volume is turned down, so there is a benefit to playing the mp3 on no, or low, volume in your space, while you work rest or sleep.

However the powerful effect that the Light Language facilitates in creating a more expansive mental space requires listening to the physical sounds, and listening through headphones so you get the stereo effect is also an advantage. But you do not need to concentrate on the sounds or actively participate, just relax and let the energy and the sounds do the work.

When it comes to choosing how often to listen, or whether to loop the session, please be willing to go with your intuition in alignment with your Heart, rather than thinking about following rules or protocols.

Please do not use the mp3 as if it is bitter medicine that you "need" to take to cure yourself, don't force yourself to listen thinking the more you listen the faster you will see results. Let go of desperation. Follow your Heart and trust that the mp3 is powerful and will facilitate your transformation in an empowered way.


ManTarA's Light Language is particularly hypnotic in nature, and is intended to take you out of your normal mind. We therefore do not recommend listening while driving or attempting to perform tasks that require your attention to stay safe. May cause detox symptoms: These Light Language process are very powerful catalyst for transformation and transformation quite often includes the process of release. Be aware that you may experience the release of energies that do not serve you, physically, emotionally, mentally, and that may be like an unpleasant detoxification. Please be willing to go through that process as it will serve you to be free of those energies, but be compassionate with yourself and be willing to proceed at a pace that best serves you and maintains a level of comfort that is appropriate for your circumstances.


Breathing into Expansive Joy Intro.mp3

Breathing into Expansive Joy.mp3


"That is the most amazing thing I've ever felt. It's hard to verbalise but that is sooo big - feels like it's removed tons of stress/fears from me, and that must have been much bigger than I realised. I feel tingly and lighter. Matt/ManTarA makes my heart dance with joy and I can feel the appreciation of being.
I'm breathing better - Energy! Oxygen!

While listening to the recordings I was tearing up, crying, feeling depressed, angry and upset. My body/feet and head buzzing. I felt pain in different parts of my body - like kidney pain going down my leg while releasing and dissolving tons of blockages and traumas - I'm in my 60s. I know my fear addiction and money problems are clearing once and for all.

I wish I had met Matt,ManTarA before wasting lots of money on other healing programs that only scratched the surface of my traumas/blockages etc....

Matt/ManTarA is the best teacher and guide I/you could ask for!!!!"
-Teresa, UK