Shelley Esler

Shelley Esler is a wife, mother, dirt-digger, fresh-air-seeker, animal-lover, frequent flyer, and desert rose surviving in the midwest most of the year. She's also an intuitive angel communicator, transcendent guide, heaven-touched healer, and medical intuitive who gets to to the root cause of dis-ease and illness, and founder and COA (Chief Operating Angel) of Loving Energy Transformation.

She works with clients who are struggling with mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional burdens by holding space and allowing angelic light, frequencies, and healing flow through so they can release their limitations and experience blossoming expansion in their energetic bodies.

Shelley is also a QUANTUM HEALER and is able to see her clients' ailments, heal them in the Quantum Field, and bring lasting relief to their lives.

*** Through her powerful work, Shelley's clients find renewed wholeness and oneness with their true selves and a life of perfect health! ***

When Shelley started this journey, it was merely to achieve her own physical and spiritual wholeness and wellness. Now she's the leader of a thriving, remote healing group, Shelley's Angels, which is experiencing transformational shifts every day. She's also Reiki Master, certified acupressurist, and graduate and featured healer on the Angel Alchemy Academy. Shelley has also appeared on several global telesummits including, From Heartache To Joy and Straight Talk For The Soul.

Shelley regularly meets in private session with her domestic and international clientele via phone or Skype.

Want more Shelley time?! She hosts frequent live, healing events on a variety of relevant topics, writes an educational blog, and has a vibrant Facebook community thats ready to welcome you! Services Offered
~Private, Transformational Sessions (45 minutes)
~Transformational Session Series (discounted set of 3 private sessions)
~Monthly, Remote Healing Group, Shelley's Angels
~Coaching Calls
~Healing MP3s and Packages focusing on topics like: Transforming Depression, Pain Relief, Healing Autoimmune Disease, Healing Chronic & Seasonal Allergies, Fear Burning Exercise, Healthy Gut, Happy & Healthy Central Nervous System, Harmonized Health, Introduction to Meditation, and more!

Click audio title for more information

Cutting Cords & Clearing Entities

Clearing Energies

Cut and clear everything that's not in your life for your highest good!


Happy Eyes


Upgrade your eyes to their optimum perfection!


Healthy Skin & Rejuvenation

Beauty & Youthing

Let your skin be healed, transformed, corrected, and renewed!

$27    $15.99

Healthy Teeth & Gums


Heal your teeth to strong, healthy & pain-free!

$37    $15.99

Karma Cleanse

Clearing Energies

Clear everything -- mental, emotional, or physical -- that's holding you back!

$27    FREE

Shelley Esler's Videos

Slow Down To Enjoy Life


Raise Your Vibration! What We Focus On We Attract! A Healing Experience with Shelley Esler


HOW TO: Overcome FEAR and ANGER with Shelley Esler of Loving Energy Transformations.


Clear Seasonal Allergies with Shelley Esler, Loving Energy Transformations


Clear Depression, Loneliness and Sadness with Shelley Esler of Loving Energy Transformations


VITALITY BOOST! Balance Hormones and Increase Your Serotonin Levels with Shelley Esler


HOW TO: Navigate Your Way Through Grief with Shelley Esler of Loving Energy Transformations


Are you experiencing EXHAUSTION? Here is your ENERGY BOOST!


Aura Cleanse and Repair


Let Your Heart Sing - It's Quantum Healing!


Spinal Adjustment, Pain Relief, Release Trigger Points and MORE with Shelley Esler


FREE Healing on Restoring a Healthy Gut with Shelley Esler of Loving Energy Transformations


HOW TO: RELIEVE PAIN and MANAGE STRESS with Shelley Esler of Loving Energy Transformations


Clearing emotions of Anger, Frustration, Resentment, Stress from the organs with Shelley Esler


Clear Negative Emotions and bring in Happiness, Joy and Peace with Shelley Elser


How To Safely Connect with Your Guides with Shelley Esler


"...Its like a dark cloud has been lifted and I have been happier, more energetic, and feel so much more connected to myself for the first time in a long time! If you are dealing with any sort of depression or autoimmune illness, go see Shelley now! She is very knowledgeable and gifted in these areas. I cant thank Shelley enough for this AWESOME experience!!! ~Amanda

"...I am sitting here crying tears of pure joy and really really feel a huge shift happening today! My heart feels wide open and so entirely blessed. I am remembering myself again. Many thanks and so much gratitude. I seriously am feeling so much joy and love right now. So amazing and healing is really occurring. Your are amazing and your connection is incredible. Take wonderful care. ~Heidi O.

"...I was in desperate need of emotional and physical healing. I was going through a lot and I asked God to put someone in my path that I needed!!! A day later - BOOM! I have gone to a lot of people and like I said I am a healer as well but nothing like her. D*mn! She is sooooooo gifted! I can't even tell you. She is spot on. I feel 1000% better than I did a month ago. I am going through a huge transformation and she helped me so much. I am so grateful! I feel healing at such a deep level. My back has hurt me since I was 14 and I've got to tell you NO ONE has been able to heal it. She has!!! My back hardly ever hurts now and I'm 50! She's the REAL DEAL! ~Lisa L.

"...Instantaneous healings for me, as well as my mom who had a 19-year-old painful injury. Gone! If you have anything, anything at all that you're ready to move on from - I'd highly recommend scheduling a session with Shelley. You'll be amazed at how quickly, she'll be able to help you let go of anything that no longer serves. She's worth every damn penny! ~Dorthe A.

"My partner, Keith has been listening most of the tracks as well but specifically the pain relief and healing joint pain mp3s. He has had memories flow back about a certain accident which shattered his feet and prevented him from walking for a few years. He has pain off and on and after listening to the tracks, and noticed a pain relief right away." ~Lisa K.

Shelley is amazing! I haven't told her this yet, because I'm just realizing it, I no longer need my allergy pills! I don't remember the last time I took one! I watched her video on seasonal allergies on her Loving Energy Facebook page months ago. I felt shifts during the broadcast, but didn't think of it again since then. Thank you for sharing your gift! ~Jill E.

Following the Healthy Gut MP3..."Felt the energy rumbling and shifting in my stomach thank you Shelly xxx" ~Michelle B.

Thank you so much for the Cutting Cords and Clearing Implants & Entities meditation. I've fallen prey to some nasty energy sucking and though I've done cord cutting I still struggled immensely... this could not have come at a better time. Really powerful meditation! Already feel better!
~Pixie D.

"I am feeling much lighter and happier. I feel the cord cutting and entity clearing track helps greatly so I listen to it at least 3 times a day. Shelley's voice to me is like a singing crystal bowl at the right healing tone. It shakes up what no longer serves me." ~Lisa K.

"Oh Shelley, that was wonderful (The Power of Now coaching call)! I felt intense cold, especially in my hands. The brainwave activation was so much more intense, usually I have felt pressure in my head, this time I felt warbling and jittering, my throat tightened up so much then the calming energy and light dissipated it. I don't visualize but see waves of energy in my mind. I saw each brainwave change and flow. I felt the animals come, a big energetic wave that pushed me back. The explanations were so helpful and interesting. The paternal and maternal lines make so much sense in my life and family, and the trauma and past lives. So many physical and emotional issues you mentioned. especially my mouth and jaw and everything associated with them. I am honored to have this session with you! Theres so much more I could add, hehehehe! Much love and thank you again! xoxo" ~Sky Y.

"Our call a couple of weeks ago gave me a lot to think about and work on. My energies were low and I was miserable and you picked up on every emotion I was going through. You also gave me so much helpful advice which I took on board. I've been through the mill but I'm coming out stronger and I've learned so much. I don't feel stuck anymore and I wanted to thank you. You are an amazing person! So gentle and kind and so good at what you do! xxx" ~Michelle B.

I was a little bit nervous (first session) but my fears and anxieties disappeared as my body began to relax. I began to feel peace within myself as my fears and negativity were lifted from me. It was a spiritual peace Id never experienced before... I felt radiant. I walked away feeling strong in my faith and totally refreshed. ~Joyce