Happy Eyes

Shelley Esler


Upgrade your eyes to their optimum perfection!


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Full Description

Enjoy this voice transmission of healing frequencies

Lets face it - life is hard on our eyes. Maybe you work in front of a computer? Live in a city? Don't always sleep and eat the way you should? Or perhaps eye imperfections run in your family?

All the pollution, screen strain, stress, tiredness, aging, genetic issues, and more take a toll on our eyes and our ability to see through them with our natural perfection.

In this audio, Shelley will work with your Higher Self, guides and angels, as well as with the Ascended Masters to:

--Optimize your vision to your natural, perfect state of 20/20 vision

--Normalize pressure by letting go and surrendering all of the pent up pressure

--Clear stress and strain from eyes and the entire auric field

--Clear harmful images and damaging impressions lodged in the eyes

--Reset and bring in any needed repairs to the optic nerves

--Clear floaters and debris that may be causing interference

--Bring in retinal repair and rejuvenation

--Heal scarring and damage around the macular and surrounding areas

--Restore fluidity and ease of movement

--Clear any genetic issues that may be impacting the function of your eyes

--Clear any aging programs and wear and tear

--Bring in healing for dry eyes, itchy eyes, sensitive eyes, watery eyes, and more

--Allow your eyes to see clearly again through the perspective of truth and clarity

--Allow Golden White Light and Primordial White Light to enter and surround your eyes

--Clear out all pain, stress, fatigue, tiredness, distraction, distortion, blurriness, redness, itchiness, wateriness, etc.

--Clear, heal and correct cataracts

--Release edema, excess tearing, and open and clear any blockages allowing for perfect draining

--Connect your eyes to your soul, heart, feet, small intestines, hips, ovaries, and breasts

--Let go of trying to see and solve the future

--Allow your brain to make clear and sharp images in cooperation with your eyes

--See things in life in beauty, perfection, and in wholesome ways

--See all the beauty that is within you, others, and the world

--Open yourself up to see far and near with greater flexibility and fluidity

--Clear any and all inflammation and edema in your eyes

--Clear deep held, buried emotions and unshed tears

--Bring in a deep contentment and knowledge that all is well!

--Enjoy a deeper healing through Soul Language complete with a blessing that you need for your, specific eyes

Through this audio, you'll be able to heal, repair, clear, and upgrade your eyes in order to see through them and experience the truth and beauty in our world.

Upgrade Your Eyes To Their Optimum Perfection!

How to Use

Listen to this audio as often as you like.

You can loop it at normal or even silent volume; either way, the frequencies will still be effective

The more you play it, the deeper the healing will go.

Listen to a Sample!


This audio may cause detox symptoms. Please for your safety, do not use while driving, operating machinery, etc.


Happy Eyes.mp3



Ive been on a spiritual journey for a while after seeing several functional medical practitioners and doctors for health issues that were a mystery to all of them. I realized the issues I had were manifesting as physical problems, but were caused by something other than the physical...

My sessions with Shelley have been exceptional. She was incredibly accurate with uncovering things that happened in my life as a child and spot on when identifying health related issues. She also told me about things my brother was struggling with and yes they too were 100% accurate. She is supportive, nurturing and lightening fast. She addressed all my endocrine issues in the healing, worked with my Chakras, alleviated the severe pain in my lower back and hips that keeps me awake at night. She suggested a variety of tools and things I could do to support my healing.

I physically felt the healing move through my body and felt very at peace after.

I also participated in her live Sedona call and I was BLOWN AWAY by the energy of that call. My body was receiving an incredible amount of energy. It was something I have NEVER experienced before. I will never miss one of her Sedona Live calls again!

I will continue to work with her. She really is a special healer.
~Lisa B.

...Shelley has been an incredible support and guide and she has changed my life immensely! Shes helped me get to the root cause of my pains and ailments to bring about truly, lasting healing. Shes taught me to set my own boundaries and keep them! Im able to trust my inner knowing, take more chances in life, and trust and believe that I am here for a reason!

If youre contemplating scheduling a session with Shelley, then I say DO IT! Shes an incredible healer who truly comes from the heart! Shes the real deal!
~Cheryl S.

I was worried about my digestion and aging, both of which were scary topics for me and had been plaguing me for more than six months. My digestion seemed very sluggish and wasnt responding to supplements that were supposed to help. Traditional western medicine told me to eat a lot of small meals, yet that was impractical and also didnt seem to make any difference.

As for aging, well I didnt even bring up the topic with Shelley and yet she picked up on it! Shelley offered a completely different way to look at it. She suggested that shifting my attitude and beliefs could change things dramatically. She was right.

With Shelleys guidance and support, I was able to change my diet, greatly reducing irritants such as sugar and caffeine. I sought out more supportive medical people locally. I even found a chiropractor who was interested in healing, practiced homeopathy, and had a very positive attitude just as Shelley has.

Shelley is an incredibly talented healer for body, mind and spirit. She is so very approachable, non-judgmental and wonderfully therapeutic on every issue I've brought to her. She not only is able to name each problem at its origin but is able to actually heal it. I've sought Shelley's help for my own and two family members' concerns and she's always succeeded in assisting beyond any expectations. I recommend her frequently because I know she'll truly heal whoever approaches her. She works only from love, compassion and honesty.
~Barbara A.

Shelley, I am sitting here crying tears of pure joy and really really feel a huge shift happening today! My heart feels wide open and so entirely blessed. I am remembering myself again. Many thanks and so much gratitude. I seriously am feeling so much joy and love right now. So amazing and healing is really occurring. Your are amazing and your connection is incredible. Take wonderful care.
~Heidi O.

Loving the joint pain mp3. Pain in my hip has decreased!
~Dawn M.