Haneen Aroundfab

Hey, I'm Haneen, an Infinity Healing facilitator, healer & teacher.

I have been active in the field of personal development since 2014. My contribution at the time was limited to my blog & Twitter where I have offered challenges and courses - free & paid - that improved people's lives.

In late 2017, I found Infinity healing & fell in love! Until now, I have been focused on my Arabic speaking audience. My mission is to empower people by healing their emotional body - among other things.

The way the Infinity Healing works is:

Source-God-Universe with its infinite love, healing, power, awareness.....will connect to you and do infinite things for you, all that it knows to do that is for your highest good, from the root of the item.

This includes clearing limiting beliefs, emotions, fears, blocks, self sabotage, trauma, abuse, inner child healing; patterns from parents, ancestors, past lives, karma, etc....

Infinity Healing not only transmutes this but also replaces it with what is for your highest good, so that you can be your infinite self.

What starts today will keep being worked on for as long as it's needed until it's completely done doing all that it knows to do that is for your highest good.

This could continue for the next few days, weeks, and months, as long as it needs to do, depending on how many layers it has to go through, so that you can be your infinite self.

This whole process gets activated by saying your sacred "yes", so starting now we are activating the Infinity Healing. Services Offered
- Private Infinity Healing sessions
- Private Health Infinity Healing sessions

Click audio title for more information

Infinity Healing for Beauty (Silent)

Beauty & Youthing

Powerful clearings so you can see how beautiful you are ($100 value!)

$100    $14.99

Infinity Healing for Miracles (silent)


Attract miracles in your life! ($100 value)

$100    $16.99

Infinity Healing to Clear Dark Energies

Clearing Energies

Dark Energies NO MORE! ($100 value)

$100    $16.99


$100    $15.99

Haneen Aroundfab's Videos

خارطة الطريق 💕


clearing dominance of E=mc2 Access Consciousness


Why are you refusing to receive it ?


اخذ الامور بشكل شخصي


الخطة لنزول الوزن بلا رجعة 💃+ مجاني قروب رياضي


Around Fab ♥ self-care list


money loop - access consciousness


تامل اللحظة - بوابة الابواب


الشيء اللي ياثر عليك هو الشيء اللي تمتلك احكام بخصوصه


قائمة العناية بالذات 💌


برمجة | الله ياخذ و يعطي


يا مدور التحفيز


"Hey Haneen, just wanted to say thank you so much my pain has gone a lot thank you so grateful!" - Rachel

"Haneen facilitated an Infinity Healing session for removing money blocks. Her energy and voice brought me a since of peace and relaxation which I haven't felt in a very long time! Haneen's energy is great and I look forward to many more sessions with her! Thank you Haneen!" -Lonette Trent

"I felt a beautiful feeling & relief, during the session and after it. Your transaction was so beautiful and close my heart and a very seamless style....It has affected those who are around me in the way they treat me. I have started hearing a lot that Im a peace dove. and they have been treating me in a nice, beautiful way which made me really happy" - (worked on self love; name withheld)

"We worked to improve my relationship with someone. During the session I felt a slight headache and thirsty. You - Haneen - were very cooperative with understanding my feeling and translating them. For example the disappointment emotions that I was feeling, helping me to with examples; you cared about my privacy and did not ask about details and focused on the problems and its details.

After less than 6 days the same person contacted me as if nothing happened, and he explained everything to me even if I did not ask or request an explanation. I was important to him, he insisted, even though before the session he never made me feel that.
The disappointment I felt because of his disappearance and not contacting me even though the issue did deserve all of that. What I felt after that happened, the feeling of negativity sadness, anger were blocking the connection. I released all of that in the session." - (worked on healing a relationship with a possible partner; name withheld)

"I started believing that God have created the universe to support me.and to expand my horizon and allow that is provided to me to support me and to approve to it.
We worked on the blocks that prevent me from loving myself like how I look, my weight, marriage as a goal & the delay of goals.
During the session it was very beautiful feeling especially when I said Yes - that by itself [was] a positive energy, not to mention that after the session a sense of satisfaction." - (worked on healing a relationship with a possible partner; name withheld)

"Your - Haneen - presentation to the session was more that great...you are a great person. I felt your kindness and that you were close to me.
I have noticed that I started like type of clothes that I hadn't have before, but I am saying that I love myself and how I look no matter what. I got accepted in a free workshop." - (working on self love; name withheld)

"Since it was my first time, it was very interesting & entertaining. We worked on discovering my life purpose and my passion. During the session I felt a complete mental clarity, maybe some satisfaction and abundance. After the session I felt happy, and at ease with an excitement to see the results. you, Haneen, were sweet as usual, I was relaxed and at ease while talking with you even though I had no idea about the experience" - (working on life purpose; name withheld)