Amma Sophia Rose

Amma Sophia is an internationally renown Sonic Alchemist and Medicine Woman. She has studied with many Indigenous peoples of different traditions bringing the wisdom of the Sonic Rainbow Grandmother.

Amma has the gift of the sacred song line chants and creates a vibrational field of love through sacred sound healing journeys. She teaches vocal awakening of the womb to create soundscapes of enchantment and awakening the voice with Crystal bowls and instruments.

She is a transformational breathwork teacher, movement meditation facilitator and Creator of Sonic Love Alchemy, Mystery School of Sound, Light and Shamanic Breathing. She is also co-creator Crystal Alchemy Bowls, specializing in unique Monoatomic Andara Crystal and Alchemy bowls. Services Offered
-In-Depth Akashic Readings
-Shamanic Sound Healing
-Private Sessions
-Personal Retreats
-Facilitator Training

Click audio title for more information

Realms of Beauty


A celestial shamanic journey guided by Sonic Goddess vocals


"Amma Sophia is a Rainbow Grandmother! Ancient, modern, primal yet elegant. She navigates seamlessy between worlds, delivering messages with ease from radiant celestial realms to the raw dense earth plane, back to the depths of Mother Earth herself. Her frequency is real, present, earthly and galactic all wrapped in the most Divine Mother Love! She has unified and embodied global indigenous earth spirit, alchemizing to the core essence. Vibration. Frequency. Transparency. She holds a vibration many are afraid to witness Truth!" -Samantha, Hawaii

"Amma Sophia Rose has been an instrumental guiding light on my journey to growth and self love. Her voice is pure divine healing for me and her dedication to awakening the goddess and divine feminine is truly aligned with the highest and best intentions. I am blessed to call Sophia a friend and sister that has held me through my many transformations. I highly recommend working with Sophia on activating your true voice and look forward to continuing this relationship further. I am so grateful for you sister and all you bring into my life. In love and light always" - Amanda, Singapore

"I have taken a couple of workshops with Amma Sophia Rose and bless her soul I have learnt so much about honoring the Divine Feminine within me and others, being true to my heart and voice, and living life expanding in the vibration of oneness. I have been happy, feeling grateful, my heart in bliss and having a love affair with life ever since. Thank you Amma!" -Nada, Dubai