Judy Browne

Hi, my name is Judy Anne Browne I am a nature lover and this where I get my greatest inspiration , it soothes my soul and is my medicine. When I started my spiritual journey meditation was the beginning, I would travel to Ashrams to listen and learn the wisdom and knowledge but most importantly it was the high energy and happiness I loved. I am a meditation teacher and often would travel to be on retreats to chant and meditate to gain understanding of the mind and transformation.

My mission and purpose is to bring Heart Awakening Transmissions through meditations programs and retreats and Private Sessions.

My unique healing meditations and private sessions will always include a teaching to gain understanding of the why something is taking place my ability to channel information to gain a greater insight is valuable. I have through my own journey experience noted if you can't acknowledge what's taking place it will take longer to heal shift and release, so I create a sacred container to support you as you must feel secure and comfortable to share.

I have studied many modalities to hold more light through the ascension process so my work will be more profound for you and me to attain faster results and my curiosity to master the healing I now carry through my voice.

My meditations are deep and masterful and are layered with many essences including: crystals, sacred geometry, Light Language, Light codes, God Source Light, crystalline energies, binaural waves, Ascended Masters, Angels and the Elements of Nature. My voice carries codes of light and works through conscious mind subconscious genetic ancestral blood lines of your mother and father's bloodlines, past lives, releasing you from the collective field of all that's not yours to complete so you are operating in your own energy.

We are living in a time of Great Evolution, the Great Awakening I AM here to support you.
Much Love and Light.
Judy Browne Services Offered
-21 Days of Healing with The Angels
-Private 90 min Alignment Sessions
-Sacred Womens Massage
-Akashic Record Soul Map Reading
-Conscious Mentoring Empowering You
- Transformational Shop - TOOLS FOR CHANGE

Click audio title for more information

Angel Eyes Meditation


Angel healing for bliss, calm, deep sleep and physical restoration

$22    $12.99

Awakening Your Future Self

Abundance & Life Purpose

Starseeds & empaths: meet your future self, revealing gifts and talents

$22    $14.99

Breaking Free of Grief and Loss

Emotional Issues

Clears blocks to deep grief to understand through grace

$22    $10.99

Digestive Health Re Set


Gut issues changed acknowledging THE WHYS to fulfillment to heal

$22    $11.99

Embracing Joy Activation


Joy, highest vibration - a total reset - awaken your senses - set yourself free!

$22    $9.99

Empowering Creation Call

Abundance & Life Purpose

Super-Charge your intentions with High Empowering Creation Formula

$22    $14.99

Energetic Reset

Chakras & Energy Field

A journey of self discovery: receive a Heart Transmission on a crystal bed

$22    FREE

Financial Independence

Abundance & Life Purpose

Explore your relationship with money ~ shift the old to feel free and inspired

$22    $9.99

I AM Enough New Moon Call


A deep transformation to increase confidence & upgrade your vibration

$22    $9.99

Inspired Self Mastery


New possibilities to the why and when with your New Wings Wisdom

$22    $12.99

Mary Magdalene Transmission of Love


Become the Rainbow Bridge of divine sacred feminine love

$22    $15.99

Meditation Sound Mastery


Powerful healing with harmonic crystal tones and sound bath frequencies

$15    FREE

Restoring Equilibrium

Emotional Issues

Enjoy high frequency Light codes for balance, restoration and deep peace

$22    $13.99

Truth Trust Transformation Unity

Abundance & Life Purpose

Remember your gifts to be humble in service and fully own who you really are

$22    $19.99

A truly unique healing and experience exchange ..
The process and opening continues over many weeks.
Many divine shifts and openings have happened since .
The Goddess brings strength and nurturing pure. Love ..
so so grateful thank you so much . -Kelly

I was having a rough time. I listened to the recording Judy sent of my session and it really helped clear out the yuck as well as lift & reset my inner state of being. Super grateful for this session & the recording that helped tremendously! - Shanna

Judy is an absolute angel.
She has gone above and beyond to help me with my healing process.
Her wisdom, knowledge and skills are the most advanced I have ever seen.
As a sensitive being, I often come into contact with many dark energies.
One particular night, I had seen Dark, aggressive black orbs.
I commanded they leave, burnt sage, called in the higher source but they got more aggressive and even started to get bigger and darker.
I was exhausted and just wanted to go to sleep, so I put the audio of Judys clearing of the field, as soon as it started, the dark orbs left.
Judy has put so much energy, love and time into me as a client. I feel so much lighter since seeing Judy. I now feel as though I'm on a much better path than I was before.
Thank you so much Judy for the work you do in this world.
You make you do women like myself feel secure and worthy. - Brooke

Have just recently completed my first session with Judy, she was extremely easy to talk to and got to the root cause of the underlying issues that had been causing me grief, I left my first session with an altered mindset along with recordings of part of my session to listen to between my next session, this has been working well for me and I look forward to seeing how far I have come in a month's time - Brad

I'm feeling so calm after listening to this beautiful meditation. Judy just what I needed after a stressful day in the office. Highly recommend for these times of uncertainty! - Hellen

Being part of Judy's Monthly Harmonic Prayer Circle every month has changed my life. Judy has unlocked doors, cleared negative energy and accelerated my healing tenfold. I am incredibly grateful for Judys gifts. This prayer circle is truly magical. Thank you Judy xxx - Mimi

We have been in the Prayer Circle family bundle for some time now and wanted to say Thank you.
My son listens to Alchemy of Soul every night to fall asleep! He also loves Angel Eyes & he said he slept so deeply - Bianca

I have worked with Judy for almost 2 years. A precious soul that is to enlighten with Truth no matter the consequences for Inner reality.
She doesn't guess she speaks from the energy within.
The Universe uses Judy to empower the light within and to transform the human spirit beyond our intellectual thoughts. I have encountered so many personal obstacles and never believed nor thought possible the outcomes Judy has shared through her wisdom and lessons until they manifested rapidly applying my application of the principles.
Judy has a unique blessing from The Universe.
Her connection is not with you but the Spirit that that rests within you.
Her nurturing light can be an incredible immeasurable encounter that is life transforming,
Dr Keith

Going thru a very challenging period in my life where everything seemed to just spiral downward and was not able to see anything that I could do to rectify this. The challenge for me was to let go of feeling like I had to try and fix all the chaos that was happening around me. I had lost my spirit and clarity to see any end to all the chaos that was happening around me. I had previously seen Judy for healing sessions, called her to ask if I could make an appointment to see her and was recommended the Transformational Session Package for support. It has helped me immensely, listening to the replay of my session and listening to the clearing audio has enabled me to put things back into perspective, given me clarity and the aid to not give up and to be able to let go. Judys support thru messaging, touching base to make sure you are doing ok and being part of the Intentional Prayer circle are all things that have helped to shift from being in a very sad place to feeling like there is hope, given me clarity, awareness and that I am not on my own. Judy's presence is one which you walk away from feeling blessed and grateful that you have had the pleasure and opportunity of having met her.

Thank you Judy for supporting me with your session work.
The best investment!
Happy International Womens Day to you. Thank you for your amazing leadership and for sharing your wisdom and gifts with us all. May God bless you in every possible way!
Love Narelle

Wow! Felt like I spent the day at the spa. Such an amazing package. Truly grateful. Supercharged healing session. everything moved into alignment so quickly after this session. Absolutely magical xxx Thank you so much Judy xx
Much love and peace.