I AM Enough New Moon Call

Judy Browne


A deep transformation to increase confidence & upgrade your vibration

$22       $9.99

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Full Description

New Moon I Am Enough Meditation will increase confidence and upgrade your vibration to attract more while receiving deep clearings light language chakra clearings and setting two intentions followed by a short journey meditation where we also bring in family and friends to receive healing and blessings.

This call has many Sacred Activations to support you.
Heart Centre Activation
I AM Worthy
Digestive issues
Inner Child
Wellness and Health

The deep programs of low self esteem de- valuation released at the core woundings carried over through genetics DNA and past life sufferings to bring you back to the essence of who you are.

Heart Centre Activation
I AM Worthy
Inner Child

The gift is beautiful on the inside that permeates out to all to become your new soul song of creation the magnet to all drawing you closer to what you are wanting to achieve.

You are given the opportunity to set 2 Intentions to be magnified to all possibilities, then we are led into a meditation

Listen regularly you will know when it's time to listen again.

How will this support you?

Feel a new Confidence. A journey with many Sacred Activations to release all deep core woundings and programs
When you value yourself you will be treated with respect and your boundaries will become more important as you feel happier seeing life as fun instead of the worry.

Attracting more becomes easier because you feel free of the old ways your vibration glows in I Am Enough increasing confidence that allows more joy and happiness and wellbeing.

A shift in how you feel the activations and transmissions received creates new space for vibrancy. A very comprehensive clearing healing to receive in a way stimulating well-being and confidence. Once integrated you will carry new light codes through many transmissions uniquely for you with your higher self leading the way.

This call is over lighted with 693hz for liberation to further support you

How to Use

Safe for everyone to use - Once a day or when you are guided is recommended.

You can loop after the first few listens, but please remember the audio is layered with many essences of healing crystals, sound, sacred geometry, God Source Light and binaural waves to support your healing and journey.

Allow the music and my voice to carry you deeply releasing from your mental emotional physical and spiritual aspects of all that you are surrendering the stories woundings and trauma.

I always recommend listening with headphones and being seated in a chair spine straight for full energy flow and alignment. My voice carries codes of light and works through conscious mind subconscious genetic ancestral blood lines of your mother and father's bloodlines, past lives releasing you from the collective field of all that's not yours to complete so you are operating in your own energy.

When you take in the words you go deeper you allow for deeper healing.

Once you have listened you can use the meditation as you drift off to sleep.


We are using high frequencies of light to release all that is blocking your path. It is advisable to drink plenty of water and to stay hydrated as you integrate fully. Do not loop until you know you can manage the energy shifts. You may wake up feeling unwell as the body detoxes so please take it easy until you know you are ready. You can then use at bedtime to support sleep and profound shifts. Do not use while driving or operating heavy machinery or any appliance that requires full attention and awareness. Hydration is very important drink a glass of water before you listen and another after. Rest Rest Rest as you integrate you may experience waves of tiredness know you are releasing and be gentle with yourself. You are unique and so is your journey stay confident and watch your thoughts and trust your guidance.


New Moon _ I Am Enough FINAL.mp3


$22       $9.99

Super grateful
I have never truely never felt I was ever enough! Crazy I know but this has shifted some deep core programs.
thank you!! Judy xx
Judy, listening to your recording every night is powerful. It reveals and highlights what needs to be addressed. - Marie

Big Thanks Judy to you and Spirit for this meditation it has provided me with much comfort and healing. From the time I began listening to it I could feel the healing energy come through. Luv listening to it.. much love to you and Spirit.xxx Marie

Not feeling enough has always been a big one for me although i hide it but it seems to trigger me from time to time so this is perfect timing, thank you! This is packed with so much maybe this is the ultimate healing.
Thanks Penelope