Jamye Price

Jamye Price, author of Opening to Light Language, is an international energy healer, channel, and teacher. She has developed a healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, a powerful alchemical template of Soul Progression. In addition, Jamye channels healing energies in the form of Light Language, which are transformational Creation Codes that further align you with your Soul. She teaches both of these modalities worldwide.

Jamye also channels Areon, of the Lyran Council of Time. These loving Lyran messages are focused on humanity's Ascension and connecting you with your timeless nature as humanity moves into fourth and fifth dimensional expression.

Jamye has been facilitating healing sessions and classes for over a decade. Her work assists with transmuting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks into wisdom, compassion and empowerment. She teaches self-love, forgiveness and finding a perspective of Love in any situation to provide people with practical tools for Soul

Progression and creating a joyful life. With Crystalline Soul Healing, Light Language, and an open channel to loving guidance that is specific to an individual, she is able to help people change their life rapidly.

Jamye's passion is Ascension bringing people to the understanding of the truth of who they are; cherished, powerful and brilliant Divine Humans, interconnected with All Life.

She feels blessed to be able to experience people in the truth of their glory, and to share her path and perspective of reconciling the old way of being human with Divine Human Being.

Jamye offers profound private sessions by phone or Skype. She facilitates unique and transformative teleclasses and Areon channelings monthly. She creates powerful Light Language healing CDs, as well as a free newsletter and Weekly Light Blasts to help assist Lightworkers on their Divine Path.

For more information visit JamyePrice.com. Services Offered
Jamye offers profound private healing sessions by phone or Skype.

She facilitates unique and transformative teleclasses with Light Language and Areon channelings monthly. Jamye teaches Light Language and Crystalline Soul Healing worldwide.

She creates powerful Light Language healing CDs. She also maintains a free newsletter and Weekly LightBlasts to help assist Lightworkers on their Divine Path.

Click audio title for more information

Abundance Light Language Activation

Abundance & Life Purpose

This Light Language healing assists you with opening to the flow of prosperity


Elemental Codes


Enjoy this free sample of the Elemental Codes Light Language


Elven and Faerie Light Language


Elven codes to awaken joy & awareness of all you need to thrive


Sacred Relationship Light Language


Balances your Divine Masculine & Feminine so you can create positive changes


Teeth, Gums & Jaw Healing


This healing session relieves TMJ syndrome, gingivitis, periodontitis and more


Jamye Price's Videos

Light Language Transmission October 2012


October Ascension Energies and Light Language DNA Activation with Jamye Price


Weekly LightBlast with Jamye Price


Weekly LightBlast with Jamye Price - Preparing for Change


December Ascension Energies and Light Language DNA Activation with Jamye Price - The Power of Love


January Ascension Energies and Light Language DNA Activation with Jamye Price


Weekly LightBlast with Jamye Price - Knowing When


Weekly LightBlast with Jamye Price - Being Present


Light Language Transmission August 2012


Language of Light DNA Activation with Jamye Price - June 2016


Weekly LightBlast with Jamye Price - Feeling


Weekly LightBlast with Jamye Price - Forgetting Oneness


Weekly LightBlast with Jamye Price - Viewing the World


Weekly LightBlast with Jamye Price - Being One


February Ascension Energies and Light Language DNA Activation - Jamye Price


February 2012 Light Language Transmission


"I can honestly say that I've never come across material that speak so directly to my heart as yours and with this divine, price(less) material I feel my dream of fully realizing, expressing and embodying my true infinitely loving self is close at hand!!! These are truly miraculous times and thank you with all that I am for sharing your magic with the world and in so doing facilitating others to do the same!"

"I get sooo emotional every single time I remember your class. I am grateful beyond words for you and all those that support you in this journey. I absolutely love the way you teach (first for me) you are entertaining, encouraging, funny, straightforward and beautiful to watch, listen to and learn from. Your phone sessions, videos, teleconferences, and healing CDs have given me health, hope and strength (except right now; tears of gratitude pour down my cheeks) Now I know what they mean by God sent.
THANK YOU. My heart couldn't love you more!"

"I loved it. Hung onto every word. I felt the blockage. I saw visuals I think may have been past lives. They DE-materialized into little particles in front of my very eyes and moved up above me."

"You have helped my ascension be even more blessed and flow with more ease. Thank you, Jamye."

"It's absolutely life-changing and I am very grateful to you."

"I have seen amazing results already [from the Radiant Skin healing audio]. My psoriasis has been flaring up for the last few years. I have tried everything. My friend suggested this. It is working. The red scaly patches are lighter and smoother. I wish I had taken before and after pictures."

"I had to let you know the Light Language MP3 I purchased from you, are the best thing ever! Since I have been listening to them my sinus and allergy of sneezing, runny nose and blocked ears has virtually cleared up (ears, nose and throat MP3). Usually in the morning I get a runny nose, sore ears and sneezing for half hour or more. Now it hardly happens!! It is amazing! Also my skin is looking better I'm prone to acne break out on my face, when I do get one it goes away or becomes smaller instead of becoming full blown acne (Radiant Skin MP3). So I want to let you know it truly is working!! Still working on the insomnia though..."

"Thank you so much for your such a transformative, beautiful class last night! The truth is, I have been feeling completely at the bottom of everything in my life lately Ive been quite sick like Ive never been before. In the midst of this, This morning, I woke up completely feeling different. I feel my life is fine. Ifeel I am fine. I feel I can move and do things right. The strongest experience for me last night, was during the second (I think) light language transmission, I literally felt a blockage was shot out of my heart."

"Jamye, since our sessions Ive had some amazing transformation. I dont use the word amazing lightly.I have lost 13.8 lbs in 14 days (normally fast loss not healthy, in this case very healthy), I have more real energy (not adrenal driven) and am sleeping better than I have in 20 years. My work in the world is transforming in unexpected ways. My marriage has had a break-through in a wonderful way. Most important I am absolutely well happy, filled with a clarity and peace that I have not felt in my being since, well, I do not rememberadded to this truly grounded state is a wisdom that I know derives not only from historical lessons (finally learned!) but also from a true connection with my Higher Self."

"I was so drawn to Jamye's grounded presence, her authenticity and her way of bringing to us such sacred and important learning in a way that is accessible. She uses humor and shares her own experiences to help us realize the light language is accessible to all of us who are willing to open our hearts, receive and transmit. Jamye is the most genuine, real and truly gifted teacher I've encountered in a long while. It is a rare thing to see a teacher balance humility and purity of message."