Jenny Ngo


Jenny's signature Quantum Dimensional Healing energies are embedded in each of her MP3s:

*Reiki, Quantum-Touch, & Other Purest Healing Energies
*Healing music infused in both music & soundless versions
*Source High Vibrational Healing Oils Essence
*Positive Subliminal Affirmations

Along with her God Team of infinite celestial beings, Jenny is able to achieve phenomenal results in her energy healing work & MP3's.


Jenny Ngo is an expert healer, Intuitive, Entity Clearing Specialist & business success coach for entrepreneurs. She is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs take their transformational business to 6 figures & beyond doing what they love AND have the support to navigate the ups & downs of business & life.

She has been featured on well-known global telesummits, such as You Wealth Revolution & From Heartache To Joy. She has helped over 1,000 people discover their true purpose & gifts, and many of them started their dream business.

Jenny worked as a Registered Nurse and Certified Nurse Midwife for over 12 years, then studied healing modalities such as: Reiki, Quantum-Touch, The Reconnection, The Emotion Code & Entity Clearing.

Along her healing journey, she discovered her own unique healing gifts & found her true calling as a transformational healer. She has transformed her life from struggles and a demanding profession, to an awakened spiritual journey of healing and transformation.

Through her journey, she has been a powerful catalyst for fast and massive transformation and healing. Jenny discovered her own unique healing abilities and found her true calling. Now, as a spiritual midwife, she helps people birth their purpose and live their dreams.

Her mission is to help heart-centered people around the world to fully align to their purpose and gifts, connect to their inner guidance, and breakthrough their limiting beliefs and blocks so that they can share their unique gifts to make the biggest impact and income. Services Offered
-Group Coaching & Healing Programs (6 wks, 6mo & 12mo)
-Private 1-1 Session
-Remote Healing BUNDLE loaded w/ Extra Support: 14 Days distance healing, Monthly Q & A Healing Support Group Call & 2 Livestreams and more
-Healing Packages: Transformational Abundance & Higher Self Emergence; Uncover your greatness: Love, Intimacy & Relationships, and more
-MP3s & MP4s of various healing topics: health, love, abundance, and more

Click audio title for more information

5D Children Dimensional Healing


Children are our future. Nurture and support them to uncovering their greatness!


Abundance & Success (music)

Abundance & Life Purpose

Clear blocks & limiting beliefs preventing financial abundance and success


Abundance & Success (silent)

Abundance & Life Purpose

Clear blocks & limiting beliefs preventing financial abundance and success


Assisting Spirits to the Light


You have the power to help! Assisting loved ones' Spirits to the Light


Chakra Balancing & Healing (music)

Chakras & Energy Field

Quantum energies to balance & clear all your chakras


Chakra Balancing & Healing (silent)

Chakras & Energy Field

Quantum energies to balance & clear all your chakras


Chakra Balancing & Healing pkg

Chakras & Energy Field

Balance your chakras and heal in one swift. One of a kind approach!


Dimensional Healing (music)

Clearing Energies

Rapidly transmute negative energies blocking health, wealth, love & joy!


Dimensional Healing (silent)

Clearing Energies

Rapidly transmute negative energies blocking health, wealth, love & joy!


Dimensional Healing pkg

Clearing Energies

Rapidly transmute negative energies blocking health, wealth, love & joy!


Divine Rub


Enjoy energetic first aid for healing any "ouchy" ($33 value!)

$33    $0.99

Energy Uplift


Uplift your spirit and enhance relaxation ($33 value!)

$33    $0.99

First Steps To Your Healing Journey


Important foundational step! Clearing the way for healing to occur.


Focus & Performance (music)


Sharpen your focus to further your goals & increase success!


Focus & Performance (silent)


Sharpen your focus to further your goals & increase success!


Forgiveness, Love & Happiness-music

Emotional Issues

Embody unconditional love, forgiveness and happiness of your True Essence


Forgiveness, Love & Happiness-pkg


Embody unconditional love, forgiveness and happiness of your True Essence


Forgiveness, Love & Happiness-silen

Emotional Issues

Embody unconditional love, forgiveness and happiness of your True Essence


Great Night's Sleep (music)

Sleep & Stress Release

Clears imbalances, negative energies & blockages preventing deep sleep


Great Night's Sleep (silent)

Sleep & Stress Release

Clears imbalances, negative energies & blockages preventing deep sleep


Great Night's Sleep pkg

Sleep & Stress Release

Clears imbalances, negative energies & blockages preventing deep sleep


Harmony, Peace and Love


Helps release negative energies for more peace and harmony ($33 value!)

$33    $3.99

Have More Energy (music)


Feeling tired? Clear away negative energies draining you!


Have More Energy (silent)


Feeling tired? Clear away negative energies draining you!


Have More Energy pkg


Feeling tired? Low on energy? Need a natural energy boost without the downers?


Healing Masculine & Feminine-music


Balance your masculine & feminine energies for greater success & fulfillment


Healing Masculine & Feminine-silent


Balance your masculine & feminine energies for greater success & fulfillment


Holiday Spirit Jingle

Emotional Issues

Frequencies to ease holiday stress and rock the holiday spirit!


InnerChild Abundance Healing-music

Abundance & Life Purpose

Heal your wounded inner child so you can attract more success & abundance


InnerChild Abundance Healing-silent

Abundance & Life Purpose

Heal your wounded inner child so you can attract more success & abundance


Money Miracle Manifestor

Abundance & Life Purpose

Energies to manifest money miracles! ($55 value!)

$55    FREE

Psychic Attacks (music)

Clearing Energies

SOS...are you under a psychic attack or have an emergency? Help is on the way!


Psychic Attacks (pkg)

Clearing Energies

SOS...are you under a psychic attack or have an emergency? Help is on the way!

$55    $39.99

Psychic Attacks (silent)

Clearing Energies

SOS...are you under a psychic attack or have an emergency? Help is on the way!


Removing of Heart Walls (music)

Emotional Issues

Energies to dissolve heart walls, addicted heart energy and frozen emotions


Removing of Heart Walls (silent)

Emotional Issues

Energies to dissolve heart walls, addicted heart energy and frozen emotions


Removing of Heart Walls pkg

Emotional Issues

Energies to dissolve heart walls, addicted heart energy and frozen emotions


Removing of Negative Energies-music

Clearing Energies

Be free from negative forces interfering with you, your loved ones & your home!

$17    $3.99

Removing of Negative Energies-silen

Clearing Energies

Be free from negative forces interfering with you, your loved ones & your home!

$17    $3.99

Removing of Negative Energies pkg

Clearing Energies

Be free from negative forces interfering with you, your loved ones & your home!

$33    $7.99

Sexual Healing (music)

Emotional Issues

Clear guilt, shame, traumas & dysfunctions around your sexuality


Sexual Healing (silent)

Emotional Issues

Clear guilt, shame, traumas & dysfunctions around your sexuality


Stress Relief (music)

Sleep & Stress Release

Release stress and overwhelm with Quantum Healing energies ($18 value!)

$18    $3.99

Stress Relief (silent)

Sleep & Stress Release

Release stress and overwhelm with Quantum Healing energies ($18 value!)

$18    $3.99

Stress Relief pkg

Sleep & Stress Release

Release stress and overwhelm with Quantum Healing energies ($35 value!)

$35    $7.99

Your Love & Money Advisors

Abundance & Life Purpose

Ushers in the highest possible Love and Money advisors for you! ($33 value!)

$33    FREE

Jenny Ngo's Videos

Free Healing: Experience with Light Language


Valuing What You Have To Offer Healing


Prosperity Healing


Follow Your Heart Healing


Purpose Healing


Set your intentions to create what you desire!


Healing Water: How to make your water & food for healing & protection?


Have Childlike Curiosity (plus Clearing Blocks Healing Activation)


Commitment Healing


Dr Karen Kan Testimonial for Jenny's "Money Magnet" Program


Host of Video Summit - Testimonial for Jenny Ngo


Lilia Testimonial For Jenny


Demetria Manuselis Testimonial for Jenny


Courage Healing


Importance of having FUN - "me time" in your life


Swimming with the Dolphins--a magical experience


"Jenny is definitely a person you want to work with... She has helped me become definitely a bigger "money magnet" than I've ever become before. Jenny is a beacon of divine light with high love, high truth, and high integrity. Jenny really shines because she is so kind, so loving, so compassionate, you just feel completely enveloped in love when you work with her. I know I do, so I highly recommend that you take this opportunity to work with Jenny very closely. You won't regret it."
~Dr. Karen Kan, Holistic Physician & Spiritual Medicine Expert #1 Bestselling author of Guide to Healing Chronic Pain - Holistic Approach

"There are so many fans at FHTJ absolutely adore Jenny. Her healing abilities, her clearing work are absolutely legendary. She is one of the most accomplished, most powerful Lightworkers that I have personally ever witnessed So no matter where your blocks are, love and money are very connected. If the block is the money department, this is the healer that can truly help you in that department as well."
~Eram Saeed, Host & Creator of From Heartache to Joy Global Telesummit

"You are beyond a gifted healer and coach, but a fabulous mentor as well!!! Im very grateful for the support and guidance in healing of my deep past hurts and traumas including many unspeakable traumas in past lives. Also, I feel more confident in speaking Light Language, channeling, and automatic writing, thanks to you!!! I am really trusting and I am letting go to come into alignment of Creators Perspective much easily now! Which allowed me to serve at a greater capacity. Ive been recommending this coaching & healing programs to my friends."
~Jill Summers, energy healer, USA

"Jenny has a remarkable gift of healing that allows her to clear and transform layers negative energy which blocks health and wholeness. Jenny is very dedicated to working with each person or groups of people in a way that brings about balance on all levels--body, mind, and spirit and in all areas of one's life. The integrity of what Jenny does is amazing."
~Nancy Gordon, Ph.D., Psychoneuroimmunologist, Corporate Coach, National Wellness Consultant, & Author- "The Guiding Philosophy for the Future of Healthcare: It's Not What You Think...(Actually It Is What You Think"!)

Salary doubled from $50,000 after worked with Jenny:
"I met Jenny through my sister. One important factor about her I feel is important to share is that she helps me upgrade my point of reference regarding money earned. My whole life, $50,000 per year was my top salary. I worked with Jenny and NOW my salary doubled unexpectedly. I am so very grateful to her."
~ Nora, New York, USA

Money is pouring in:
"Since purchase Jenny's Abundance program, I got $10,000 unexpected backed payment from the government. Financially is so good now. I play bingo x 30 yrs, recently I won $750, $850, and then $1,400. I'm telling you I can't lose. It's been amazing. The money is pouring in every time I turn around I'm getting money. I got another $1,000 sitting right here and I even haven't take to the bank yet. I have not had any financial issues since. Where I was, compared where I am now, it's like two different places. I am giving thanks! You are such an angel. I am so grateful for you Jenny!"
~Del, USA

"I am happy to report a new Mercedes, new business opportunities, and people appearing daily to support my goals and vision bringing financial abundance and love. Even with the new car, new shoes also came too for swiftly moving forward. And on an additional note, on ease and grace, most of the financing abundance for the car was gifted and as an added miracle, I only spend 10 or 15 minutes at the California DMV's office registering the car. WOW! I am truly grateful to be in my quantum solvent of my true potential within me. With Jenny, I was able to move past personal issues to personal success unconditional love and prosperity. Yeah Jenny! Thank you so very much again!"
~Dr Antonio N., PhD in Music & Author, California, USA

My home foreclosure has been cancelled:
"Hello Jenny! No words to qualify the help you gave me. I tried pinching my skin to feel if it's me and if the results I got was real. Thank you so much! The home foreclosure has been cancelled after a couples of days of our 1-1 session. Thank your Team very fervently for me also. They were very lovely and very much caring than usual. I had joyful tears when they were advising me."
~Mr T., Washington D.C., USA