Removing of Negative Energies-silen

Jenny Ngo

Clearing Energies

Be free from negative forces interfering with you, your loved ones & your home!

$17       $3.99

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Full Description

Be free from the negative forces interfering with you, your loved ones, and your environment (home, workplace, business, and other public places).

Completely silent!

Use this powerful MP3 to:

-Transmute all negative energy, such as negative entities, cords, curses, black magic, voodoo, contracts, and vows, that no longer serve your highest good

- Clear and protect from emf's

-Release all kinds of negative entities with 100% success

-Repair auric fields to 100%

-Restore Life Force Energy

-Raise your Light Score and that of your environment; it's the ability to be free and remain free of negative entity attachments. Goal to have a 90% Light Score, which gives you a 99.99% chance of being free of negative entity attachments.

-Shield you and prevent you from being a "honing beacon" or magnet for negative energy attachments. Furthermore, your house and space will automatically be "charged up" with healing energies every time you use this.

Binaural or brainwave entrainment is embedded.


Each time you listen to the audio, you receive the following benefits:

-Your organ systems, glands, and organs, including your brain, are aligned, balanced, and cleansed as needed.

-Your intuition and connection to your Higher Self and God/Source are increased and enhanced.

-Your awareness and consciousness are raised.

-Your overall energy vibration is raised.

-Healings and clearings are done in all bodies, generations, and dimensions.

-Negative energies, including spirits, entities, attachments, portals/vortexes, and/or honing beacons are cleared for your Highest Good

-You, your loved ones, and your environment are grounded and shielded from all negative energies when you "intend" and/or put it on your comprehensive list and just ask the God Team to "work on my list" when the audio is played or when you listen to the audio/MP3.

Also, Jenny's signature Quantum Dimensional Healing energies are embedded in each of her healing MP3s. In addition, they all have the:

*Healing energies: Reiki, Quantum-Touch, & Other Purest Healing Energies

*Healing music embedded in both music & soundless versions

*Source High Vibrational Healing Oils Essence

*Positive Subliminal Affirmations- the energy frequencies embedded

Length: 5-Minutes. Soft, music: binaural or brainwave entrainment healing music is embedded into both the music and soundless tracks with the same effectiveness.

Create your very own energy infused healing water and food using this audio for healing and protection for you and your loved ones. For this instruction, visit

How to Use

Use as often as you need to OR as you are guided including when to use, the # of times, and/or the order to use with other MP3s.

It is recommended you loop this MP3 24 hrs 1-4 weeks of initial use for further clearing support.

Headphones are not required while listening.

Active participation is not required.

For more individualized usage, especially if you are more sensitive to energies and/or more advanced, then you can muscle test, use a pendulum, and/or ask for guidance to how often to use including looping or put on repeat play.


Safe for ALL to use. Please DO NOT use this MP3 while you are driving or performing tasks that require your 100% attention as you may be in an altered or spacey state. May experience temporary processing and/or detox symptoms: The energies of this audio work through deep layers of "gunk" clearing and healing, so you may experience temporary processing and/or detox symptoms. These symptoms should be temporary and indicate that your body is healing, processing, and releasing the negative gunk energies. A positive sign of healing. Listen to your body, rest or nap when able, stay hydrated, and be present with whatever you are experiencing so that it can be worked through or out of you quicker as you are not resisting.


Removing-Shielding Negative Energies Soundless.mp3


$17       $3.99

"Less than a second and the entity was gone."
"A few nights ago I was woken from a dream by the sound of scurrying footsteps in my bedroom. It was an entity and it was laughing at me. It had been trying to annoy me by waking me up. I called upon the beings who work through your Clearing and Shielding Negative Energies MP3 and asked for their help clearing the entity from my home. It literally took less than a second and the entity was gone. Very cool! Just thought you might like to know how much I am appreciating your MP3s :)" -Linda, Massachusetts, USA, Awakening Facilitator

"Sets up a barrier around my energy field"
"This mp3 sets up a barrier around my energy field and closes up the holes, etc. for negative energies/entities to attack. I feel more empowered and less susceptible." -Jo Ellen Page, Iowa, USA

"Entity clearing is a daily routine for me! Your mp3s have made this so easy!"
"I live beside a pre 1600s cemetery that is still in use and entity clearing is a daily routine for me! Your mp3s have made this so easy! Thank you! I've played the mp3s a few times specifically for the land my home is on and the surrounding village, Cromwell's army marched right across the land my house is built on! I've spent years clearing layer after layer but there was still a sense of not quite being able to connect cleanly to the rich abundant nurturing of Mother Earth, like there was one layer I just couldn't shift, well , it's lifted and shifted now! The elementals are so happy and so am I!"
~ Ann Wood, Ireland, Energy worker, sound therapist

"I was free of entities."
"Removing Negative Attachments mp3 I feel lighter and no more negative or heavy feeling anymore. I was told by another healer that I had an alien orb (negative entity) in my aura and it was part of my energy system. Thank you as I do not feel it is there anymore and I feel relieved. I think also it was great that you were able tuned in to tell me that I was free of entities."
~ R.M., Trinidad