Debbi Adams

Debbi Adams: Doctor of Multi-Dimensional Divinity

Debbi has an amazing ability to transmit sacred energy attunements that empower you to experience greater health, happiness, freedom and peace. She communicates messages from beyond compassionately, and in a way that invites you into an expansive spiritual consciousness and a greater understanding of you multi-dimensional Self.

About Debbi

Rev. Dr. Debbi Adams is a gifted soul reader, divine healer, therapeutic medium, higher consciousness coach, and heart-centered teacher who will empower you to live to your highest potential. She has helped thousands of clients overcome physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, psychic, business, and human challenges. She has an intuitive ability to tune into and translate the wisdom of your soul. Her higher-consciousness sessions are filled with magical insight, quantum transformations, divine blessings, and sacred light transmissions and activations. You will feel like you're talking to your angelic self, while being holistically transformed in pure love and higher cosmic attunement. Her clients experience new freedom and bliss.

She has been called a Lightworker, Earth Angel, Saint, Medicine Woman, Spiritual Midwife and enlightened by shamans, healers and her clients.

Debbi has also been called in missing persons cases, life and death passages, and to communicate with loved ones who have transitioned, including in difficult circumstances, such as murder. She has a doctorate of divinity, three ordinations and 20 healing certifications. Services Offered
I offer personal recorded Soul Healing Sessions working on the issues of your choice. I love to work from the totality of your being -all levels: soul, past life, DNA, cellular, habit body, etc. Whether financial, relationship, health, or reoccurring patterns that hold you back, I love freeing and empowering you. My intention always is to resolve underlying causative factors & create true transformation within.

Divine channeling that blesses your body/mind/spirit with great love & insight.

Click audio title for more information

Blue Lotus Peace Infusion

Sleep & Stress Release

Weave inner luminous peace into the heart and solar plexus energy centers

$110    $11.99

Gem of Awakening

Chakras & Energy Field

Light up your energy centers in these sacred gemstones of illumination


Holy Hormones - Sacred Glands


Rejuvenate your glands to ageless-timeless health, beauty and youthfulness

$110    $17.99

Trauma Therapist: My Chronic Fear Pattern is Gone in 1 Session!
"I have been a trauma therapist for 37 years, and energy healer for that time also. I have many healing certifications, meaning I have experienced many healing modalities. I received a session with Debbi. I had been unable to clear a chronic childhood and past life pattern, even using on myself EFT, EMDR, Psych k, mystery school Healing's, and yet this pattern persisted. When I had the session with Debbi, I thought "What the **** was that?" This session was unlike anything I had experienced, and this chronic fear pattern is GONE! I feel detached and grounded, and almost cannot access the former fear pattern! This was a life changing session!" ~Robin Trainor Masci, MS, LPCC ret.

Heart Healed in One Session, No Surgery Required!
"Hi Debbi, we just wanted to update you, Sean's heart has gone from 30-35% ejection fraction which put him at high risk of cardiac arrest to 50-55% which is normal. (55%-60% is normal). His doctor could not believe it, so he had another echocardiogram right at the office ordered and it showed the 50-55%. They couldn't believe it. We know why. We are very grateful. "~Sean & Nikki, fireman

I first listened to Debbi's audios, and her soothing voice and incredible content in the audios persuaded me to book a personal session. 10 mins into the call, I literally felt a part of my brain light up and saw colors go into my brain. It was amazing, and I knew that I experienced a profound shift. I start dropping weight right away and incredible other changes happened. I was able to release boxes of clutter from my home, let go of a relationship no longer serving me and put myself out there to date again. I immediately started becoming more positive & handled stress much better. Truly life transforming! She was picking up on things she could not have known; insightful, compassionate, but more importantly effective in resolving long-standing issues. ~ Susan G.

"I had a fantastic healing experience with Debbi. I had been affected by lots of anger issues, I was lashing out at people around me for no reason. With her magical soothing voice, she led me to the core of the anger in me- into my childhood emotional wounds and helped me release the root of it. The healing was very profound and after the healing, I felt much calmer. I haven't had any outbursts since then. ~Jay

"I had the pleasure of working with Debbi. I recognized I had some old tapes and had internalized some observations of others in my field as intuitive counselor, songwriter, and model. Feeling that songwriting is an exercise in futility, (someone else's words), that my work as an intuitive counselor would be regarded as fortune telling, and that modeling work would not be lucrative.

Dr. Adams suggested that we go into ceremony to release these thought patterns and saw me stepping onto a stage. Immediately I felt the tingling on my scalp, and the extreme peace I experience when accessing the higher frequencies.

The thought pattern regarding songwriting was changed from an exercise in futility to an exercise in prosperity. Modeling work was viewed as lucrative and it is OK if some people do not believe that I am a Visionary. From that day forward I have no longer referred to myself as a fortune teller and haven't even had to stop myself once from doing that. It is gone! ~Penelope Mercedes

I am so grateful for my 30 min session. I lost my job earlier this year & was struggling to make a living as an artist. Debbi worked on deep levels of poverty consciousness that have been following me since childhood. I felt so empowered and uplifted as she worked through the layers and I felt a shift in energy. Debbi is a very loving & wise individual to guide you through these dark areas. AND THE DAY AFTER THE SESSION I GOT AN OFFERING FOR A PAINTING, BETTER PAID THAN EVER BEFORE & A JOB OPPORTUNITY AS WELL! ~Caroline Abrams

"In my 30 min session with Debbi she quickly pinpointed that I was carrying burdens from ancient times, some ancestral, which were impacting my life now. I even felt the hand of my dead grandfather (just like he used to) gripping my shoulder tightly, telling me how much he relied on me!
Debbi worked on releasing the physical, emotional and mental aspects of this baggage. Tears released, along with seeing beautiful colors. I felt sure that I could put it all down & move on with my life, whilst being surrounded in a loving, supportive & nurturing space. Unconditional love filled me inside and out & gave me a lot of confidence knowing that I am worthy of receiving support, joy and abundance, instead of drudgery and duties. Debbi, you have great wisdom and loving ability to get to the crux of the problem and work swiftly to resolve it, and replace with something better. ~Jeanette Sanders