Blue Lotus Peace Infusion

Debbi Adams

Sleep & Stress Release

Weave inner luminous peace into the heart and solar plexus energy centers

$110       $11.99

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Full Description

Would you like to heal anxiety and have a place inside you that is always peaceful and at ease? And that instantly connects you with tranquility?

We'll weave this inner luminous peace into the heart and solar plexus energy centers to always be with you and accessible anytime.

We know life can get stressful and hectic. Here is a personal portable retreat that you can come to anytime to reset yourself to serenity.

If you deal with anxiety, are prone to worry, have PTSD, or struggle with ADD or focusing concentration, use this MP3 to free yourself and you will be better able to cope with anything that comes your way in your everyday life.

Infused with the energies of natural peace, rose and lotus essence, sapphire blue diamond light and Archangel energy.

12:16 minutes, calming music with guided voice

How to Use

Listen with eyes closed daily for first week then you can play and listen to it in the background as frequently as desired.

Can be played on endless loop as you sleep too.

Listen to a Sample!


Don't listen to while driving.


Blue Lotus Peace Infusion.mp3


$110       $11.99

"When I listen to this I calm down, anxiety and tension release. My head is clear. I love it!"
~ Cynthia M.

"I feel less tension and pain in my body, better sleep, more at peace and ease mentally. I feel like a lot shifted and was released." Thank you so much, Jonel B.

Son healed after medical assistance did not help
"The first time I was introduced to you by Dr. Ritchie, you were called into my life in an emergency situation. My son Carson was bite by a deadly spider. The hospital and doctors were not helping the situation get better. And then you walked in to the room. The only thing I can remember was handing my son over to you and asking you to make this all better. I knew nothing about energy or shamans at this time.
You placed your hands on Carson and closed your eyes, and I saw this black spirit of some sort lift out of him like smoke. And the room got brighter. He was healed. I was forever changed after that day."
~Kimberly Valentine