Dorota Rozmus

Dorota is a transformational intuitive healer, a voice activator and vibrational alchemist:
-a channel for Light-Love Source
-a loving voice of the Divine Feminine

The sound of her speaking and singing voice transmits light frequency information, helping you to transform distorted patterns, tuning and purifying you into the love vibration, your perfect divine blueprint .

Dorota works with Light and Love frequency, channeling energy vibration, helping you to clear and transform your emotions, your distorted mind information, the density of your past, family and DNA and body .

It is vibrational work on many levels of your Being, helping you to embody light into your 3D life.

Dorota was born in Poland and lived in Australia. From the age of 7 she studied classical music and piano, and graduated from the Academy of Music in Poland with Master of Art in Vocal Jazz Performance.

Her spiritual awakening happened in Australia when she attended a workshop and during a channeled session she could feel the vibration of sound and colour giving her information of Knowledge that her mind could not translate but her knowingness was being open from that moment.

Dorota has dedicated a great part of her life studying spiritual awakening and quantum understanding of healing, singing toning and sound vibration.

She is now bringing a new awareness about vibrational frequency beyond what we call sound or singing. Her VoiceDorota Method combines Vibrational Alchemy through thinking, breathing and speaking with healing and activations of the vibration of Love.

Vibrational healing comes through Dorotas singing and speaking voice. The channeled frequency of Light information creates shifts into your pure Being, as it bring transformation and peaceful harmonisation of your mind, body and soul as One.

Sound Light Language from the Angels will lovingly connect you with your souls awareness.

Dorotas MP3 products offer LightLove Activations, Healing and Clearing. Services Offered
-MP3 products: recorded activations with voice toning, channeled light- sound vibration, support sessions
-Personal Sessions Online
-Group classes & activations
-Inspirational talks, events, voice activations

Click audio title for more information

Breathing with the Angels


Tune into angelic vibration, love, light and support for you ($22 value!)

$22    $10.99

Forgiveness Frequency

Emotional Issues

Activation for teaching your mind to allow forgiveness


Helping Someone You Love


Hold a high frequency of Light to help someone you love ($25 value!)

$25    $9.99

Light Worker

Sleep & Stress Release

Receive healing & light-sound language from your Galactic Light Family


Mother and Child Vibrational Love


3 voice-toning activations to create a loving connection with your child ($60 value!)

$60    $24.99

Peace on Earth - Healing from Within

Clearing Energies

Clear ancestral patterns and code new Light within you, for Gaia and humanity

$55    $29.99

Peace on Earth - Power of You


Voice-sound activation to help you awaken to your true power ($22 value!)

$22    $10.99

Pure Mind

Sleep & Stress Release

Calm & purify your mind & body with Light and sound language


Quantum D

Sleep & Stress Release

Music and voice toning for deep relaxation & healing


Relax within Trust

Emotional Issues

Go into the vibrational state of being safe & peaceful w/ Dorota's voice toning

$15    FREE

Self-Love with Mother Mary


Voice-toning activation to feel Mother Mary's love for your inner child

$22    $10.99

Vibration of Your Smile


Learn to create your vibration, your sound of peacefulness within ($15 value!)

$15    $4.99

Dorota Rozmus's Videos

Day 4 of 12 activation " Feminine Aspect " by Dorota Rozmus


Meaning of Vibration of Love - Dorota Rozmus


"You are the light , transforming with God" - energy healing by Dorota Rozmus


Personal sessions - Welcome


Self Love - Voice Activations - energy healing by Dorota Rozmus


"Magenta gifts " - Voice Activations by Dorota Rozmus


How to activate your thoughts into the higher mind


Voice Activation - energy healing by Dorota Rozmus


Time is Now to create with your Higher Self - VoiceDorota


Day 3 of 12 wishes- activations for 2018 " by Dorota Rozmus. " My Higher Mind"


I am NOT wishing you today.. I activate my knowingness about you


You are Changing the Wold by shifting your energy vibration. Voice activations by Dorota Rozmus


There is seed of love in your pain - Dorota Rozmus


Webinar tomorrow and link to interview and special offer


Voice Activations - energy healing by Dorota Rozmus


Free session with Dorota Rozmus - Voice Activation - energy healing - new frequency Gaia' Love


"The first time I heard Dorota's voice I got goosebumps and I could sense there was something really powerful in her voice! I've never experienced something like that before, as I could feel the energy move in my whole body."

"Thank you so much Dorota, that was intensely amazing and so so deep and powerful the tears are still coming!! For a long time found it hard to cry, did as a child then told myself it didn't help. As an empath could cry for others and other situations but not for myself. Slowly put myself first but unblocking heart was keeping me back. I listened to you before on webinar and tears flowed I knew you could help. Slowly I can start to assist again. Thank you and blessings again for tonight.
Love from the one heart."

"I have had several sessions with Dorota and each time she takes me to a space where I feel the purity and innocence of who I am. My spirit soars as I release the density stored in my body, as my mind trusts the knowing that all is well. Dorota's voice activations feel like pristine water softly and gently showering me with love and raising my vibration to my highest possibility. If you are looking for your beautiful self, for beauty and contentment in your life, I can highly recommend Dorota. She is IT."

"I worked with Dorota during several online one-to-one sessions. At the time I was going through some difficult heartbreaking events. What a beautiful, gifted, amazing and loving soul Dorota is! These sessions changed my life on many levels. We went deep to the healing process and I cleared away many issues that had been holding me back. Each session was powerful, beautiful and full of love and light. Dorota works gently, lovingly and with such grace and healing power that I feel truly blessed. These sessions transformed me in ways that are hard to describe, made me look at life differently and most importantly opened up a new way of experiencing love and happiness in my life. My healing journey with Dorota was about profound lasting change. I feel humbled and forever thankful for the experience. Thank you, thank you, thank you. "