Peace on Earth - Healing from Within

Dorota Rozmus

Clearing Energies

Clear ancestral patterns and code new Light within you, for Gaia and humanity

$55       $29.99

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Full Description

This package contains 5 energy transmissions with Dorota's talking and singing voice, for decoding many layers of your human energy field:

Session 1 - Decoding Astral - healing mind for you and humanity

Session 2 - Divine Mother and Divine Gaia healing conflict in our energetic system. Your I AM is speaking

Session 3 - Tuning with your vibrational choice of Love and Oneness - Creating peace and harmony with Divine Mother, Gaia and Galactic Family

Session 4 - You are creating new reality for humanity and yourself. Clearing mind and space above our heads, activating flow of life

Session 5 - Holding the new vision for Humanity with vibrational awareness...We are Love

These activations were created because of the fear and war situation on the planet; they provide vibrational healing of the patterns formed from this lower human memory in each one of us.

The frequencies in this package work to heal and clear your ancestral memory and blockages that have been created inside your human field and body memory. They are also connect you energetically to Light of Gaia's 5D crystal vibration.

Dorota's healing voice brings Divine Mother's Love vibration, and also bridges and brings Light into lower field of duality, decoding your ether, astral, cellular, emotional, mental body.

As you listen, you will be healing, practicing and learning how to use tools of vibration to feel free of pain - emotional and physical.

Enjoy these activations and allow Love to be your vibrational healing tool!

Dorota's message:

"In my work, we are working on levels of the Higher Self always, creating and tuning into vibration to bring everything within the listener to the highest level of their soul. This is what Golden Age of Atlantis achieved (5D body & mind blueprint) and I know I am here to create this awareness and activate Light.

"My audios envelope the listener in Light to create shifts in their energy field. For example, if I clear cells with one sound, then with the Light Beings, I maintain the loving vibration within the listener's emotional body - sometimes the sound goes up and down the spine shifting, and it is all happening within 2 minutes of the activation."

Dorota is a voice healer and vibrational alchemist; the sound of her voice transmits light - love frequency - enjoy!

NOTE: if you'd like to purchase the single audio, please go to "Peace on Earth - Power of You"

How to Use

You can listen to activations few times. I suggest to listen to 1 session a day and allow time of relaxation afterward.

Active participation is recommended as your mind's awareness is important - but if you can't listen actively the energy will work for you anyway.


Do not use while driving as these audios provide strong energy shifts. You may fall asleep while listening - this is because mind is not able to process but subconscious mind is decoding.


Peace on Earth - Session 1 - Decoding Astral - healing mind for you and humanity .mp3

Peace on Earth session 3 - Tuning with your vibrational choice of Love and Oneness - Creating peace and harmony with Divine Mother , Gaia and Galactic Family .mp3

Peace on Earth session 5 - Holding the new vision for Humanity with vibrational awarness . We are Love .mp3

Peace on Eearth - session 4 - You are creating new reality for humanity and yourself. Clearing mind and space above our heads .. activating flow of life.mp3

Peace on Earth session 2 - Divine Mother and Divine Gaia healing conflict in our energetic system. Your I AM is speaking .. .mp3

$55       $29.99