Holy Hormones - Sacred Glands

Debbi Adams


Rejuvenate your glands to ageless-timeless health, beauty and youthfulness

$110       $17.99

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Full Description

Did you know the light body works through sacred gland gateways within you?

This audio is a 12th dimensional solar light initiation for the body, and will activate ageless-timeless paradigms of wisdom, health, beauty and youthfulness within the thyroid, thymus, adrenals and more.

As you become more fully illumined in your light body, your physical body integrates all these higher vibrational frequencies, and your hormones and glands begin to resurrect themselves and return to a more youthful state and create a new a healthy balance.

This audio begins with a simple mudra to activate love and the bonding hormone, and is for:

-Anyone in pre-,peri- or post menopause experiencing hormone fluctuations.

-Anyone want to revive, cleanse, purify and activate thyroid, thymus and adrenals with ascension codes and light.

-Anyone feeling sluggish, wanting new energy levels and desiring more youthfulness.

-Those seeking spiritual advancement, initiation and self actualization.

-Those wanting to spiritualize and harmonize the body.

Infused with the energies of endorphins, bliss, ageless-timeless blueprints, violet flame, 12th dimensional solar light fields, higher heart gateway

18:30 minutes, contains soft music and guiding words.

How to Use

Best to listen to this with eyes closed the first 5-7 times.

After that, you can play as often as you like and even in the background while you do others things.

Listen daily for at least 14 days.


Do not listen to while driving or when your full attention is required.


Holy Hormones - Sacred Gland Activation.mp3


$110       $17.99

"I absolutely love, love, love all your MP3s as they are so brilliant and I felt so much lighter and peaceful after listening to them. ! Your work is so powerful and Im infinitely grateful for being guided to get this brilliant empowering package."
~ Naseema

"Where do I even beginIve been asking Debbi to record her meditation transmissions for decades. She has entirely changed my life in so many ways. She is my friend, mentor and spiritual guide. Now I finally have the ability to listen to her again and again. I can take her with me wherever I go. I am forever changed by experiencing her light transmissions. After each time I listen I always feel centered, loved and renewed like never before. I know I can have it all and every time I listen to Debbi I am reminded of this truth. These products connect me with so many insights, energies and miracles its hard to say which one is more profound. They all are!! I feel so loved, blessed and connecte; done with everything. Thank you Debbi for always bringing me to this place. You must experience Debbi and her wonderful LOVE essence!"
~ Nadene Nystuen R.N.

Son healed after medical assistance did not help
"The first time I was introduced to you by Dr. Ritchie, you were called into my life in an emergency situation. My son Carson was bite by a deadly spider. The hospital and doctors were not helping the situation get better. And then you walked in to the room. The only thing I can remember was handing my son over to you and asking you to make this all better. I knew nothing about energy or shamans at this time.
You placed your hands on Carson and closed your eyes, and I saw this black spirit of some sort lift out of him like smoke. And the room got brighter. He was healed. I was forever changed after that day."
~Kimberly Valentine