Money Miracle Manifestor

Jenny Ngo

Abundance & Life Purpose

Energies to manifest money miracles! ($55 value!)

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Full Description

What kind of money Miracles can you manifest into your life? This MP3 will increase your ability to receive and experience money miracles!

Contains soft music; approx. 6min

How to Use

Recommended usage instructions for BEST results and healing integration:

1. Listen to this MP3 1-10 times a day for 7 consecutive days. It is okay if you fall asleep while listening. In fact, that can be a great side benefit. For more individualized usage instructions, ask your own inner guidance or muscle test to see how long and how often to use as needed.

2. For the next 14 days (hence a total of 21 days), do your best to stay in the vibration of what you desire. The more you allow yourself to feel relaxed, calm, peaceful, grateful, etc., the bigger and better your miracles will be. Keep your ears and eyes open and on the look-out for money and abundance miracles coming into your life! People have reported bigger tips than usual, hefty discounts/savings, lunch/dinner paid for, won nice gifts/packages/sessions, pay raises/promotions, more clients, and better opportunities.

3. Your ability to bring in more abundance will be continually raised to the highest possible level for your highest and best good as you do your inner work.

Please note:
Results will vary. Everyone is at a different rate of healing, spiritual growth, and levels of abundance readiness. However, the closer you are to the vibration of a Money Magnet or the Abundance Living GPS 22 Key Essentials, the more tangible your results will be.

Tips: Work on your levels of Self Worth, Self Love, Forgiveness of Self and Others, Faith/Trust, Responsibility, etc


There are no cautions for this audio.


Money Miracle Manifestor-Gift.mp3


$55       FREE

"I am happy to report a new Mercedes, new business opportunities, and people appearing daily to support my goals and vision bringing financial abundance and love. Even with the new car, new shoes also came too for swiftly moving forward. And on an additional note, on ease and grace, most of the financing abundance for the car was gifted and as an added miracle, I only spend 10 or 15 minutes at the California DMV's office registering the car. WOW! I am truly grateful to be in my quantum solvent of my true potential within me. With Jenny, I was able to move past personal issues to personal success unconditional love and prosperity. Yeah Jenny! Thank you so very much again!"
~Dr Antonio N., PhD in Music & Author, California, USA

My home foreclosure has been cancelled:
"Hello Jenny! No words to qualify the help you gave me. I tried pinching my skin to feel if it's me and if the results I got was real. Thank you so much! The home foreclosure has been cancelled after a couples of days of our 1-1 session. Thank your Team very fervently for me also. They were very lovely and very much caring than usual. I had joyful tears when they were advising me."
~Mr T., Washington D.C., USA

Salary doubled from $50,000 after worked with Jenny:
"I met Jenny through my sister. One important factor about her I feel is important to share is that she helps me upgrade my point of reference regarding money earned. My whole life, $50,000 per year was my top salary. I worked with Jenny and NOW my salary doubled unexpectedly. I am so very grateful to her."
~ Nora, New York, USA

Money is pouring in:
"Since purchase Jenny's Abundance program, I got $10,000 unexpected backed payment from the government. Financially is so good now. I play bingo x 30 yrs, recently I won $750, $850, and then $1,400. I'm telling you I can't lose. It's been amazing. The money is pouring in every time I turn around I'm getting money. I got another $1,000 sitting right here and I even haven't take to the bank yet. I have not had any financial issues since. Where I was, compared where I am now, it's like two different places. I am giving thanks! You are such an angel. I am so grateful for you Jenny!"
~Del, USA

"I am happy to report a new Mercedes, new business opportunities, and people appearing daily to support my goals and vision bringing financial abundance and love. Even with the new car, new shoes also came too for swiftly moving forward. And on an additional note, on ease and grace, most of the financing abundance for the car was gifted and as an added miracle, I only spend 10 or 15 minutes at the California DMV's office registering the car. WOW! I am truly grateful to be in my quantum solvent of my true potential within me. With Jenny, I was able to move past personal issues to personal success unconditional love and prosperity. Yeah Jenny! Thank you so very much again!"
~Dr Antonio N., PhD in Music & Author, California, USA