Divine Rub

Jenny Ngo


Enjoy energetic first aid for healing any "ouchy" ($33 value!)

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Full Description

Have a booboo or ouchy hurt? Use this energetic Divine healing rub and feel better.

Countless celestial helpers will be present to soothe and comfort you and the ouchy. A must-have for any first aid kit!

Contains soft music; length: 3:33min

How to Use

Use it as often as you need when you or someone have a "booboo" or "ouchy". You can use this anywhere and to help anyone just like an energetic first aid.

When unable to play or on-the-go, can also be used by intention, just say Jenny's Divine Rub mp3 and the healing energies will be present right away as if you are actually playing it. Safe for ALL to use and for the Highest and best good of all.


Please DO NOT use this MP3 while you are driving or performing tasks that require your 100% attention as you may be in an altered or spacey state.


Free Gift- Divine Rub Music.mp3


$33       $0.99

"Awesome Relief"
"All of Jenny's mp3's are AWESOME! I play them continuously in my home, especially when Im sleeping. They really do work everything from clearing the space to relaxation. Thank You Jenny for your great contribution to everyone." -Susan

"There are so many fans at FHTJ absolutely adore Jenny. Her healing abilities, her clearing work are absolutely legendary. She is one of the most accomplished, most powerful Lightworkers that I have personally ever witnessed So no matter where your blocks are, love and money are very connected. If the block is the money department, this is the healer that can truly help you in that department as well."
~Eram Saeed, Host & Creator of From Heartache to Joy Global Telesummit

"You are beyond a gifted healer and coach, but a fabulous mentor as well!!! Im very grateful for the support and guidance in healing of my deep past hurts and traumas including many unspeakable traumas in past lives. Also, I feel more confident in speaking Light Language, channeling, and automatic writing, thanks to you!!! I am really trusting and I am letting go to come into alignment of Creators Perspective much easily now! Which allowed me to serve at a greater capacity. Ive been recommending this coaching & healing programs to my friends."
~Jill Summers, energy healer, USA

"Jenny has a remarkable gift of healing that allows her to clear and transform layers negative energy which blocks health and wholeness. Jenny is very dedicated to working with each person or groups of people in a way that brings about balance on all levels--body, mind, and spirit and in all areas of one's life. The integrity of what Jenny does is amazing."
~Nancy Gordon, Ph.D., Psychoneuroimmunologist, Corporate Coach, National Wellness Consultant, & Author- "The Guiding Philosophy for the Future of Healthcare: It's Not What You Think...(Actually It Is What You Think"!)

"I'm being retrained at an energetic level in how I respond to stress triggers! Powerful!"