Psychic Attacks (silent)

Jenny Ngo

Clearing Energies

SOS...are you under a psychic attack or have an emergency? Help is on the way!


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Full Description

Without realizing it, you may be under psychic attack from negative entities around you.

These entities can be in your energy field, your loved ones, or your environment. In a sense, you have become a honing beacon for these negative entities, and in so doing you have opened the portals for the entry of these entities or other negative energies.

When this happens, you may experience sudden physical pains that are "off the chart", suddenly experience extreme emotional changes that are unaccounted for, or not feel like your normal self.

This package will also protect you from emf's.

Note: This is energetic healing support. For medical emergency, please seek prompt medical care.

Completely silent audio!

Binaural or brainwave entrainment is embedded.


*Your organ systems, glands, and organs, including your brain, are aligned, balanced, and cleansed as needed.

*Your intuition and connection to your Higher Self and God/Source are enhanced or increased.

*Your awareness and consciousness are raised.

*Your overall energy vibration is raised.

*Healing and clearings are done in all bodies, generations, and dimensions.

*Negative energies, including spirits, entities, attachments, portals/vortexes, voodoo/black magic, and/or honing beacons, are cleared for your Highest Good

*You, your loved ones, and your environment are grounded and shielded from all negative energies when you intend and/or put on your comprehensive healing list and just ask the God Team to work on my list using the MP3.


Also, Jenny's signature Quantum Dimensional Healing energies are embedded in each of her healing MP3s. In addition, they all include:

*Healing energies: Reiki, Quantum-Touch, & Other Purest Healing Energies

*Healing music embedded in both music & soundless versions

*Source High Vibrational Healing Oils Essence

*Positive Subliminal Affirmations- the energy frequencies embedded

Create your very own energy infused healing water and food using this audio for healing and protection for you and your loved ones. For this instruction, visit

How to Use

Use this MP3 when you feel you are under a psychic attack or faced with an emergency, OR as you are guided including when to use, and the # of times.

This MP3 is very powerful, do not loop or use on repeat play for more than 8 hours a day.

Active participation is not required but recommend when you feel you are have a psychic attack.

Headphones are not required while listening.

For more individualized usage, especially if you are more sensitive to energies and/or more advanced, then you can muscle test, use a pendulum, and/or ask for guidance to how often to use including looping or put on repeat play.


Safe for ALL to use. Please DO NOT use this MP3 while you are driving or performing tasks that require your 100% attention as you may be in an altered or spacey state. May experience temporary processing and/or detox symptoms: The energies of this audio work through deep layers of "gunk" clearing and healing, so you may experience temporary processing and/or detox symptoms. These detox symptoms are temporary and indicate that your body is healing, processing, and releasing the negative gunk energies. A positive sign of healing. Listen to your body, rest or nap when able, stay hydrated, and be present with whatever you are experiencing so that it can be worked through or out of you quicker as you are not resisting.


PsychicAttacks-Emergencies Soundless.mp3



"Son suffers from depression...last 2 days locked up in room; 20 minutes later came out his room"

"I used the emergency entity clearing first and have it on the loop. I immediately saw a difference on myself. I am looking at how it helped my son who suffers from depression. He was in that state for the last 2 days locked up in his room. Guess what today after having the tape on the loop. 20 minutes later he came out his room. Ate something and is conversation with the Family and Laughing. This is phenomenal. Especially for a mother who want to see their child take control of their life at all times. This I know is the beginning of my son healing. Thanks Jenny." -Carol, United Kingdom

"I really felt under a psychic attack; I calmed down quickly and fell into a very deep sleep."

"Last week I woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick and with unexplainable waves of panic and overwhelm in my stomach. The afternoon before I'd had a difficult visit to the dentist. I opened my tablet to put on a relaxing recording and saw that you had just sent your MP3s. I listened to the "psychic attack emergency" as I really felt under a psychic attack. I had been releasing entities from 2 clients the day before and also felt there were entities in the dental equipment!
After a few minutes I felt far more relaxed... I calmed down quickly and fell into a very deep sleep. The next morning I was just fine." -Susan, Jerusalem, Israel, energy healer and art therapist

"Great when needing immediate intervention"

"This mp3 is great when needing immediate intervention and relief from negativity, manipulation and chaos. Also, I play this after my cats fight with each other and it seems to clear up the energetic residue from one cat attacking the other one. " -Jo Ellen Page, Iowa, USA

"Usually feel intimidated and almost afraid of him
but not when using this MP3."

"I have used this MP3 a few times at work as I work with a few very negative people especially one of my bosses. I felt shielded and protected from him. I would usually feel intimidated and almost afraid of him but not when using this MP3. I felt powerful, confident and unaffected by his negative vibes. I found it has also made me more assertive in general. " -LC Ontario, Canada

"This MP3 really worked!!!"

"I was enjoying myself at the skate park until a bunch of guys showed up that I didn't know. The energy in the park suddenly became heavy and uncomfortable. It felt like there were entities accompanying them. So I played the Psychic Attack Emergency MP3 from Jenny and within 2 minutes, the energy shifted completely and became light and fun. I enjoyed the rest of my time there and was completely comfortable. I was quite surprised! This MP3 really worked!!!" -James, New York, USA