Elemental Codes

Jamye Price


Enjoy this free sample of the Elemental Codes Light Language


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Full Description

Enjoy a 15 second sample of the "Elven and Faerie Light Language" mp3!

Light Language is a profound healing modality that helps humanity expand into multidimensional communication and healing. Jamye Price combines Light Language, Crystalline Soul Healing and music to bring you powerful healing activations.

If you've enjoyed this 15 second sample, download the full version, "Elven and Faerie Light Language", also on PureLight!

How to Use

You may listen over and over as much as you like; find the pace that works for you. This track releases and activates in ways that are beneficial, so you will want to listen often.

Set Intent and Be Open
Crystalline Soul Healing and Light Language both concede to your higher self. Your higher self is the divine, subtle aspect of you that co-creates your life with you. Your higher self activates the frequencies to release and initiate your best path and pace of healing.

Listen Often
When you first begin, establish a fairly consistent listening pattern. Listen to your body and intuition. Take breaks whenever you are guided, because that allows integration to occur.

Expect Change
You may first begin to notice more peace or inspiration. You may notice some uncomfortable feelings rising to the surface. Keep listening often. You generally heal on the subtle realms first. Every physical healing has a cause in the subtle mental and emotional realms.

Be gentle with yourself and observe your specific clues in your life.
When you notice physical manifestation of change, continue to listen. You may feel that an issue is cleared, only to find another layer at a later date. Begin to listen more often again. Be open to the process of your healing, as it is divinely guided and perfectly co-created for you with your Higher Self.

Listen with Focus and Allowance
Sometimes you want to listen intently while noticing what you are sensing. Sometimes you may also let the Light Language tracks repeat (barely audible, inaudible or aloud) over and over without your focus. It is helpful to allow the frequencies to work without your mental focus prohibiting them in any way as your higher self directs the frequencies.

You may want to sleep with them repeating occasionally. Follow your intuition as to how much is beneficial. Taking breaks helps integration, so no need to overdo it.

These tools are one part of your holistic care of self. They do not replace or interfere with any medical protocols. Prior to making any changes in diet or exercise, you may need to consult a health care professional. This vibrational healing tool utilizes profound Light Language, Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies and music to facilitate vibrational balancing towards your power of wholeness.

This personal healing tool may not to be copied or shared publicly in any way. If you have any questions or would like to share a healing story, please contact info@JamyePrice.com. Copyright Crystalline Soul Healing, LLC


This audio may cause drowsiness so do not listen while driving or when your full attention is required. Also, you may experience detox symptoms as lower energies leave your energy field. Should this occur, drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest.





"Simply brilliant!!! I especially felt the light language transmissions in every cell. Love, love, love you & your work! Thank you for all that you do!!!
I've listened to the Light Language piece at least 5 times now. I'm astonished by how it moves me"

"I would like to thank you for light healing audios I bought a few days ago. I have experienced a sense of well being and calmness when I listen to the healing audios. Only yesterday I was listening to the audio outside my backyard and I am not sure what I saw but as I listened to the audios I would see these small blue balls in the sky jumping around and also the sky would appear clearer."

"I just did the [Abundance] healing........ it was so powerful as I'm sure you know. Today a lot of emotions were rising to the surface around fear of lack and feeling I have to compromise myself for money, which is the deepest thing I'm working on healing now. I did this meditation and it brought me much deeper into authenticity to my true self and helped me make some grounded life choices for my path right now.
I was blown away at the power of your healing CD. Thank you, thank you! I have subscribed to all your newsletters. You are truly a gifted being. I slept so good and have energy, where I didn't have before."

"By the way, I would like to tell you about happening today. I went to trekking on a holy mountain today, then I started listening your light language of "sacred relationship" in the middle of forest. After that, I saw a big and a small yellow light balls all over around me!! I couldn't believe what was going on and I closed and opened my eyes for several times. It kept showing for 30 min. They are not moving at all...
Anyway, I thank you for this amazing experience."