Angel Eyes Meditation

Judy Browne


Angel healing for bliss, calm, deep sleep and physical restoration

$22       $12.99

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Full Description

This is a roadmap of ease and sound binaural music taking you deeper on your journey of success Vitality and Rejuvenation

You will experience:

-Binaural beats flowing through to expand your field and consciousness to support you.

-Angel healing, powerful but gentle, to bring you into a space to go deeper with geometry for sacred space

-Malachite crystal energy was placed under your pillow and another larger piece placed in your room to further enhance you and your space.

-Soul retrieval for those that have experienced shock and trauma

-Transmission of diamond light

-Green emerald light for healing You are amazing You can achieve anything!

-Full body reconnection

-Base chakra receiving restoration as this is your temple of the physical body enhancing wellness confidence balance and harmony

-Angel eyes transmission
-Divine Bliss
-Deep peace Angel Power Sacred Activation
-Heaven on Earth

This audio is supportive with children who may experience night terrors, and it also supports your muscular skeletal system, and so much more!

The benefits of listening:

-You will sense a new freedom a lighter and more energized you. When you let go of the stories and surrender and release others' energies around you feel more peace become calmer and brighter in light. Triggering around others will become easier as you surrender.

-Sleep deeply at night and wake up refreshed.

(Binaural frequencies embedded on this track light codes and angelic frequencies Music)-

How to Use

Safe for everyone to use - Once a day or when you are guided is recommended.

You can loop after the first few listens, but please remember the audio is layered with many essences of healing crystals, sound, sacred geometry, God Source Light and binaural waves to support your healing and journey.

Allow the music and my voice to carry you deeply releasing from your mental emotional physical and spiritual aspects of all that you are surrendering the stories woundings and trauma.

I always recommend listening with headphones and being seated in a chair spine straight for full energy flow and alignment. My voice carries codes of light and works through conscious mind subconscious genetic ancestral blood lines of your mother and father's bloodlines, past lives releasing you from the collective field of all that's not yours to complete so you are operating in your own energy.

When you take in the words you go deeper you allow for deeper healing.

Once you have listened you can use the meditation as you drift off to sleep.


We are using high frequencies of light to release all that is blocking your path. It is advisable to drink plenty of water and to stay hydrated as you integrate fully. Do not loop until you know you can manage the energy shifts. You may wake up feeling unwell as the body detoxes so please take it easy until you know you are ready. You can then use at bedtime to support sleep and profound shifts. Do not use while driving or operating heavy machinery or any appliance that requires full attention and awareness. Hydration is very important drink a glass of water before you listen and another after. Rest Rest Rest as you integrate you may experience waves of tiredness know you are releasing and be gentle with yourself. You are unique and so is your journey stay confident and watch your thoughts and trust your guidance.


Angel Eyes Meditation - FINAL.mp3


$22       $12.99

My son listened to Angel eyes for the first time last night . Thank you, he said he slept so deeply. - Bianca

So needed for me being an empath. Thanks heaps! - MichelleJ

Judy, listening to your recording every night is powerful. It reveals and highlights what needs to be addressed. - Marie

Big Thanks Judy to you and Spirit for this meditation it has provided me with much comfort and healing. From the time I began listening to it I could feel the healing energy come through. Luv listening to it.. much love to you and