Awakening Your Future Self

Judy Browne

Abundance & Life Purpose

Starseeds & empaths: meet your future self, revealing gifts and talents

$22       $14.99

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This audio is layered with many essences to support your healing journey of including:

-sacred geometry
-Light codes
-God Source Light and
-binaural waves

My voice carries codes of light and works through conscious mind subconscious genetic ancestral blood lines of your mother and father's bloodlines, past lives, releasing you from the collective field of all that's not yours to complete so you are operating in your own energy.

Perfect for healers Star Seeds empaths and sensitives!
Meet your future self, revealing your gifts and talents!

Enjoy restoration in the new higher crystalline light structure - a must moving forward to promote wellness and courage.

Experience activation of the Pineal gland and feel more "switched on" for clarity to receive information in a highly activated way

Enjoy restoration of FAITH

To align you to this place, you are asked to give permission in the highest truth to facilitate the unlocking of the dark energies that have kept the world in fear control and confusion.

This is a big step forward in attaining freedom and universal flow that supports abundance and synchronicity.
Stay hydrated as this upgrade integrates and use you intuition on how many times to listen.

Benefits of Listening will be unique for everyone on their journey. This is transformational as you let go to reveal your new awakened self with new gifts and talents taking you to a new sense of new and empowerment stepping into your full LIGHT of success.

Music embedded theta wave frequencies 432Hz of the Cosmos - to take you deeper with codes of Light coming through my voice and source energy

How to Use

Safe for everyone to use - Once a day or when you are guided is recommended.

You can loop after the first few listens, but please remember the audio is layered with many essences of healing including crystals, sound, sacred geometry, God Source Light and binaural waves to support your healing and journey.

Allow the music and my voice to carry you deeply releasing from your mental emotional physical and spiritual aspects of all that you are surrendering the stories woundings and trauma.

I always recommend listening with headphones and being seated in a chair spine straight for full energy flow and alignment.

My voice carries codes of light and works through conscious mind subconscious genetic ancestral blood lines of your mother and fathers bloodlines, past lives, releasing you from the collective field of all that's not yours to complete so you are operating in your own energy.

When you take in the words you go deeper you allow for deeper healing.
Once you have listened you can use the meditation as you drift off to sleep.

Our Shop houses over 60 different meditations, self development programs, new moon manifestation calls, clearings, healings and services.

I welcome you to your own pathway to wellness and vitality and look forward to meeting you

Mind Soul Wellness
Judy Browne

Website :


We are using high frequencies of light to release all that is blocking your path. It is advisable nto drink plenty of water and to stay hydrated as you integrate fully. Do not loop until you know you can manage the energy shifts you can wake up feeling unwell as the body detoxes so please take it easy until you know you are ready. You can then use at bed time to support sleep and profound shifts. Do not use while driving or operating heavy machinery or any appliance that requires full attention and awareness. Hydration is very important drink a glass of water before you listen and another after. Rest Rest Rest as you integrate you may experience waves of tiredness know you are releasing and be gentle with yourself. You are unique and so is your journey stay confident and watch your thoughts and trust your guidance.


Awakening to your future self mp3.mp3


$22       $14.99

Thank you Judy Really enjoying the audios - Hi Judy.

Great audio, quick and easy listening. Cleared a few things that have been stuck. Feeling different about life and clearer now ready to move forward.
Many thanks once again for providing the tools for a better life.- Hi Judy

I have been listening to your Audio every night and can tell you that I have noticed a big change in myself. I am so much more open and positive about things. I love it that much that if I wake up during the night I automatically replay it. I am so looking forward to better and happier things. I feel so moved and ready to go. Get on board people you will love it.
Thank you so much Judy. You are a beautiful amazing person. Love Rose xx

Hi Judy. I want to truly thank you for the work that you do, and your generosity in offering your healing abilities. I feel very blessed when I listen to this activation. I have a lot of blockages, and it is very difficult for me to feel energy. I was surprised when during the last five minutes of the audio, I felt a very powerful energy awakening me. It was just beautiful, and I felt so empowered. I find myself very drawn to the sound of the singing bowl- as if every strike is raising my vibration. I look forward to continuing to use this audio and experience changes in my life. Thank you so much Judy!- A.M.