Mary Magdalene Transmission of Love

Judy Browne


Become the Rainbow Bridge of divine sacred feminine love

$22       $15.99

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Full Description


Experience powerful clearings & upgrades and receive deep healings. Your higher self will lead the way and you will be asked to give permission to receive as we journey together.

Experience deep clearings of very old wounds. We go deep with Mary Magdalene and the Christ Consciousness Template of Light as she brings forward shimmering golden frequencies of grace and a transmission of Heart Soul Connection.

Temple Oils were used to set the sacred field for receiving.

Receive a powerful clearing and hear the message from Mary Magdalene as she completes many clearings that go deep from birth through to teenage self the akashic records work with your higher self to get to the core of what you carry that blocks your divine feminine.

Kwan yin very present and the team of pure light to support each passage to bring forward memories that are to be alchemized to free you to receive the sacred divine essence of sacred love. This takes place in the golden temple to receive this ancient passage of receiving. You will receive a rose quartz gift a crystal that amplifies heart mind throat third eye crown and beyond.

You can expect to be held in reverence throughout the meditation a journey of sacred feminine. This is to bring you into Your Mastery to feel comfortable in your own skin celebrating the sacred divine feminine.

Feel lighter, free and able to be seen confidently knowing you are heard through this powerful process of celebrating your "I am feminine the sacred passage of self-love."

Wellness improves when you carry the vibration of love

Feel a shift being more confident stepping out and knowing you carry the essence of the powerful Mary Magdalene a powerful gift sovereign grounded and free a wonderful feeling of vitality.

Become the beauty the celebration of you and it does not come into gender or how you view yourself. This is pure heart love that sets you free from the old ancient energies that have dominated women and men for thousands of years and the masculine has been taught to be tough and not to show emotions this will set the way moving forward to enhance your relationship with you partner your family members friends and all becoming a celebration of connection.

This meditation is very comprehensive with much detailed clearings and healings through compassion understanding forgiveness and gained wisdom it carries codes and transmissions of the Christ Consciousness Template of Light and Love codes and crystal sound healing .

Enjoy and create the space to nurture and nourish in this loving vibration.

How to Use

Safe for everyone to use - Once a day or when you are guided is recommended.

You can loop after the first few listens, but please remember the audio is layered with many essences of healing crystals, sound, sacred geometry, God Source Light and binaural waves to support your healing and journey.

Allow the music and my voice to carry you deeply releasing from your mental emotional physical and spiritual aspects of all that you are surrendering the stories woundings and trauma.

I always recommend listening with headphones and being seated in a chair spine straight for full energy flow and alignment. My voice carries codes of light and works through conscious mind subconscious genetic ancestral blood lines of your mother and father's bloodlines, past lives releasing you from the collective field of all that's not yours to complete so you are operating in your own energy.

When you take in the words you go deeper you allow for deeper healing.

Once you have listened you can use the meditation as you drift off to sleep.

We are using high frequencies of light to release all that is blocking your path.

It is advisable to drink plenty of water and to stay hydrated as you integrate fully.

Do not loop until you know you can manage the energy shifts. You may wake up feeling unwell as the body detoxes so please take it easy until you know you are ready. You can then use at bedtime to support sleep and profound shifts.

Do not use while driving or operating heavy machinery or any appliance that requires full attention and awareness.

Hydration is very important drink a glass of water before you listen and another after.

Rest Rest Rest as you integrate you may experience waves of tiredness know you are releasing and be gentle with yourself.

You are unique and so is your journey stay confident and watch your thoughts and trust your guidance.


We are using high frequencies of light to release all that is blocking your path. It is advisable to drink plenty of water and to stay hydrated as you integrate fully. Do not loop until you know you can manage the energy shifts. You may wake up feeling unwell as the body detoxes so please take it easy until you know you are ready. You can then use at bedtime to support sleep and profound shifts. Do not use while driving or operating heavy machinery or any appliance that requires full attention and awareness. Hydration is very important drink a glass of water before you listen and another after. Rest Rest Rest as you integrate you may experience waves of tiredness know you are releasing and be gentle with yourself. You are unique and so is your journey stay confident and watch your thoughts and trust your guidance.


Mary Magdalene_Transmission_Love.mp3


$22       $15.99

Feeling balanced

Amazing. Thank you so much. I've been meaning to tell you, I am in such an amazing frame of mind. I've especially noticed it this last week.
I'm feeling positive, energetic, not confused. I don't know how to thank you enough.
I couldn't go on the way I was before for much longer, it was so hard. Life was a constant drain and I just felt like I was continuously struggling.

Now, I feel amazing. I actually smile these days!! Thank you so much for helping me Judy

I have recently completed the Mastering Me Program Wow. what an amazing amount of tools and guidance that have come from doing the program. A toolbox full of inspiration and guidance as well as clearing sessions to turn back to whenever I feel drawn to or wish to do so. Having completed the program. I feel so many changes within me on lots of different levels. The biggest one being an Awareness of myself in different areas. discovering what makes me who I am. the awareness also comes with a knowing that there is so much more of Me yet to discover. I feel strengthened with a readiness and an openness to do so, mixed with a feeling of coming to a place of peace with myself. I have not felt in this way before. I believe there is more changes yet to come and I am excited to the journey and the experience of discovering more of who I AM. Thanks So Much Judy. Much Love.