Infinity Healing to Increase Charisma

Haneen Aroundfab


HELLO Charisma! ($100 value)

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Full Description

This audio contains powerful Infinity Healings to increase your charisma!

Completely silent!

The healings clear the following that may be affecting your charisma, such as all limiting:

-Past memories
-Limiting patterns
-Agreements and contracts
-Limitation Emotions
-Judgement points of view
-Any implants, attachments, parasitical awareness entities, black magic, alive evil, hidden intentions, dark energy, energy chords
-Karma from you, your parents, grandparents and ancestors

This audio also:

- Clears states of un-readiness, attachment and self-destruction

- Includes an Atonement for Charisma

- Encourages you to do whatever Divine action is needed to complete the healing

- Allows Infinity Healing to cover working on anything else that you need

The way the Infinity Healing works is:

Source-God-Universe with its infinite love, healing, power, awareness.....will connect to you and do infinite things for you, all that it knows to do that is for your highest good, from the root of the item.

This includes clearing limiting beliefs, emotions, fears, blocks, self sabotage, trauma, abuse, inner child healing; patterns from parents, ancestors, past lives, karma, etc....

Infinity Healing not only transmutes this but also replaces it with what is for your highest good, so that you can be your infinite self.

What starts today will keep being worked on for as long as it's needed until it's completely done doing all that it knows to do that is for your highest good.

This could continue for the next few days, weeks, and months, as long as it needs to do, depending on how many layers it has to go through, so that you can be your infinite self.

This whole process gets activated by saying your sacred "yes", so starting now we are activating the Infinity Healing.

How to Use

All that is required to activate the Infinity Healing (IH) is to say "Yes!"

You can play this during the day, or even at night while you're sleeping

It's best to run this audio on repeat\loop

Because it's a Silent IH you will not be able to hear anything

Commit to it for at least 21 days, then you can use it however you wish


Remember to drink as much water as possible. if you're sensitive to energies, you may feel overwhelmed by this audio; if that should occur, simply decrease how often you play it.


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$100       $15.99

"Since it was my first time, it was very interesting & entertaining. We worked on discovering my life purpose and my passion. During the session I felt a complete mental clarity, maybe some satisfaction and abundance. After the session I felt happy, and at ease with an excitement to see the results. you, Haneen, were sweet as usual, I was relaxed and at ease while talking with you even though I had no idea about the experience" - (working on life purpose; name withheld)