Release the Weight of the World

Matt Andrews


18 Light Language tracks to release burdens & inspire freedom ($342 value!)

$342       $109.99

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Full Description

Contains 18 loopable tracks, 6min each.

A few have 2 versions; either original Light Language, or layered behind an ambient gentle wave soundtrack

The 18 tracks are:
1 Release Responsibility by Embracing Trust (in God, Source, Universe)
2 Release Burden by Embracing Freedom
3 Release the need for Acceptance by Embracing Self Worth
4 Release Fear by Embracing Inherent Safety
5 Release Doubt by Embracing Authentic Confidence
6 Release Stress by Embracing Relaxation
7 Release Struggle by Embracing Grace
8 Release Seriousness by Embracing Expansive Fun
9 Release Judgment by Embracing Self-Acceptance
10 Release Guilt and Shame by Embracing Self-Forgiveness
11 Release Sacrifice by Embracing Joyful Service
12 Release wanting Perfection by Embracing Satisfaction
13 Release Illusions & Delusion by Embracing Awareness and Clarity
14 Release Rigidity by Embracing Spontaneity and Flexibility
15 Release Lack mentality by Embracing Prosperity Consciousness
16 Release Impatience by Embracing Divine Timing
17 Release Expectations by Embracing Magic and Miracles
18 Release Limiting Roles and Titles by Embracing Authenticity

This series of 6min, Channelled Angelic Light Language Sessions was created to give you the flexibility to customise a loop-able program for yourself with the overriding intention of releasing you from carrying the weight of the world.

There are 18 specific burdens that ManTarA has identified as being particularly limiting to you as a Being of Light, and we have recorded a 6min Light Language session for each one. So you can work with any number of these in combination or singularly making play lists and playing on repeat.

You can play this and consciously listen sometimes and/or play it subconsciously into your space either on low volume or no volume, while you work, rest, or sleep.

There is a version where the Light Language tracks have been layered beneath an ambient sound track of gentle waves lapping on the shore washing the burdens away.

Now although we are addressing each of the burdens that are listed, the way ManTarA works with your Higher Self is to enhance the vibrational opposite of what we are intending to release so that the process can flow in an empowered way, and the releases can easily complete.


Matt channels angelic light beings known to him as ManTarA, using Light Language to create an energetic space in the quantum that invites people to:

- expand out of their limitations
- release their discordant energies
- raise their vibrations into Love and Joy, and
- connect with their higher aspects of Self

How to Use

ManTarA is not big on rules so please be willing to use the mp3 in any way you intuitively feel that it will serve you.

You can work with any number of tracks in combination or singularly making play lists and playing on repeat. You can play this and consciously listen sometimes and/or play it subconsciously into your space either on low volume or no volume, while you work, rest, or sleep. There is a version where the Light Language tracks have been layered beneath an ambient sound track of gentle waves lapping on the shore washing the burdens away.

The powerful intentions are present even when the volume is turned down, so there is a benefit to playing the mp3 on no, or low, volume in your space. However the powerful effect that the Light Language facilitates in creating a more expansive mental space requires listening to the physical sounds and listening through headphones so you get the stereo effect is an advantage.

When it comes to choosing how often to listen, or whether to loop the session, please be willing to go with your intuition in alignment with your Heart, rather than thinking about following rules or protocols.

Please do not use the mp3 as if it is bitter medicine that you "need" to take to cure yourself, don't force yourself to listen thinking the more you listen the faster you will see results. Let go of desperation. Follow your Heart and trust that the mp3 is powerful and will facilitate your transformation in an empowered way


ManTarA's Light Language is particularly hypnotic in nature, and is intended to take you out of your normal mind. We therefore do not recommend listening while driving or attempting to perform tasks that require your attention to stay safe. May cause detox symptoms: These Light Language process are very powerful catalyst for transformation and transformation quite often includes the process of release. Be aware that you may experience the release of energies that do not serve you, physically, emotionally, mentally, and that may be like an unpleasant detoxification. Please be willing to go through that process as it will serve you to be free of those energies, but be compassionate with yourself and be willing to proceed at a pace that best serves you and maintains a level of comfort that is appropriate for your circumstances.


ReleaseWeightoftheWorld - Intro.mp3

01 Release Responsibility, Embrace Trust waves.mp3

01 Release Responsibility, Embrace Trust.mp3

02 Release Burden, Embrace Freedom waves.mp3

02 Release Burden, Embrace Freedom.mp3

03 Release Needing Acceptance, Embrace Self Worth waves.mp3

03 Release Needing Acceptance, Embrace Self Worth.mp3

04 Release Fear, Embrace Inherant Safety.mp3

04 Release Fear, Embrace Safety waves.mp3

05 Release Doubt, Embrace Confidence waves.mp3

05 Release Doubt, Embrace Confidence.mp3

06 Release Stress, Embrace Relaxation waves.mp3

06 Release Stress,Embrace Relaxation.mp3

07 Release Struggle, Embrace Grace.mp3

08 Release Seriousness, Embrace Expansive Fun.mp3

09 Release Judgment, Embrace Self-Acceptance.mp3

10 Release Guilt and Shame, Embrace Self-Forgiveness.mp3

11 Release Sacrifice, Embrace Joyful Service.mp3

12 Release Wanting Perfection, Embrace Satisfaction.mp3

13 Release Illusion, Embrace Awarness.mp3

14 Release Rigidity, Embrace Flexability.mp3

15 Release Lack Menatality, Embrace Prosperity Consiousness.mp3

16 Release Impatience, Embrace Divine Timing.mp3

17 Release Expectaions, Embrace Magic and Miricles.mp3

18 Release Limiting Roles, Embrace Authenticity.mp3

$342       $109.99

"I love the waves, I felt called to them strongly and right away. They are like wavy light waves to shift vibrational perspective... in six minutes, any time of day. A beautiful presence to meditate with, or something in the distance gently connecting in and out of awareness.

Even the titles are lil gems with plenty of potential for use as daily or momentary mantra affirmation, as well as with breath meditations, (or any other way of energizing intention).

I was curious around the possibility of comparison listening in listening to both audible and wave overlaid light language recordings; wow. What a wonderful combination to offer together. I noticed I feel aware of more localized physical-energetic shifts listening to it audibly, the waves felt like waves, larger and more rolling energy awareness. As well as relaxing, the soft sounds feel to bring a cleansing rinse sense of releasing.

Consistent with all, I feel more refreshed and open, and some clarity around context of whatever called me there after listening. In some awe with the level of awesome. Thank you." -Julie Rae, Canada

"I have been using the 'Release Stress, Embrace Relaxation' mp3 over the past 3 weeks. It is a powerful 6-minute track from the Release the Weight of the World series. I have used it at the end of the day when my body has felt tired, tense or tight.

Within 10 minutes of listening to the MP3 my body feels very relaxed and the tension and tightness have eased and my body feels completely different.

The MP3 has also had the very powerful effect of bringing to the surface energies needing to be released that have been creating stress for so long. So, not only has it provided some immediate release of the physical tension, it has also created the opportunity to transform from the inside out. Thank you so much Matt and ManTarA for the beautiful Light Language." -P.M, Australia

"I love these!
I first started using them on loop in the background of my life. I immediately noticed subtle shifts in my mood and thoughts. Because the tracks are brief none lasted long enough to get hooked into, but it made me aware of what was releasing. What a wonderful tool for self-awareness.

Delighted to say that just a couple of weeks later I can play them all day and stay in the vibrations of Joy and Fun. The waves have gently washed so much out of my field! Thank you Matt " -CW in the UK

"I love the RTWW waves! I can listen to it anywhere and in any company, because the Light Language is on such a low volume that I can hardly hear it. What I hear, is the relaxing sound of waves and birds. I close my eyes and imagine that I'm on a warm, sunny beach, and when I relax, it's much easier for my body to release all the density. Or I can play it on the background, when I'm with my family and friends, and everyone will benefit from it.

What I love about Matt's products, is that I can feel my vibration change very fast, I get real palpable results and I feel good and energetic after listening.

When I listen to this 'Embracing Joy and Fun with Purpose' package, it helps me do my daily chores with enthusiasm and inner joy - I get done much more than I planned to do.

This package also helps me leave behind old burden and walk with a lightened heart and a joyful mind; it gives me more hopeful and joyful spirit, too. One totally unexpected result was, that for the first time for decades, I was able to eat bread without getting my stomach ill - and I have only just started with this package!

I have earlier used Matt's package and it helped me declutter and renovate my home, but also 3 big moles disappeared within weeks and some more are still getting smaller and smaller.

Also, for the first time in decades, I didn't get any allergic reaction, when my daughter brought a dog to stay in my home through Christmas holidays, and I didn't even need any medication - I would call that a true miracle!"
With Gratitude and Love, Kira