Here, Now, Grounded

Matt Andrews


Enjoy the benefits of being present, grounded & focused in your body ($54 value)


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Full Description

This mp3 will help You:

-Come back into your Body, back onto the Earth, and feel Stable and Supported here.

-EnJoy being Grounded in the Experience of the Present Moment.

-Improve your Health and Happiness in your Body.

-Feel a strong Foundation here from which to Step Forward into Empowered Action.

-Stay Focussed and Act in a Purposeful, Efficient, and Productive manner.

This Light Language session is intended to support you in Grounding into the present moment, and grounding into the being that you be, so that you can stand firmly here on the earth in the 3D world and act in an empowered way with all of the wisdom and divine knowing that you have available to you as a magnificent Being of Light.

It is very easy for people like you to feel disconnected from the physical world as they progress on the path of ascension or spiritual evolution. The world just seems so dense, unappealing and even painful, as you have more and more experiences of an esoteric, expansive, or spiritual nature.

However, if you choose not to stay grounded here all the spiritual experiences that you have and the wisdom that you gain and remember, cannot be put to good use. The truth is you chose to incarnate here on this plane to have experiences in, and through, your body, and so to truly feel purposeful and successful in this life it will serve you to stay grounded and present in your body.


Matt channels angelic light beings known to him as ManTarA, using Light Language to create an energetic space in the quantum that invites people to:

- expand out of their limitations
- release their discordant energies
- raise their vibrations into Love and Joy, and
- connect with their higher aspects of Self

How to Use

ManTarA is not big on rules so please be willing to use the mp3 in any way you feel that it will serve you.

Can be played with the volume muted or turned down - but recommended you listen actively with headphones.

Follow your guidance regarding how often to listen.

This mp3 is intended as first aid to help you ground if you are feeling disconnected, or floaty, or having trouble focusing, as such it is best listened to in a conscious manner, in an as relaxed space as is possible.

Lie down close your eyes and allow the Light Language to take you out of the current stressful experience you are having and ground your energy back into your own Heart so that you can stand firm on the earth and act with Confidence.

Please do not use the mp3 as if it is bitter medicine that you "need" to take to cure yourself, don't force yourself to listen thinking the more you listen the faster you will see results. Let go of desperation. Follow your Heart and trust that the mp3 is powerful and will facilitate your transformation in an empowered way.

Listen to a Sample!


ManTarA's Light Language is particularly hypnotic in nature, and is intended to take you out of your normal mind. We therefore do not recommend listening while driving or attempting to perform tasks that require your attention to stay safe. May cause detox symptoms: These Light Language process are very powerful catalyst for transformation and transformation quite often includes the process of release. Be aware that you may experience the release of energies that do not serve you, physically, emotionally, mentally, and that may be like an unpleasant detoxification. Please be willing to go through that process as it will serve you to be free of those energies, but be compassionate with yourself and be willing to proceed at a pace that best serves you and maintains a level of comfort that is appropriate for your circumstances.


Here, Now, Grounded.mp3



I feel more Present in my Body and in the Present Moment

I love this! I especially love that there's a focus on grounding into myself, in addition to grounding into the earth. I tend to live in my head a lot, and sometimes can forget I even have a body! Every time I listen, I feel more present in my body and in the present moment.
Sandy A, USA

I Now Feel Ready to just Get It Done

Matt is always one step ahead of me, he knows exactly what I need before I do. I am at the start of an exciting but slightly overwhelming project. Listening to this track just once quieted my mind and brought me a deep sense of peace, I now feel ready to just get it done. Cannot thank you enough Matt!

Christine W, UK

More Active and Stronger in the Energy of my I AM Presence

Matt, ManTarA is bringing a higher consciousness of the importance of being well grounded and to know that all our efforts done for spiritual growth are not beneficial when we are not well grounded. I thought I WAS well grounded, but after listening a few times, I felt it as a shift and I was more active and stronger in the energy of my I AM Presence. I am so grateful and happy that Matt & ManTarA came into my life! All love and blessings, SiStar Marga (Netherlands)