Relaxing into Authentic Intimacy

Matt Andrews


Relax in intimate situations to maintain authentic expression with joy & ease


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Full Description

This package contains 2 audios:
1 - Full Group Call 1:46:19
2 - Light Language only 35:55

Intimacy and sexuality is an area that many people struggle with, and certainly the concept of being able to Relax and have Fun in intimate situations is beyond what many can manage.

We have been conditioned by society to be very concerned with doing intimacy right, trying to live up to very unrealistic expectations of romance, body image, and performance, that puts so much pressure on both parties that Relaxing into Authentic Joy and Pleasure is next to impossible.

Furthermore, many of you are also dealing with religious or spiritual indoctrinations from the past, this life or before, about the sinful, or at least distraction from God, nature of sexual pleasure.

So, allowing yourself to find the true spiritual purpose of intimate experience is not easy when you are dealing with the guilt created from these limiting beliefs and the contraction and the desperation of the performance pressure and unrealistic expectations.

So, we have set ourselves the quite task in this group call to unravel all of these discordant beliefs and limiting energies with the intentions to facilitate your freedom to truly allow yourself to relax in intimate situations so that you can maintain your authenticity, express yourself, communicate your desires, and experience Joy and Fun, and also embrace the deeper purpose of enjoying that intimate experience.

We will create the conducive conditions for your transformation around this topic with both English dialogue and ManTarAs unique powerful Light Language transmissions, working both with your conscious mind and well beyond it in the quantum field with your Higher Self.

How to Use

So there are two parts to this call that work together synergistically to create the transformation that will best serve you in regards to your ability to relax and enjoy intimate situations and experiences.

The first part of the call, about 70 min is a free flowing channelled dialogue in english, but still with strong energetic intentions, to help you get a better understanding of the energies involved with everything around intimacy.

Everything that is said carries the intention to facilitate your transformation, whether that be providing a different perspective, practical advice, or triggering limiting beliefs. This part of the call requires active listening, and successive listenings may well reveal new insights on this subject.

The second part of the call is in Light Language, beyond the conscious mind, creating an expansive space that is conducive to your energetic transformation as directed by your Higher Self to achieve the outcomes that best serve you in relation to this topic.

We have supplied this part of the call as a separate mp3, recorded in a higher quality so that you can listen to this session as often as you feel guided to. And you can receive benefit listening less actively, even sleeping, or playing on silent.

ManTarA is not big on rules so please be willing to use the mp3 in any way you feel that it will serve you.

The powerful intentions are present even when the volume is turned down, so there is a benefit to playing the mp3 on no, or low, volume in your space. However the powerful effect that the Light Language facilitates in creating a more expansive mental space requires listening to the physical sounds and listening through headphones so you get the stereo effect is an advantage.

When it comes to choosing how often to listen, or whether to loop the session, please be willing to go with your intuition in alignment with your Heart, rather than thinking about following rules or protocols.

Please do not use the mp3 as if it is bitter medicine that you "need" to take to cure yourself, don't force yourself to listen thinking the more you listen the faster you will see results. Let go of desperation. Follow your Heart and trust that the mp3 is powerful and will facilitate your transformation in an empowered way.


ManTarA's Light Language is particularly hypnotic in nature, and is intended to take you out of your normal mind. We therefore do not recommend listening while driving or attempting to perform tasks that require your attention to stay safe. May cause detox symptoms: These Light Language process are very powerful catalyst for transformation and transformation quite often includes the process of release. Be aware that you may experience the release of energies that do not serve you, physically, emotionally, mentally, and that may be like an unpleasant detoxification. Please be willing to go through that process as it will serve you to be free of those energies, but be compassionate with yourself and be willing to proceed at a pace that best serves you and maintains a level of comfort that is appropriate for your circumstances.


Authentic Intimacy full call.mp3

Authentic Intimacy LL edit.mp3


"Thank you Matt Andrews, that was an amazing call, well received with great information that resonated so well and I am looking forward to your upcoming call." -Anna, Canada

"The energy was so strong it almost knocked me out. Took a while to come back from that one." -Christine, Florida

"That was a great call (as usual)!! Lots of gratitude Matt and ManTarA!! " -Suanne W.