Infinite Support Sessions

Matt Andrews


12 Loopable tracks of high-vibrational Pure Light Language support ($324 value!)

$324       $109.99

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Full Description

This package contains 12 audios of 9 minutes each (see below)

These sessions were created with the intention that they can be left on repeat playing in your space without the distraction to you of being aware of a beginning or an end. They are pure Light Language with just a few words in English interspersed to trigger the conscious mind.

Each session resonates with its own unique ensemble of vibrations centred on the theme that it is entitled. They can be played on repeat individually, or added together in a playlist and repeated to diversify the range of vibrations and intentions delivered to the space and the beings present in the space.

Note that while it is intended that these sessions work very gently with everyone who is exposed to them, prolonged exposure to any high vibration will always result in density and discordance being exposed and bought to the surface for release.

So if you are becoming uncomfortable with what you are playing you might need a change or a rest. As always allow yourself to be open intuitively to the higher guidance rather than pushing through with what your mind believes you need.

There are 12 sessions of 9 minutes each:

1-Safe and Supported:
The foundational vibrations to allow relaxation and Joy

2-Worthy and Good Enough:
The foundational vibrations to allow self-acceptance and Love

3-Loved and Nurtured:
Allow yourself to be lavished and pampered in this energetic bliss bath

4-Clear and Purify:
Gently facilitating the release of discordance or darkness from any field

5-Integrate and Assimilate:
Support for after you have taken a big step and your energies are in flux.

6-Relax and Regenerate:
Encouraging your mind to unwind, and your body to release the stress response

7-Uplift and Energised:
To give you a natural lift, a bounce in your step, and a smile on your face

8-Focus and Centred:
Cutting through the distractions and the mental stories to bring clarity to the present moment.

9-Calm and Grounded:
Smoothing over the intensity and overwhelm and connecting in to the nurturing care of mother Earth

10-Forgive and Be Free:
Letting go of past experiences and becoming Free to Be.

11-Grateful and Be Blessed:
Choosing to be Grateful and allowing the Blessing to flow.

12-Confident and Empowered:
Standing in your authentic Divine Power and Being Confident to act


Matt channels angelic light beings known to him as ManTarA, using Light Language to create an energetic space in the quantum that invites people to:

- expand out of their limitations
- release their discordant energies
- raise their vibrations into Love and Joy, and
- connect with their higher aspects of Self

How to Use

These tracks can be used as ambient sound while you continue with your day, they can be played at low volume or even no volume while you sleep, work, exercise or relax.

They can be used during meditative, spiritual or healing work to lift the vibration of the space and support the intentions of those doing and receiving the facilitation.

These tracks can also be used to uplift or modify the vibration of the spaces they are played in regardless of who is present to listen.

ManTarA is not big on rules so please be willing to use the mp3 in any way you feel that it will serve you.

The powerful intentions are present even when the volume is turned down, so there is a benefit to playing the mp3 on no, or low, volume in your space. However the powerful effect that the Light Language facilitates in creating a more expansive mental space requires listening to the physical sounds and listening through headphones so you get the stereo effect is an advantage.

When it comes to choosing how often to listen, or whether to loop the session, please be willing to go with your intuition in alignment with your Heart, rather than thinking about following rules or protocols.

Please do not use the mp3 as if it is bitter medicine that you "need" to take to cure yourself, don't force yourself to listen thinking the more you listen the faster you will see results. Let go of desperation. Follow your Heart and trust that the mp3 is powerful and will facilitate your transformation in an empowered way.


ManTarA's Light Language is particularly hypnotic in nature, and is intended to take you out of your normal mind. We therefore do not recommend listening while driving or attempting to perform tasks that require your attention to stay safe. May cause detox symptoms: These Light Language process are very powerful catalyst for transformation and transformation quite often includes the process of release. Be aware that you may experience the release of energies that do not serve you, physically, emotionally, mentally, and that may be like an unpleasant detoxification. Please be willing to go through that process as it will serve you to be free of those energies, but be compassionate with yourself and be willing to proceed at a pace that best serves you and maintains a level of comfort that is appropriate for your circumstances.


ISS 1 Safe and Supported.mp3

ISS 2 Worthy and Good Enough.mp3

ISS 3 Love and Nurture.mp3

ISS 4 Clear and Purify.mp3

ISS 5 Integrate and Assimilate.mp3

ISS 6 Relax and Regerate.mp3

ISS 7 Uplift and Energise.mp3

ISS 8 Focus and Centred.mp3

ISS 9 Calm and Grounded.mp3

ISS 10 Forgive and BE Free.mp3

ISS 11 Grateful and Be Blessed.mp3

ISS 12 Confident and Empowered.mp3

$324       $109.99