I Love Money

Matt Andrews

Abundance & Life Purpose

Release limiting energies around money so that you can be free to receive it


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Full Description

This package contains 2 audios:
1- English Information: 6:33min
2- Light Language: 22:02min

Now my friends, seriously, we know that most people want money, but how many people actually Love money? Do you? Can you say, I Love Money, and feel expansive with that statement?

Through this Light Language session you just keep breathing, let the energy do the work as ManTarA weaves their magic, working with the specific intentions of releasing anything that is:

-keeping you out of the vibration of "in Love with money"
-limiting your ability to feel worthy of choosing it
-making it "wrong" for you to have it, or
-keeping you contracted around needing to have it.

Basically Your Higher Self and ManTarA will sort it all out so you can comfortably experience an abundance of financial support, and the freedom that comes very naturally with that.


Matt channels angelic light beings known to him as ManTarA, using Light Language to create an energetic space in the quantum that invites people to:

- expand out of their limitations
- release their discordant energies
- raise their vibrations into Love and Joy, and
- connect with their higher aspects of Self

How to Use

ManTarA is not big on rules so please be willing to use the mp3 in any way you feel that it will serve you.

However, we would encourage you to listen to the English introduction at least once before launching into the Light Language session. The English Intro Mp3 does still cary powerful transformational energies and it will help to prepare you for the deeper experience in the Light Language space.

The powerful intentions are present even when the volume is turned down, so there is a benefit to playing the mp3 on no, or low, volume in your space. However the powerful effect that the Light Language facilitates in creating a more expansive mental space requires listening to the physical sounds and listening through headphones so you get the stereo effect is an advantage.

When it comes to choosing how often to listen, or whether to loop the session, please be willing to go with your intuition in alignment with your Heart, rather than thinking about following rules or protocols.

Please do not use the mp3 as if it is bitter medicine that you "need" to take to cure yourself, don't force yourself to listen thinking the more you listen the faster you will see results. Let go of desperation. Follow your Heart and trust that the mp3 is powerful and will facilitate your transformation in an empowered way.


ManTarA's Light Language is particularly hypnotic in nature, and is intended to take you out of your normal mind. We therefore do not recommend listening while driving or attempting to perform tasks that require your attention to stay safe. May cause detox symptoms: These Light Language process are very powerful catalyst for transformation and transformation quite often includes the process of release. Be aware that you may experience the release of energies that do not serve you, physically, emotionally, mentally, and that may be like an unpleasant detoxification. Please be willing to go through that process as it will serve you to be free of those energies, but be compassionate with yourself and be willing to proceed at a pace that best serves you and maintains a level of comfort that is appropriate for your circumstances.


I Love Money Intro.mp3

I Love Money.mp3


"I Am Already Seeing Results"

"Oh Matt this mp3 has changed my life, my whole focus with money has changed, I have let go of the need to get money to prove myself, something that has been with me for a long time. I am starting to allow myself to actually feel successful as I am right now, it is so empowering.

My eyes have opened to so many other possibilities for my business; instead of beating my head against a wall trying so hard to make the traditional approach work I am starting to allow myself the freedom to work in a way that is far more in alignment with who I am. And I am already seeing results, two new exciting clients have just appeared in the last week, it was so easy, there was no need for a sales pitch from me, I didn't have to sell my soul. Thank you so much Matt and ManTarA, so grateful beyond words."
-Tara, Wellington

"I knew my session with Matt/ManTarA was going to be profound twenty four hours before it even began.
I had just purchased a series of their mp3's and was listening to one about 'Money' when I noticed that the constant pain in my left shoulder (which has been a chronic problem for the past 15 years) had suddenly diminished considerably. I hadn't been focusing on the pain at the time or even thinking about it, but its lessening was powerfully noticeable.

During my one on one session with Matt/ManTarA the next day, I found them to be empathic, congenial and wise, with profound wisdom to share. The Light Language was incredibly relaxing and soothing and I came away from the session with clear insights and a strong sense of peace. My shoulder has continued to improve and I am finding I now have more clarity in decision making, as well as greater self awareness in identifying my needs and implementing self care.

Matt himself is a delightful and generous soul and it is a true pleasure to work with him and ManTarA. I am excited to continue this journey."
-Zina, Author, Canada.