Youthful Body & Vitality

Rob Duvall

Beauty & Youthing

Light language to restore vitality and manifest a more youthful body


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Full Description

This is a Light Language transmission to restore vitality and manifest a more youthful body.

It will guide you through your Higher Self to:

- Open energy flow
- Refresh and optimize the function of body systems
- Reconnect the body with its ideal state.

You may set an intention for a specific body area or aspect (e.g. skin, hair, bones, organs, circulation, motivation/energy levels) or keep the intention open. Either way, the Light Language will always work with you for your highest good at the time of listening and on what is most ready for healing.

How to Use

Headphones or ear buds are best (but not required).

Active or semi-active listening is recommended, while in a calm and relaxed state. This will help you feel more deeply into the frequencies of the Light language and be more open to receive messages from Spirit. Use as often as you feel guided.

Listening more than once per setting can be helpful, depending on your listening preferences.

OK to use at bedtime, but not recommended to play on loop during sleep.


The goal of Light Language Healing is to facilitate the natural healing process that is inherent to all of us as vibrational beings and to amplify it through intention.

Step 1: Set your intention

Although it may seem obvious, a good first question to ask is, what do you wish to heal or change in your life experience? This can be a physical ailment, emotional pain, difficulty at work or with your family, or anything that is perceived as negative in your life experience. On the flip side, you may have something perceived as completely positive that you simply wish to broaden or expand. Either aspect works great as your intention for receiving a Light Language transmission.

State your intention clearly to yourself or out loud. You may wish to write it down for clarity.

Step 2: Release the intention

Just as important to setting your intention is your releasing it. Acknowledge it in the present moment and then move on. No need to sit hands clenched, so to speak, when receiving the transmission.

Step 3: Relax and get in touch with your heart energy

You'll always receive the transmission in a way that is for your highest good and under the complete guidance of your Higher Self, but I find relaxation beforehand to be beneficial. You can use most any method.

You might choose to be seated in a comfortable place or lie down, and/or you might choose to ground your energy by feeling your feet touching the floor or feel your lower body as it supported by the chair/surface beneath you.

Feel free to call on your angels, guides, beings of Light, the Love of God/Source

Final Step: Receive the transmission

Very little is required here this is the easy step! Sit back and relax as the Light Language works with you on the subtle energy level.

You may notice sensations in the body: tingling, warmth/coolness, muscle twitching, etc. You may notice a feeling, memory, unexpected thought, or other things on the mental and emotional levels. Equally, you may notice ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, and if so that is completely OK.

No matter what you do or do not notice, your physical and energy bodies receive the Light Language and are already reconfiguring based on your intention. It will unfold in your life experience according to Divine timing.

Listen to a Sample!


Do not use the recording while driving or operating machinery. Use in a calm, quiet environment where other attentions do not interfere. May cause detox symptoms. Additional water and rest are recommended after listening.



