
Chameice Daniel

Chakras & Energy Field

741 Hz clears negativity and shields from toxicity, emf's, anger, deceit & more

$33       $11.99

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Full Description

Arx is Latin for castle, stronghold, or fortress. During this intense collective purge we need a clear, sacred space to escape the density energetically arising around us.

This MP3 was created for this exact purpose...

741 Hz Solfeggio frequencies in this MP3 deflects toxicity, anger, jealousy, deceit, anything that brings negativity into our lives.

It acts as a protective fortress against all things negative; releasing those inside us and deflecting those outside us.

It also protects you from emf's

This MP3 is also energetically infused with the frequency of Labradorite. Labradorite is a stone of transformation. This is a stone that will help you become the person that you are destined to be.

It will cleanse your aura and work with your chakras to remove the bad habits, thoughts, and feelings that are preventing you from reaching your full potential. You will possess a psychic knowing that will make you more confident about taking action, expressing what you feel, and following your inspiration! It can also strengthen your willpower and spiritual focus.

Contains soft music set to 741 Hz

How to Use

Q. How do you suggest these MP3s be played?

Results will occur by playing the MP3 either aloud or silent; due to being energetically infused you will see profound results regardless.

Please only play the MP3 once per day as they will trigger a deep repatterining within. Playing once per day prevents becoming too emotional during the release process that may be triggered upon listening.

Q. Is there a timeline when I will see the benefit of this for my body?

Remember that the majority people have had issues for many years, so it will take some time for your body to release and rebalance.

Every individual will experience a different healing timeline. Some people begin to see results and feel better almost instantly and some people take much longer. Everyone's bodies have a different response time.

A few of the biggest factors that increase response time are staying in your power by utilizing your communication with your divine team by asking for assistance to speed recovery and talking to your body to encourage rejuvenation. There are many factors that contribute to imbalance in the body, so taking full responsibility to encourage and support its health is vital.

Do NOT play more then one MP3 per day or this will only slow your progress because it will be too much for you to integrate at once, so the process will not work as intended!

Q. Can I listen to the MP3s while I sleep?

I recommend listening to the MP3s for the first time while not asleep or distracted. Your active conscious awareness and intention is key.

You do not have to do anything besides intend that they do as described and open to their energy.

I recommend staying as relaxed as possible and not trying to "do" anything. Just be a sponge and absorb the energy.


Please do not listen while driving or operating heavy machinery. Use once per day to avoid excessive emotional/mental/physical detox symptoms. To acclimate to the frequencies contained within this MP3 for accelerated results- stay hydrated, get fresh air and sunlight, intend to connect deeply into Mother Gaia, and allow all of your light bodies to transmute all that is necessary to create the transformation you desire! This is a process.




$33       $11.99

"I had a session with Chameice and let me tell you it was the most amazing session Ive experienced thus far and I've been to plenty of healers.

Every question I asked she was so informative. I learned so much from her guidance and have crystal clear clarity of what steps I need to take next. I could feel as she worked on me clearing all the places I was unable to see myself as being so close to the situation she pointed out to me what I needed to hear from her to clear to move forward in my life.

She is very powerful and Im definitely going to book another session with her because I felt she was the most attentive to my concerns and needs. She got straight to the point and such loving energies exuded from her. I felt so comfortable talking to her like a very close friend. I would recommend all my friends to book a session with Chameice if you need instant healing, clarity, sound advice, and real transformation towards your life path.

I cant believe all the important information I received from her so much came through for our session Ive never experienced such a wealth of knowledge and pieces of the puzzle that I needed to see come together at quantum speeds.

Im super excited to see what else comes from our session because now I see things in such a new light its changed my perception of many things that I have been in the dark about that needed to come out in order for me to heal and really grow from this truly amazing session.

I am so blessed to have met Chameice such a wonderful and beautiful soul sister."
~ Iona Flores

"Chameice is simply a divine portal for clarity of the gifts we are ALL here to honor.

She helped me stretch my energetic field to go from an international practice to a global practice as I had an underlying fear hiding out in my field. She helped me clear the fear INSTANTLY.

She is epically divine as she also helped to amplify my energy of honoring my purpose in this lifetime and really got me present to the Starseed Galactic knowledge and light that I channel for my clients.

Chamiece helped me get present to the vibration of the work I'm here to do with regard to "Helping people reconnect to their Soul's Remembering" and got me present to the feeling of it ALL so I can really weave that essence into all of my work as a Spiritual Advisor, Galactic Channel and Healer.

I listen to the recording from the call over and over again as I know it helps to amplify the energetic work at a deeper level and anchor it in at a cellular level. She has a brilliant and concise ability to watch you run energy in your field. Her work is on point. If you're looking for clarity and healing you MUST work with Chamiece in this lifetime!"
~ Rob Grover - Spiritual Guardianship Collective

"I was going through a crisis with my partner, and Chameice sensed my distress and messaged me, even though she was almost 2000 miles away. We scheduled a time to talk, and Chameice identified the areas where my energy was leaking and my patterns of hiding, and worked to heal these areas. She also confirmed that my partner and I are twin flames, and the difficulties of a twin flame relationship. Throughout the call, I felt totally safe, loved and supported. I was able to approach my partner from a defenseless place of total love and acceptance, and let her know that I was taking any misplaced energy and using it to recommit to our relationship, and allowing her total freedom. Chameice also did a session for my partner Robin. Our relationship was teetering on the verge of a breakup, and is now even more solid and anchored in love, listening, honoring and commitment than ever before.
Thank you Chameice, for your love, compassion, and wisdom, and for helping to save the most important relationship in my life."
~ Gary Pincus