New Moon Healing Activation

Jennifer Escalera

Sleep & Stress Release

Activates your root chakra for balance, safety, grounding; anchors your energy

$7       $2.99

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Full Description

Enjoy this 1 hour new moon healing activation with the Atlantis Gong by Jennifer Escalera.

Relax into your deepest journey for healing the mind, body, spirit.

Benefits to listening may include: deep relaxation, deep sleep, astral traveling, calmness, activating healing on a cellular, subconscious levels, and raising your vibration and frequency for better health, self-healing, and confidence.

How to Use

Listen to this healing music during your moon rituals, meditation practice, sleep, chanting, when you're feeling stressed or irritable (i.e. stuck in traffic, after an argument, difficulty concentrating, after a stressful meeting) or whenever you need a tune-up.

Connect to your breath and breath in the sonic rhythms through your nose, and breathe out through the mouth any tension in your body and mind.

Let your mind escape into the sonic rhythms of the sound waves. Find yourself in a trance of higher consciousness and compassion.

Listen with or without headset.

Listen to a Sample!


May trigger a detox, physical or emotional; it is advised you drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest afterwards.


New Moon Healing Activation mp3.mp3


$7       $2.99

"Thank you for this amazing healing sound" -Vampnoir

"I listen to this every night before I go to sleep and my stress and anxiety drift away." - Ben

"After listening to Jennifer's New Moon Healing Activation meditation, I was finally able to be still and not think about all my problems. I was for once at peace." - Rachel