The Gratitude Prayer

Laura Hosford

Abundance & Life Purpose

Surrender into this moment with gratitude reclaiming your divine soul truth

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Full Description

The Gratitude Prayer is one of 7 quantum prayers from the eBook "7 Sacred Prayers of Light For The New Earth Angel". In this guided prayer meditation you will experience a refreshing connection to your deep inner truth as a Divine Spiritual Being of Light.

This guided prayer meditation contains embedded healing frequencies to expand your Light through opening your heart and quieting your mind to connect deeply with your Higher Self remembering your divine soul inheritance of abundance and inner Joy!

These prayers help you in your mission by expanding your consciousness, tuning into your light body, expanding, relaxing, and deepening the connection with your 5th dimensional timeline.

How to Use

Find a quiet comfortable place to begin your prayer practice.

Close your eyes and connect into your body through deep breathing. Breathing in through your nose deeply and then exhaling out through your mouth slowly.

Place your hands on your heart to connect with your divine Heart and Soul. This also draws the energy down from your head into your heart center.

You may continue to hold your hands on your heart or in a prayer position or resting palms up on your lap as you begin to connect with the energy of the prayer.

Feel into each word of the prayer and notice where the Light is entering into your body.

When you have finished listening to the prayer close your eyes and invite in your Highest Guides, ArchAngels, Angels, Ascended Masters, your Galactic Star family, and other High Level Beings of Love, Light & Service to join you in creating a sacred circle of Light and Gratitude. Imagine you are in the center of this sacred circle of Light surrounded by your Light team.

You begin to feel them beaming waves of pure gold and pink light into your body and aura. You relax completely and feel millions of divine blessings and miracles coming into your life now. Your body, being and heart are overflowing with Eternal Joy, Bliss and Gratitude!


Please do not use while driving or operating heavy equipment.


07 The Gratitude Prayer.mp3


$22       FREE

"Listening to your prayers have really helped to ground my spirit amidst all of the chaos in daily life and have really helped to cleanse and refocus my energy, so thank you for that! Prayer in numbers is always more powerful and effective." -Grace L.

"I loved the Gratitude Prayer - it brought such Joy to me and tears to my eyes!" -Teresa S.