Fruit of Life

Tamra Oviatt

Chakras & Energy Field

Balance and cleanse your chakras ($20 value!)

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Full Description

The Fruit of Life balances and cleanses all of your chakras, bringing you into alignment with your spiritual purpose and grace.

Contains talking with periods of silence, during which Tamra shifts your energy

Tamra's modality is "Sacred Activations"

Sacred Activations work to clear your limiting beliefs from present day, past lives, your genetics and the collective consciousness - even beliefs you may not know you have! After the activation is completed, the energy still works on you, uprooting deeper beliefs that are blocking you.

Activations run approximately 10-15 minutes each; Tamra is mostly silent, except for prompts on where to guide the energy.

Sacred Activations:

- Transmit God's energy, activating your light body, sacred Geometry and DNA

- Release hundreds of beliefs from past, present and future lives, as well as genetics, and the subconsciousness of humanity

- Balance and clear chakras, build Sacred Geometry and repair DNA

- Clear your blocks to money, health, relationship challenges, spirituality, & intuition/psychic abilities

Sacred Activations allows for the clearing out of belief systems of the subconsciousness of humanity so that as a planet we can live in abundance, love, and health, and all with beautiful relationships. Tamra Oviatt works with the Masters to help clear the personal and collective subconscious.

Tamra was given the knowledge of the Sacred Activations by the Creator of all that is and works with many of the unseen Ascended Masters, Angels, Lords, and Light Beings to help raise our vibrations to joy and love.

Thousands of people who use Sacred Activations every day report major changes in their life quickly! When one person disconnects from the collective consciousness, it disconnects tens of thousands more. Sacred Activations works in the subconsciousness of humanity to clear negative belief systems, and in doing so, clears you of blocks that prevent you from realizing your true potential for wealth, love, and success and happiness.

How to Use

Fruit of Life can be done as much as you want, but be aware it will bring up deep emotions and can become overwhelming; in that case, give yourself a break.

Okay to play on a loop during the day or night (just not while driving or when your full attention is required)

Okay to listen while drifting off to sleep


You may become emotional as your belief systems will surface Do NOT use while driving or operating machinery This audio can make you sleepy or full of energy depending on the individual




$20       FREE

"As a result of these downloads I've noticed a fundamental change in my outlook on life. At first, I described the feeling as stodgy as a lot of resentments, old hurts, limiting thoughts/beliefs and stagnant energy came to the surface. As of releasing as much of that as I can so far, I've found that the feeling a strength and calm becomes clearer and clearer. Ive been seeing some of the overall patterns in my life (and links to other existences).
My connection with higher guidance has also improved. There were things that had caused me fear and hurt that are now seeming obsolete to me, I can already see them passing and they seem quite trivial. My stress levels have lowered and my back pain is gone Im also much more tolerant of other people. I feel like I've moved, like a train, out of the bush and onto the tracks where the path is more defined."
- Lisa

"I have done the sacred geometry downloads with Tamra, I did the first set & second what I can say is how amazing it has been, so many beliefs, feelings, past life problem that are affecting me have come up and continue to come up. I have continued to work with Tamra on releasing these and I couldn't be happier. I am going through the motions of everything coming up but getting through it. I am feeling calmer, healthier, happier and so many more great things!
I highly recommend these downloads and continuing to work on releasing the beliefs that come up! Tamra is god given she is so amazing and has helped me so much and continues to. It never fails that speaking to her creates an ever securing calmness a sense of well being and as she works with you that you will feel things being released and energy and love flooding you! These downloads are amazing and so is Tamra! Thank you for all you do, you are an angel"
- Rachelle