Winners & Champions

David Adelson


Season-long losing ended playing this over the speakers in a soccer stadium

$79       FREE

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Full Description

This empowering program brings the energies to win!

Completely silent audio

The more people who play it at the game, the more powerfully the outcome is influenced. Since the other team may have it too, make sure your team has more people playing this. Use in locker room, during practices, etc. If you can, play it over the stadium speakers for maximum results; you can get a high-quality mp3 at

Also great for studying, if possible during exams, during classes, even sleeping. Play this 'round the clock for best results.

How to Use

Play this often -- 'round the clock is best for maximum results. Just set it on "loop" or "repeat". Better speakers = better results, computers better than smartphones, but smartphones are very powerful too.

Completely silent, but play it LOUD.


There are no cautions for this audio.




$79       FREE