Filling With Pure Peace & Stillness

Michelle Carter

Sleep & Stress Release

High-frequency Pure energies to calm & still your mind ($22 value!)

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Full Description

Enjoy this voice transmission of Divine healing frequencies

This audio will calm and still your mind, reducing mind chatter and creating feelings of peace and stillness in your mind.

It has beautiful high frequency Pure energies flowing through it to raise your vibration, with a gentle echo fading in and out of the left and right headphones, enhancing the feelings of peace and stillness.

Calming your mind is so needed for modern, busy life where everyone is rushing around and taking time to stop and feel their emotions and connect to their soul and guidance.

The more time you spend creating stillness in your mind, the easier it becomes to feel your emotions, heart and soul energy and start to live through feelings rather than through mind energy.

Divine Flow is when our minds, hearts and souls are in harmony, so enjoy the wonderful feelings of peace and stillness and start the journey of feeling this inner harmony!

How to Use

Listen a maximum of once a day for the first few weeks.

You can increase after this if you are wishing to listen more.

Works best when listened through head phones with intention, any time of the day.

Do not loop!


Do not listen whilst driving or when your full attention is required. May cause feelings of light-headed or sleepy.




$22       FREE

Healing Transmissions
Michelle Carter's healing transmissions are like no others. The energies are quite amazing and very powerful! You can actually feel the energies even when listening to a recorded telesummit. Something I have never encountered before. The healing transmissions are perfect in length neither too long and a joy to listen to.
- Nicky (UK)