On Angel's Wings

Jill Mattson

Beauty & Youthing

Frequencies associated w/ vitamins & collagen; tones skin & muscles of face/neck

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Full Description

"On Angel's Wings" of Deep Wave Beauty includes the frequency equivalents of essential vitamins and nutrients critical to healthy skin. Collagen, muscles and skin tissues of the face and neck are lifted and firmed through gentle toning energies.

This amazing music achieves the ultimate in combining a wonderful listening experience with numerous embedded vibrational frequencies - targeted to nourish, firm and renew your face's appearance.

The eight tracks range from 3 to 12 minutes and offer an interesting variety of content and musical creativity. Enchanting New Age-Classical music provides the soothing structure for the overall adventure; spiritual peace, mental tranquility and Deep Wave body relaxation result.

The vibratory essences of essential vitamins and nutrients along with the frequencies beneficial to collagen, muscles and skin tissues are injected in all the tracks on this CD.

Exciting recent developments in Alternative Health and Wellness use special sound frequencies to produce remarkable results. Jill Mattson's Deep Wave Beauty system is a unique new effort in this field that can help you look and feel, younger and more beautiful.

The beautiful music provides the structure of the overall experience. The listener attains peace and calmness; Emotions and stress quiet; Spiritual peace and mental calm and Deep Wave Body Relaxation are bestowed uplifting Inner and outer beauty.

Won silver award from INATS for Best Cd of 2012

How to Use

Each listen provides a small dosage of transformative energies!

NO HEADPHONES REQUIRED! The energy work is done with the frequencies and music.

How long should you listen?

The music administers uplifting energy to whomever is listening. They include generic frequencies that are good for everyone. (Not all specific frequencies are good for everyone. For example, if you listen to frequencies to lessen your diabetes and I don't have diabetes, these sounds are not good for me!)

Think if you cut your finger a tiny bit versus getting a huge gash. The amount of treatment that you need varies depending on how badly you are hurt. Likewise, we need to listen different amounts of time of the healing tones to meet our individual needs. Sound energy is subtle energy, you only ingest so much with each listening period.

The longer that you listen, the more vibrational energy you ingest. The good news is that the body creates endorphins when it really wants the healing. This tells you how much you should listen. When you enjoy the music, you need to listen more.

The density of what you want to change affects the length of time you need to listen. Similarly a massage therapy rubs quickly to vibrate a relaxed muscle, but she must rub for hours when it the muscle is hard as a rock. Likewise, emotions are subtle and are easily affected by music. Recall that we can watch a movie without the sound track, but it is lifeless without the music orchestrating our feelings. Music quickly affects our feelings. It takes longer to remove all negative feelings as these are stored in our physical bodies (which is denser). It takes longer to saturate skin and soft tissues, and yet it takes the most time to alter your bones.

However, many bone doctors now use sounds of healthy bones to reduce the healing time of a broken bone! If you wish to alter dense matter within, listen longer.

Your ears never go to sleep. Listen in the background and while asleep.

Use caution while driving as this music is very relaxing so listen when appropriate.

When you pay attention to a sound, you ingest at a faster rate. Think to the teacher in grade school and the hot gossip from the girl sitting next to you. You can turn up the volume (and strength) of the gossip sounds with your attention.

The more you listen, the more you heal!

Whenever your body has had enough, you will like the music less, then give it a rest!

Is there a difference between mp3s and CDs?

CDs are stronger as they contain more data - however, the mp3 contains the same frequencies, rhythms, harmonics and special tones as the CD. Listen a few extra times to the mp3 file, to get a greater dosage. (Some of the hard copy CDs have helpful charts in the inside front cover.)

Listen to a Sample!


Use caution while driving as this music is very relaxing. Otherwise, the more you listen, the more you heal! Whenever your body has had enough, you will like the music less, then give it a rest!




$3       $0.99

I listened to 'Deep Wave Beauty' by Jill Mattson and kept in on day and night for weeks. The first difference was smaller pores. They had grown larger after I turned 60 and no matter what potion I used on them, they just got larger. My skin sagged under my chin with deep vertical wrinkles. Those are gone. The effects are not just on my face. My entire body has tightened. I have lost two sizes and I finally have a waist again. I have to wear belts to keep my pants from falling down. My upper arms tightened. I have not added an exercise regimen that would account for this change. I am 64 and I think I look better now than I looked in my late 40s and 50s. Not only has my body started reshaping itself, but my energy level and my stamina has also increased. Raelyn Allen

5.0 out of 5 stars I thought I was imagining it...,
By Maria Plass
I've been listening to Jill's CDs for about a month now. After reading some of the reviews, I did expect an improved appearance in my face, but never in my body too. I had been suffering from a knee injury for around 6 months and was feeling like it was never going to improve. I started experiencing more flexibility and a return to myself after a week. I was able to walk with virtually no pain.

But there are other benefits too! Overall, I feel younger and more youthful. I thought I was imagining this but then read a few other reviews, and saw that I was not the only one! I listen to the CD continuously throughout the night.

I feel Jill's music is and has been turning back the hands of time! Thank you Jill!!

5.0 out of 5 stars Beauty from the inside out, By Lee
Calms my body, relaxes me, and I believe helps to bring my inner beauty out. Cutting through my stress levels I believe is the best way to fight wrinkles, improve my circulation, lower cortisol levels and just generally improve my well-being... which shows up on my skin! My friends have noticed :)

5.0 out of 5 stars Deep Wave Beauty,
By ladysgone47
Jill is an amazing person and this CD is so calming, relaxing for me. I am in a very stressful time in my life and Deep Wave Beauty brings so much relief at this time. Everyone keeps saying I am looking so healthy again! Thanks Jill for introducing me to your world of sounds.

5.0 out of 5 stars Beauty Treatment Through Sound Frequencies,
By JZ, Wyoming
I'm 100 years old, but since listening to Deep Wave Beauty, I look half my age !! (Only kidding)

This is a fabulous CD ! While I listen to this inspired music that truly impacts my essence, I'm also being blessed with receiving a one of a kind "beauty treatment" that I can gift to myself everyday as many times as I like. I don't know of any spa you can enjoy daily like this CD.

I know I look younger because this CD lulls me into a mood of complete relaxation similar to a deep meditation. Jill's intent to create such soothing music does its magic every time! I encourage everyone to listen to the samples and if it resounds with your soul, consider buying it, you won't be disappointed. I recommend investigating Jill's other music CDs as well.

Thank you Jill for your musical talent and your desire to use sound frequencies to heal the listener.

5.0 out of 5 stars This CD delivers!
By joytree
I love this CD. It is beautiful music for general relaxation in addition to the therapeutic benefits. I use it with my reflexology clients so that they can receive both the relaxing feeling and the healing sounds for their own beauty enhancement. I have received healing benefits of skin blemishes as well as noticeable improvement in skin tone and diminished fine lines. Jill is, in my opinion a cutting edge creator of self-care tools that will have positive impact on everyone who takes the time to embrace her teaching and listen to her music. I have 4 of her cd's and I would give each of them 5 stars.

Hi Jill, I wanted to tell you how much I "love" the new Deep Wave Beauty CD!!!! It transports me to places I've never been before and stirs my soul!! Thank you! Blessings, Arlene Johnson

I normally crash at night, ready for sleep at days end. I sleep heavily and don't dream, but those nights I want to unwind, I play Jill's sweet musical creations. It could be those mornings I wake up early with various downloads for the day that the previous night was filled with heavenly notes.
Did you create specific songs for cleansing? Knowing your creations are with oxygen and whatnot, at times I play them through to do their job while I think, typing away. Some songs bring buckets of tears. This morning cloud dances was playing and the rain came with memories... Yours in sweet song, cj :)

Jill, I was feeling light headed and dizzy from the Expo until I listened to your music for just a few seconds, and the dizziness was gone. I could feel beautiful energy just flow through me. It is great. Rhonda B