STOIM Meditation

Karen Kan

Sleep & Stress Release

Learn STOIM - for instantaneous calm, peace, and stillness


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Full Description

In this energetically enhanced audio training, you'll learning a brand new method to get to Stillness. It's called STOIM which stands for stillness through observing internal movement.

Stillness, or zero point, as some people call it, is the state of beingness where you are "home". It is the place pregnant with pure potential and the state from which you can manifest your hearts desire, but you have to be able to be Still.

Benefits of this audio include:

- instantaneous calm and peacefulness

- easy release of negative emotions

- improved connection with Divine guidance

- pain relief

- improved sleep

- happier relationships

- less stress

I've always had trouble being still. I've tried multiple different types of meditation styles and none of them truly resonated with me. Then I read about Eufeeling and Eustillness from Dr. Frank Kinslow and interviewed him on my radio show. Being able to get into a state of Being while I was Doing was incredibly empowering for a busy-doing-person like me.

After practicing this stillness, my life has improved immensely, not the least of which is the ability to manifest faster than every before. Although I found it easy to get into the being state through Frank Kinslow's method, a few of my students "couldn't do it", so I communed with Source to ask for another way "in". The result is STOIM.

In this short audio, I'll be taking you through the STOIM practice, which you can then practice daily, even for a few seconds at a time. It is THAT powerful. Infused in this audio are supportive frequencies to help you get aligned.

How to Use

Listen to this as many times as you need to in order to be able to go into Stillness with your eyes open and when walking around.

Start lying or sitting quietly with your eyes closed to practice. Once you are able to feel the internal movement within and to observe it, you'll feel instantly calm and peaceful. The next challenge is then to be in the same state with your eyes open, and then while walking around.

Once you get the hang of the technique, you no longer need to listen to it regularly.

I recommend doing STOIM daily and if you have a mindfulness bell app on your cell phone, it can remind you to pay attention to the Stillness multiple times during the day.

Results in the form of peacefulness or pain relief tend to show up right away. Other results such as more opportunities, more money, happier relationships etc. can occur over time with consistent practice.

Listen to a Sample!


This meditation requires your utmost attention in order for it to "work" when you first use it. It is best not to be doing anything else the first few times you use it, like driving. You may notice that your body may go into healing mode when you practice this meditation Mild detox symptoms can include needing more sleep.


STOIM Meditation.mp3



"Amazing technique. Using it daily and enjoying it. I think of the technique and get calm immediately" Jason S.