Releasing Hayfever & Allergies

Michelle Carter


Energetic relief for hayfever and allergy symptoms


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Full Description

Are you totally fed up with a running nose, sneezing and itching eyes? Tried all the lotions and potions and still not shifted the symptoms?

Spending most of the summer avoiding being outside? Feel like you're life lacks quality when the hay-fever strikes?

The energy work on this audio includes:

-Divine Light & Love fills all energies causing hay fever & allergies

-Releasing all energies causing and creating hay fever and allergies, including itching eyes, runny nose and sneezing

-Clearing all energies

-Filling with Divine Love & Divine Peace

This audio has been multi-layered with 10 layers of healing tracks to make it incredibly powerful for quicker results!

As a former hayfever and allergy sufferer, I do know from personal experience how annoying and challenging it can be to live through the symptoms of hayfever and allergies.

It can be so challenging trying to avoid all triggers in your daily life, I mean how can you totally avoid all of the following that are triggers for so many people:

-Dust, smoke and fumes

-Perfumes, aftershave and other fragrances

-Hay, pollen and freshly cut grass

-Fans in cars!

-Cigarette smoke in towns and public places

How much better will your life be if you can do all of the above and enjoy living your life smelling the roses!

How to Use

Listen a maximum of once a day for the first few weeks.

You can increase after this if you are wishing to listen more.

Works best when listened through head phones with intention, any time of the day.

Do not loop!


Do not listen whilst driving or when your full attention is required. May cause feelings of light-headed or sleepy. If you feel any releasing / detox symptoms then please listen stop listening until this clears, you can also listen to one of my Clearing audios to speed up clearing this out.


Releasing Hayfever & Allergies.mp3



I finally feel like I am free
"Michelle - You are nothing short of a miracle worker!
I have had 5 other healers in the last year try to tackle the dark energies that were holding my body and my life hostage and they barely scratched the surface. After one live session, one phone session and using your audio releasing packages I finally feel like I am free. After a year in hell I am getting my life back on track.
I am looking forward to clearing out the remaining debris in the next couple of weeks in your new Intensive program. No limitations!
Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Much love and light,"
~ Beth Joy USA

Releasing satanic abuse in past lives
In the past, I was told that I had undergone what was called 'satanic abuse in past lives', I hadn't heard of it before, so came as a surprise. I didn't get any details, & never knew what had happened.
So the first time I had a phone session with Michelle, I enquired about this, and asked if we could begin to clear whatever was there. Interestingly, when Michelle was doing the clearing, it was as though I could feel or sense what I can only describe as a fog of sorts materialize, and then I 'felt' a memory of being tied down, and when I tried to fight back or escape, I could actually feel (very clearly) being stabbed in the left upper leg (there was no pain, but I could feel it very clearly--just without any pain; which makes sense--being a past life memory) It was as if this cellular/soul memory was being cleared out and dissipated.
Historically there have been satanic sects, certain cults and pagan religions that practiced human sacrifice rituals. A past life memory of this was cleared on the phone session with Michelle.
Thanks Michelle for sharing your amazing gifts, for being a Light-worker with great kindness, compassion, purity and integrity, and for being an Angel on earth to assist in ascending back into the Light.
- Jennifer, USA

Michelle's work goes very deep and is very thorough
"I have been in an intense cutting dark energies program and can say first hand that Michelle's work goes very deep and is very thorough. If you have these energies in your energy field, they will be released by Michelle's work.
I am feeling so much lighter these days and highly recommend the dark energies program to all of those who are clearing their fields of negative dark energies, and want to clear them for good. Michelle is compassionate and very aware of how her work can affect people. Because of this a closeness develops between all those participating in the program. It has been a very important part of my spiritual journey. I highly recommend it for those who are willing to experience sometimes uncomfortable feelings and emotions that are being released."
~ Amy USA