Time ~ DNA Dreams

Jill Mattson

Fitness & Weight

Revitalize your body with cell-nourishing frequencies!

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Full Description

Jill Mattson introduces her newest composition: DNA Dreams ~ Sounds of our Genetic Codex

Mattson has identified and extracted the precise frequencies of key components of our DNA blueprint & has structured complex audios containing frequencies of the 4 DNA building blocks:
Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine

Also included is Uracil (for RNA), and frequencies of Phosphorus, Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, harmonic chains & the Fibonacci Spiral Sounds.

POSSIBLE BENEFITS (reported by actual listeners):

-Feel energized & even youthful

-Increased vitality & enhanced productivity

-Clearer thoughts & intentions

-See stress dissolve away & motivation soar

-Improved mood; release of negative emotions

-Benefits to every cell in your body as genetic records are purified & reinvigorated

Listeners have consistently use the words: Centered, Balanced, Clear, Grounded, Energized, Reinvigorated, Peaceful, Healthy, "An energetic massage for your insides"


Music is created in key signatures that radiated healthy DNA sounds.

DNA Dreams consists of 18 tracks, 60 minutes each. Tracks have tiered levels of frequencies from our molecular DNA building blocks, with a traditional musical score.

The symphony of tones harmonizes and resonates on a very subtle level. All frequencies used are in the audible range of the human ear.

The pleasing musical structure is the matrix, which holds these DNA sound energies. The net effect is a rich sonic revelation. Tones of healthy DNA constituents cascade throughout the tracks bathing this listener in positive, consonant streams of sound.

There are Fibonacci sounds spirals that mirror the double helix geometry of DNA. The Fibonacci sequences take the listener upward and resonate along the deepest pathways of our energetic scaffolds. There are sounds from the DNA molecule, strengthening and infusing the very structure of our chromosomes.

2 identical DNA strands wrap around each other in the familiar double helix design. These lengthy molecules are called polynucleotides, and they are made up of simple building blocks called nucleotides. In an oversimplified analogy, it is like a complex lego block structure. Our DNA has 4 basic units: Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), Adenine (A), and Thymine(T).

These are nitrogen-containing nucleobases & they combine according to simple pairing rules: A pairs with T, and C pairs with G.

DNA Dreams has the exact sonic frequencies (in our audible range) for these four DNA bases. The frequencies are intermixed and combined played separately and simultaneously to offer reinforcing energies to our personal DNA structures. And of course, DNA is found in EVERY cell in our body. The DNA double helix unwinds and replicates to form copies of itself as new cells are born.

Mattson's DNA Dreams contains the sound frequencies derived from the vital elemental components of DNA.

The end result of this creative effort is a deep matrix of many essential frequencies.

It is like listening to a 100 piece orchestra where the violins mix with the cellos and horns, brass and woodwinds, and percussion instruments. Their notes combine and harmonize to produce a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

Disclaimer: no claims of medical cures are implied or promised. Although much scientific research helped to build this music it is NOT intended to serve as medical diagnosis or treatment in any way. If you have illnesses see your physician.
This work falls out of the realm of conventional science and modern medicine. No cures or medical advice is intended or implied in any way.

How to Use

Listen as often as you like.

Greater listening dosage creates a greater impact.

Use earphones or not! it works both ways.

Listen to a Sample!


Listen as long as you enjoy it!


4. dna dreams - time.mp3


$5       $0.99

Surrounded by unconditional Love
Dizziness gone
-Susan T

I feel like I died and went to Heaven
-Sarha K


Wow, your music is really incredibly healing! After listening to your music, I felt the divine mother energy surround me in a large dose of unconditional love. Thank you for the blessings of your healing music. Peace, Sarah

Dear Jill, This music brought tears to my eyes at first, and weeks later, still leaves me in a state of contemplative quietude after listening. Now it seems to be part of me having helped me to feel "at home: with peace some of its melodies and phrases well up in my mind at unexpected moments now, reassuringly, like old friends remind me that peace awaits at the end of a day.
-Judy Stitt

Jill, I was feeling light headed and dizzy until I listened to your Cosmic Realms for just a few seconds, and the dizziness was gone. I could feel beautiful energy just flow through me. It is great.
-Rhonda B

Dear Jill, This music is a winner on all realms!
-Diane M

Wow, your music is truly incredible. When I close my eyes and listen to it I feel like I have died and gone to heaven. I can feel it transforming me even though I don't know what's happening. You are incredible!!! Thanks so much
-Michael Lareegan

This song made me feel like I was rising out of body. I felt like I was doing a Sema ritual and actually rose closer to heaven. I felt pressure on the top of my head as if I was trying to burst out of myself.
-Rebecca Kahns

I love your music. It always makes me feel really good and puts me in a positive mood within minutes. And it really came in handy yesterday. lol. never thought of using it this way before. Behind my house there's an alley, which lately people do drugs and stuff. I turned up your music and after a few minutes - they all left. lol.. I guess they couldn't attune to the high frequency. Brought back the harmony to my area. So thank you again.
-Linda Dyar Papa

Dear Jill, Ive noticed that after listening to your music that my feet which are usually on angle inwards like this \ / are now much flatter to the floor (:
Also, my crystal has been swinging in a 24 point star (: <3 Leiyra

Dear Jill, I have taken aura photos of my crystal before and after they listen to your music, and they light up like a Christmas Tree after listening!
Thanks, Frannie K

Jill, my intake of your beautiful musicWhen I was 8 years old I nearly drown and had a life after death experience. Long story short, your music is as close to the sounds I experienced in that near death experience than anything I've ever heard. Hope my story makes you feel more like a little angel than anything burdensome or heavy.
-Judy F

Hello there, my name is Debbie, I have a little autistic daughter, Tina Marie. Tina is low functioning, doesn't talk or want to communicate. She spends her time cutting paper. That is all she wants to do.

One day we found Jill and her frequencies .we listened to them for a while. When playing we were looking forward to the peaceful feeling we received... unaware that they would affect Tina in any way...

To our surprise, my sweet little daughter put down her paper that she loves so very much to cut. She ran to one radio, to the other, smiling, humming, and singing. Her mood changed from downtrodden and sullen to bright and responsive. She would lay her ear right on the radio. When that one quit she would run to the next room where another was playing and put her ear directly on that radio. She loves them and gets very upset, when they stop. She actually responds to them like we have never seen her do to anything before.
In the morning when she rises the first thing we have to do is get all the radio going with all the frequencies, I have never seen her show so much joy.

We have them on all day now different CDs in every room changing them occasionally. Her mood has changed drastically she seems much more at peace. She seems to be opening up to us, providing more interaction. She absolutely loves the music and tends to try to hum what she is hearing.

What a blessing to have happen on Jill's frequencies she has been a wonderful blessing to our familyTina open up and respond to us as never before. We are just beginning to know, that sweet little beautiful girl that was always so in herself. And we are finding a beautiful loving, little spirit inside her. Thank-you, Jill. ~~Debbie