
Kimberly McGeorge

Abundance & Life Purpose

Deprogram limiting beliefs so you can manifest ANYTHING now!

$29       $7.99

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Full Description

Bring Divine flow into your life so that everything begins to come easier. This track will help deprogram limiting wealth beliefs and all the reasons you do not "deserve" to manifest everything and anything.

We have put natural gem frequencies that raise your vibration and the vibration of where you play this. This is also good for healing the physical body because of the high frequency.

We have unique equipment for multi-wave technology that makes our frequency tracks very powerful.

Combined with the work you do and the frequencies we bring....watch and wait for anything to happen!

Original composition by Nathan Foli

How to Use

Whenever you would like to focus on the flow of manifestation in your life, play this.

We suggest once in the morning and once before you go to bed.

This may be looped or played into drinks or water and consumed throughout the day.

Listen to a Sample!


There are no cautions. Be prepared. Abundance may begin to appear in unexpected ways!


Wish NF KM - 8:13:18, 11.50 AM.mp3


$29       $7.99

"This is a team who should have began working together long ago. Healing original music combined with Dr. K's knowledge of frequency will blow you away!"
Nat Flynn, Portland

"I can't get enough money and manifestation MP3's from Dr. K. "
Christine W
Lancaster, OH

"Dr. K's frequencies ROCK. I have NEVER experienced the type of changes that happen when listening to these tracks. These are brilliant. "
-John D. Lewisville, NC

"I have experienced a consistent increased money flow, so much so, that I have given Kimberly BACK money like a tithe." -Paula, Phillipines

"Kimberly's abilities are so high level and her frequency tracks are the same way. Instantly I can feel the frequencies flow through me and peace, love, no anxiety and much more happen right away." -Darlene O. Outerbanks, NC

"Kimberly McGeorge has the ability to change your vibration instantly and raise it, I experienced her work first hand and it's life ALTERING! You're in for a treat......EXPECT TO FEEL THE POWER." -Gabbi Taube

"Just listening to two of your MP3s daily has completely changed every area of my life including my relationship with my boyfriend, my money flow and my ability to manifest. AMAZING." -Gina Jackson, WY

"[Kimberly] incorporates the highest vibrations into all aspects of her work. She is truly a gift of light." -Brianna Miracle, Denver, CO - Psychic Medium

"I have never experienced energy work that has cut to my core so quickly and allowed me to release so much resistance to moving into my abundance and power than the work of Kimberly McGeorge." -Laura Dillard