Opening Up to Your Divine Factor

Christine Day


Expand your thyroid's crystalline energy to align with your divinity


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Full Description

This is a guided meditation with voice toning and light language.
The changing energies of the Shift are transforming our thyroid gland and changing its role in our bodies.

In addition to becoming more crystalline in structure, it is activating our divine factor. Our divine factor is what connects us to our place within the collective consciousness - the God consciousness.

In this audio we will be journeying through what the Pleiadians call the DAP (the Divine Access Point), which lies in the soft area at the base of the throat just above the sternum.

This will help you to open up, expand, and let go into the crystalline energy within your thyroid so that you may move into alignment with your divine energy.

How to Use

Active listening is recommended to fully utilize the frequencies transmitted, however the audio can be looped on low volume during the day or night during sleep or rest and you will still receive the transmitted frequencies.

Headphones are not required for any of the audios

Opening into a state of receivership is recommended

Each time your listen to this audio, you will birth into another level of your divine factor.


Do not drive while listening.



