Love Unconditional

Kimberly McGeorge

Emotional Issues

Activate self love so you can let in the sweetness of all life has to offer

$29       $7.99

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Full Description

Activate self love and healing immediately...Release stuck energies as you flow into perfect love.

Feel secure and confident to release trauma and move forward in life...

This audio process contains beautiful healing crystal sound bowls in the background.

It is layered with frequencies designed to release layers of trauma and activate self love.

How to Use

Listen when you need to activate self love and healing.

Recommended you not play while driving.

Nice to set on a loop when you go to sleep.

Listen to a Sample!


Use where and when you can relax, not while driving.


The Love Unconditional - 10_30_19, 2.48 PM.mp3


$29       $7.99

I have NEVER felt energy like I feel when I listen to Dr. Kim. She is the "real deal". She has proven her abilities time and time again through her frequency work. Simply amazing. Autumn Layman, Ohio

This one brought me to tears and was so stunningly beautiful I could barely stand it. Stacy L. Wyoming