Experience a Dimensional Portal!

The Stargate Experience


Connect with angels, ascended masters and beings from other star systems

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Full Description

This is a 2-audio package:
-Kryon Stargate Presentation (44:30)
-Stargate Meditation (43:47)

In the Kryon Stargate Presentation mp3, Prageet & Julieanne introduce themselves and discuss the Stargate, a geometric structure that emits a powerful conscious energy that can move participants into a deep meditative space within moments. The audio ends with a channeling from Alcazar.

In the Stargate Meditation mp3, Alcazar leads you to into deep meditative states via the Stargate to experience 12th dimensional frequencies where you will connect with angels, ascended masters and beings from other star systems.

About the Stargate:
The Stargate is an inter-dimensional doorway - a geometric structure that emits a powerful conscious energy, an energy that can move participants into a deep meditative space within moments.

The beauty of the Stargate work is: there is nothing to do, it is simply relaxing into the gentle energy fields. And so we are going to invite you to have a taste, to participate in one of our meditations in this short introduction that we will be sharing with you. And so we invite you to join us. Experience vibrational healing. It is a new, more rapid way to evolve - it is effortless!

You will leave this experience more relaxed, uplifted, and amazed. You have just felt the presence of benevolent beings Angels, Ascended Masters, and some of the benevolent civilizations from around our Universe. Your DNA is now vibrating at a higher level, and you can feel it.

How to Use

The power of the Stargate energies comes from working at the level of the Quantum Field. This makes it possible for you to feel both the subtle and powerful energies that come through to you in these Stargate meditations.

It is necessary, however, to be actually meditating as you listen in order to actually experience these energies.

Be comfortable with your eyes closed. You can be seated or lying down.

It is important to keep your eyes closed throughout the meditation so you do not break the flow of energy.

This meditation can be used as often as you feel to! Each time the experience will be different because the guides are responding to you in the moment.


By now you will realize that the energies of these meditations are really strong, and can easily transport you into a whole new Quantum reality. Therefore, do NOT listen to these whilst you are driving, or any other task that requires your full attention.


Kryon Stargate Presentation.mp3

Stargate - Meditation.mp3

$55       FREE

"The Stargate work is such a powerful push towards enlightenment that I can say: I have never encountered a spiritual work I would consider as equally deep before." -Lars, Germany

"My life has changed in all ways, everything seems to have been lifted, my perception of all things has shifted. My senses are clearer and my vastness is a fact, not a hope or a future goal." -Simone, The Netherlands

"I think the Stargate has shifted something as I am now at a higher vibration, I definitely am finding everyday things flowing VERY much more easily." -Jonathan, England