Filling with Pure Love

Michelle Carter


Powerful filling with Pure Love - You need love energy to attract love!

$12       $6.99

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Full Description

Love, Love, Love - we all need love!

This audio is very simple, powerful and clear in intention. It repeats the words "Filling with Pure Love" throughout the audio, with multi-layering and echoing through your left and right headphones.

It is multi-layered and echo through the left and right headphones enhances the audio and increases it's power.

I'm sure you've heard the saying 'Love makes the world go round!'and whilst we do need more than love to live, having love is a huge part of living a happy and fulfilled life.

Not feeling loved causing so many emotional issues that can be stored in our energy and well, disrupt and mess up our lives! So more love can only be good! The more love energies we have stored in us the easier our life is going to flow!

Here are some of the amazing benefits of being filled with love:

-You feel loved and so find it easy to give, receive and flow love to others

-You are emotionally balanced and feel happy

-You are strong through feeling loved, safe and secure

-You vibration is high so you attract more love to you!

-When we don't feel loved then there is so much negativity that is stored inside of us that is attracting more negativity and low energies to us.

People who don't feel loved are more likely to suffer from:

-Depression, desperation and feeling suicidal

-Feeling not good enough, not worthy or deserving

-Low self esteem and self-confidence

-Lower immune system and health issues

-Emotionally fragile and easily upset

-Being a target for abuse and nasty behaviour

-Being attacked energetically and psychically

-Feeling isolated and cut off

-Prone to addictions, self abuse and destructive behaviour

The list could go on and on, but I'm sure you're getting the picture as to how important it is to have love in your energy. We attract what is stored in us, so the more love energy or 'love magnets' be have in us the more we are attracting love and good to us!

Filling with Pure Love has so many benefits that it is crazy not to be doing this!

How to Use

Listen as often as you want or play on loop.

Works on silent, low volume and will be more powerful if listened through headphones.

Works well in a playlist with other Filling Audios and Love / Self Love Audios


Do not listen when driving or needing your full focus. You may feel light-headed or sleepy during and after listening.


Filling Pure Love.mp3


$12       $6.99

"I feel a joy and peace in my heart I have been longing for."

"I have been on Michelle's program for the past two months and it has been truly transformational. I have been able to finally go past some blocks I have been working on for years and some blocks I was not even aware off. I feel a joy and peace in my heart I have been longing for, for a very long time. I can only recommend her work highly. She is so loving, compassionate and committed ...she is the real deal."
- Ute, Australia