Growing Young

The Stargate Experience

Beauty & Youthing

Energies to revitalize your telomeres, mitochondria & stem cells! ($147 value!)

$147       $36.99

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Full Description

This is a 4-week webinar comprised of 18 audios where you'll receive powerful energy transmissions for revitalizing your body!

Each week focuses on a different aspect of rejuvenation:
Week 1: Telomeres
Week 2: Mitochondria
Week 3: Stem Cells
Week 4: Releasing Fears

More than 3,000 people around the world have already benefitted from the Stargate Youthing Program. Read below a few of the many testimonials we have received!

Alcazar, the Stargate guide as channelled through Prageet & Julieanne, said this about the Stargate Youthing Program...

"Beloved Ones We Greet Thee, 'tis Alcazar,
The Stargate work is very much about energetic transformation. We wish to show you how to apply this to the process that we call 'Youthing'.

We work with you on a cellular level We will be working on the levels of energizing, strengthening your telomeres, your mitochondria, and working in a unique way with your stem cells.

Right now we wish to share the understanding that each of these little things are conscious - they are conscious beings and if you relate to them in that way they can respond to you.

What do you mean, and what are you trying to achieve with 'Youthing'? Is it not simply having the body function as it was designed to function? And we have said in the past that your bodies are designed to function for hundreds of years, but this is not happening right now on your Earth - with few exceptions.

So, the focus of this phase of the Stargate youthing program is to work energetically with the consciousness of these little beings. Because when you honor them, when you recognize them, you can start to communicate with them. And in this communication balance can be achieved, health can be achieved, invigorating the body can be achieved. That is youthfulness.

So, we are not going to invite you to do all kinds of exercises and diet programs. We are going to invite you to adjust your concept of what your body is, and we are going to invite you to relax, receive the energies that we will share with you, and then marvel at what is occurring within your body as it starts to function in a totally new way.

This is Youthing from our perspective. Would you like to try this?"

How to Use

-For the first week, listen to the 3rd meditation ("Energizing the Telomeres") at least once a day, for 7 days.

-During the second week, listen to the 3rd meditation ("Energizing the Mitochondria") at least once a day, for 7 days.

-During the third week, listen to the 3rd meditation ("Energizing the Stem Cells") at least once a day, for 7 days.

-During the fourth week, listen to the 2nd and 3rd meditations ("Releasing Attachment to Fears" and "Dissolving Fear") at least once a day, for 7 days.

(The other meditations per week are recommended, but optional)

When listening to the audios, be comfortable with your eyes closed.

After all 4 weeks of meditations have been completed, you may listen at your own pace, but always in the same sequence as the energies build upon themselves: Telomeres, Mitochondria, Stem Cells, then both Fear Releasing meditations.

*** If you've downloaded this package, join the private "Growing Young" Facebook group! Email Prageet & Julieanne at ***

About the Stargate:
The power of the Stargate energies comes from working at the level of the Quantum Field. This makes it possible for you to feel both the subtle and powerful energies that come through to you in these Stargate meditations.

It is necessary, however, to be actually meditating as you listen in order to actually experience these energies. Be comfortable with your eyes closed.

You can be seated or lying down. It is important to keep your eyes closed throughout the meditation so you do not break the flow of energy.


By now you will realize that the energies of these meditations are really strong, and can easily transport you into a whole new Quantum reality. Therefore, do NOT listen to these whilst you are driving, or any other task that requires your full attention.



w1-1_Building The Energy Field.mp3

w1-2_Energizing The SuperConsciousness.mp3

w1-3_Energizing Telomeres.mp3


w2-1_Building The Energy Field.mp3

w2-2_Connecting With the Innate.mp3

w2-3_Energizing Mitochondria.mp3


w3-1_Building the Energy Field.mp3

w3-2_Connecting to Your Superconsciousness.mp3

w3-3_Energizing Stem Cells.mp3


w4-1_Building the Energy Field.mp3

w4-2_Releasing Attachments to Fear.mp3

w4-3_Dissolving Fear.mp3

w4-4_Amplifying the Change.mp3

w4-5_Alcazars Message on Youthing.mp3

$147       $36.99

"So excited to be listening to the meditations and connecting to the Stargate. My body is coming back to life again and my cells are doing the happy dance." -Marita, Australia

"I am 65 years old, and for the past 37 years have been living under tropical and Mediterranean sun without the use of sunscreen (allergic to its constituents). Result? Dry, firm, leathery skin that no creams managed to soften. Then just over 2 weeks ago I started doing the telomeres meditation daily. Already, less than 3 weeks later the leatheriness is gone! My skin feels ..... well, 'cozy' is the word that comes to mind! That makes telomere meditation the best anti-wrinkle cream ever!!!!!!!" -Gretta

"Each day the vibrations get stronger, I feel tingling in my whole body-even the toes and fingers. It is really vibrating and keeps me aware throughout the meditation, which was for me the hardest thing. Thank You!" -Sandra S.

"The next morning after the first meditation I did feel clearly younger, by at least 20 years, and I have to acknowledge I am 30 years old. So it is quite a great movement indeed. It is like feeling the strength and lightness of the time I was under 10 with the abilities of my 30's. I can say it is Hugely feeling young!" -Jonathan, France

"I meditate with the Stargate many hours a day, my life has changed, I have no pain anywhere, but only a great energy!" -Dionisio, Italy

"I have had a tendinitis on my left shoulder for months, couldn't move it up in the front nor to the side. After the 1st week, I started to able to move it up in the front with no pain. Today I can move it well up to the side too! No pain!" -Sandra, Mozambique

"I just have to post the fact that I hurt my back real bad last Thursday and had been dealing with foot and knee pain for many months. I guess I have been reluctant to post the fact my foot, knee, and back feel great because I'm in awe of how quick the pain has vanished!" -David, CA

"As I've been inviting my friends to join us for the Youthing Webinar, I close by telling them it's less expensive than a jar of wrinkle cream!